Case Studies
In our case studies we share the stories of how we have acted as a growth partner supporting in the change towards a Product-Led Organization with Customer Focus and Business Agility. In a framework agnostic way, evolving way step by step, many times making both bigger and smaller changes, transforming what is holding the organization back from focusing on th ecustomer and product. Many times we adapt parts of the operational model, organization and ways of working, building up new capabilities to enable modern customer focused organizations that can manage high VUCA. We hope it can be of inspiration to you.
Lärdomar från att ha utvecklat dynamiska och flexibla strukturer för framgång på ATG
GamingRead the full case study from ATG -
Using Collective Intelligence and OKRs to create an improvement journey that matters at Tre
TelecomRead the full case study from TRE -
Transforming into a Product-led Organization with empowered teams at Avanza
FintechRead the full case study from Avanza -
Great Examples of Agile Product Development Using Short Feedback Loops on a Legacy System to Save Lives
MedTechRead the full case study