F.A.I.L – 15 pack


The Dandy People Change Agent Agile Stickers carry the visuals from our Dandy People materials. Use them to take a stand. Put them on your laptop and always be ready to do Agile Coaching – or be a Change Agent and do some smart nudging and hand them out in your organization 😀

Number of stickers in this pack: 15
Size per sticker: 70 x 70 mm
Quality: Long Lasting Glossy Quality
Shipping cost: Free
Shipping time: 1-2 weeks


Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions 7 × 7 × 0.5 cm
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Target Group: Ledare & chefer pÄ alla nivÄer som Àr intresserade av hur ett transformativt ledarskap kan stötta organisationer till framgÄng i dagens affÀrsvÀrld.
Teachers: Björn Sandberg
18 mars, Stockholm