Battle Ship Game: Explore Short Feedback Loops and Adaptive Planning

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Value is one of the key metrics that we often look at when working Agile and Lean. Value is often called “Outcome”, and is defined by what is valuable to the customer and to our business at any given moment.
Working Agile enables us to get quick feedback and adopt our plan after learnings. This enables us to always maximize value.

The impact on value is enabled by:

  • Short feedback loops
  • Flexibility in planning

To try out different types of strategies for delivery and planning we have decided play the Battleship Game. Find one or more friends to play with, and let’s get started!

The Battleship Game

The game is played in 3 rounds.
Each round has different attack rules illustrating different levels of planning ahead and iterating

Download and Print the Game Sheets
To play the game, you first download and print the game sheets (PDF). Download the Game Sheets using the link below.


How to play:

  1. Create 2 teams. Give them a pen each. Theyʼre about to sink each other’s ships!
  2. Hand each team Fleet sheet 1: Round 1. Let them first deploy their fleet and then follow the battle rules.
  3. Hand each team Fleet sheet 2: Round 2. Let them first deploy their fleet and then follow the battle rules.
  4. Hand each team Fleet sheet 3: Round 3. Let them first deploy their fleet and then follow the battle rules.
  5. Take some time to discuss what youʼve learned!

Deployment rules:

  • No diagonal placement
  • No overlapping ships


Discussion Suggestions:

1. Which round got the best score?
Reality is often closest to what happens in Round 2, some planning is needed. Striving towards Round 3, as iterative as possible, is being agile.
2. Can you relate this to reality?
This is where you can draw parallels to an iterative way of working. The iterative strategy of Team B is more likely to completely sink ships (think completed features/deliverables).
3. Is there any situation where the strategy of Team A is actually the best?
Planning everything ahead doesn’t work unless you know everything ahead of time, and how often do we really know everything?
4. Did Round 1 perform better?
Sooner or later youʼll get lucky guessing. Does that feel like a good way to plan your work?

Enjoy the game and we hope you discover many new learnings!

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