
Join our free agile events where we share and dig deeper into the different areas of the agile world. We believe in sharing, and when we all spread and share our knowledge of new ways of thinking and working it benefits all of us. So come join the Agile community!

Gratis seminarium: Ledarskap i en snabbrörlig värld och komplex tid
Target Group: Ledare & chefer på alla nivåer som är intresserade av hur ett transformativt ledarskap kan stötta organisationer till framgång i dagens affärsvärld.
Teachers: Björn Sandberg
18 mars, Stockholm
FREE EVENT: Practical Steps Towards Product-Led Organizations
Target Group: Anyone interested in learning the practical steps needed for how to set up and move towards a Product-Led organization to deliver customer value faster and more efficiently.
New date coming soon
Digital Product Development Paradigms – How to Become Product-Led Instead of a Feature Factory
Target Group: Everyone in need of delivering business value faster in complexity
Teachers: Mia Kolmodin
11 Mars, Stockholm + Online
Rita som en Dandy med Mia Kolmodin
Target Group: För dig som vill kunna visualisera och skapa bilder kring det ni arbetar med - kanske Dandy-inspirerade, eller med din egna stil
Teachers: Mia Kolmodin
3 april, Stockholm