Vi har samlat allt du som HR-chef &
ledningsgrupp kan behöva på ett ställe.
– How to become Product-Led instead of a Feature Factory –
Welcome to join us for a seminar on the new poster on the topic
Product-Led Organizations, with Mia Kolmodin.
NEW date: March 11, 8:30 CET, Stockholm + Online
Under 2 spännande dagar tävlar ni mot varandra och
lär att skapa den mest snabbrörliga, dynamiska
organisationen med bästa förmågan att hantera det
okända och ändå leverera det kunderna behöver.
Datum: 20-21 mars, Stockholm
A new arena for the future of product leadership!
In our case studies we share the stories of how we have acted as a growth partner supporting in the change towards a Product-Led Organization with Customer Focus and Business Agility. In a framework agnostic way, evolving way step by step, many times making both bigger and smaller changes, transforming what is holding the organization back from focusing on th ecustomer and product. Many times we adapt parts of the operational model, organization and ways of working, building up new capabilities to enable modern customer focused organizations that can manage high VUCA. We hope it can be of inspiration to you.
We help you get Product-Led and Agile, faster, and with more energy. We are an accelerator for rapid Agile and Lean business transformation starting with the customer and products and organizing to increase outcome. We get your leadership, organization, and product ready for the 21st Century working across the organization from Marketing, Finance, HR, Product, Development, IT and Operations. When you don’t know what the problem or the solution is, we have the experience and we are here to help.
Enterprise Agile Coach, Facilitator, Trainer & Speaker.
PM, PO, Lean UX, Lean Startup, Innovation, Leadership and Organization Design.
Enterprise Agile Coach, Organizational and Leadership Development, Agile HR, Trainer, Speaker
Enterprise Agile Coach, Leadership Coach, Change Leader and Trainer within Leadership, HR and Organization
Enterprise Agile Coach, Leadership Coach, Organisational Researcher, PhD, Integral Professional Coach, Facilitator, Trainer & Speaker
Senior Agile Coach, Product Owner, Agile Product Discovery Coach, Team Coach and Mob Programming Coach
Enterprise Agile Coach, Agile Business Coach, Agile Trainer, Transformation Coach, Professional Coach (ICF PCC)
Enterprise Agile Coach
Agile/Lean Organisaion Specialist, Professional Coach and Trainer
Enterprise Agile Coach, Agile Transformational Coach (ICAgile), Agile Trainer, Agile Author
Enterprise Agile Coach, Organizational Coach, Leadership Coach, Trainer, Facilitator, Professional Coach (ICF ACC)
Vi driver även Moderna Ledare där ni får ni stöd med de lite svårare rekryteringarna & att tillsätta rätt interimsledare. Moderna Ledare agerar tillväxtpartner i komplexa och snabbrörliga affärsmiljöer.
www.modernaledare.seWe are one of the founding partners and drivers of Agilakontrakt.se, aiming to Agilize public procurement in Sweden.