You get what you're organized for

What does a restaurant teach us about how to learn and deliver faster?

Organizations today are under pressure to organize in a way that shortens time to deliver, accelerates innovation, lowers development cost, and increases operational efficiency. Teams as well! Since “You get what you organize* for”, it’s important to take the time upfront to choose which principles you want to guide your efforts.Using a set of proven Agile Organizational Design Principles, you can increase the odds of becoming faster to learn and quicker to deliver!

Join our experienced Agile Coach Kari Kelly in this free webinar where you will learn three critical Agile design principles that can provide a systematic approach for pushing decision-making power into your organization. One of Kari’s specialities is: Making strategy obvious and actionable and designing ways of working for people to get aligned and move forward together. She has an excellent skill for spotting behavioral patterns that are holding teams and organizations back from maximizing their potential. And then, using behavior science to transform theory into concrete practice in a way that scales from the individual to the organizational level.

When and where?

This is an online webinar. We will use Zoom, so please make sure you are properly set up before we start – we don’t want you to miss out on any juicy knowledge.

Date: New date will be published soon

Start time: We will open the meeting room at 11.45 and the presentation will run from 12.00 – 13.00 CET.

Duration: The presentation is approx. 45 min. We will start early for some socialising and there will be an additional 15 min at the end open for questions.

Price: FREE

(A link to the webinar will be sent to the email address you registered short before we start)


This webinar will be in English, but moderated by a swede 🙂 so it’s ok to ask questions in swedish.


Who should join this event?

Executives, Leaders, Managers and people on all levels who wants to learn more about how to organize in a way that increases the odds of becoming learning faster and delivering quicker.