Our Delivery Model for Successful Change

This is a visualization of how we at Dandy People work with training and coaching together with our clients to support them in their needed change. Based on this model we can support clients over a long time in several smaller improvements or bigger transformations and apply tools from our Lean and Agile toolbox dependent on the specific challenge.

Dandy Coaching Team
Dandy People act as an accelerator for rapid Agile and Lean business transformation, increasing output as well as value. As a cross-functional Agile Coaching and Training team we partner up with our clients so solve difficult and complex problems with our toolbox and experience.

delivery model

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    1.  Start: Desire to Change
      “We just need to give you a call and let you know we need to improve, and then you come and help to fix it? -Yes, exactly.” Quote from the CEO of one of our clients.
    2. Assessment
      We start by understanding how things work today within areas, levels and topics that are of interest by doing direct observations on site and surveys.
    3. Problem
      From assessment we identify patterns and problems that hinder progress. Goals indicate value created by achievements.
    4. Sandbox
      A safe environment to try new things and learn. We use experienced based learning for rapid and convincing insights and behavioural change.
    5. Toolbox
      We use our set of Lean and Agile methods and experience based learning for adressing problems, building new capabilities and creating improvement.
    6. Experiment in reality
      Practice new capabilities in reality with support. AC – Agile Coach, E – Employee, M – manager.
    7. Awareness
      Create insights into problems, their causes and possible solutions – building your own toolbox.
    8. New Behaviours
      New capabilities to enable ownership and sustained change.
    9. Visualization
      Collecting and visualizing data for baseline & analysis.
    10. Celebration
      Reward hard and focused work, and set the mood or the next improvement.
    11. Reinforce & Sustain
      Reinforced and sustained through intrinsic motivation.
    12. Mission Completed
      The goal is that we make ourselves redundant when new capabilities are in place and sustained.


Please contact us to talk about how we can help you too