Why Dandy People

Change has always been happening, it’s just much faster now in the digital era. Either you lead the transformation, or it will take the lead over you. Dandy People help companies transform and become organisations with an Agile Mindset, a Learning Organization that can move fast, self organize around what is most valuable, create innovative human centered solutions with short time to market. An organization that mobilize the brain power and create awesome people.

We do this by helping you to adapting Agile and Lean principles, values and practices across the total value chain of your business and organisation. We coach and train people in your organisation, building up the mindset and knowledge needed to do incrementally and iterative improvement and the organisation and infrastructure to support it.

We operate globally and have our office on Humlegårdsgatan 19 in Stockholm, Sweden. At our office we offer a creative space where our customers are welcome to join in trainings, workshops and network activities. Or have our Agile Coaches bring your team and run internal workhops and trainings with you. Read more about our creative space >

Our customer can be found within all businesses, from media to banking, mining equipment and elderly care. Here you can read more about some of our customers >

Here you find all our famous Free Agile in a Nutshell Infographic Posters that visualizes many of the areas we can help you in >

Our goal is always that your organisation should be able to continue on the wanted path when we leave.

Dandy People attract experienced and skilled Agile coaches who are strongly committed to the success of our customers. We have experience from many type of different clients, old traditional companies and start ups, within areas like media (old and new), banking, telecom, medicine, gaming, gambling, public sector and much more.

Do you have a hard time grasping what Agile Coaches do? Then this is a infographic poster and blog post for you, the Agile Coaching in a Nutshell.  It visualizes what we as Agile Coaches do and what competences we have.

Are you a Dandy too? We are looking for more talented and experienced Agile minded change agents. Read more about a possible future career here >

Dandy People news and in the media:

Computer Sweden interviewed us just after our launch in April 2017 about our mindset and way of working >

Computer Sweden interviewed us about Agile contracting >

See all company news >