
Here you find all our Dandy Infographic Posters from the Agile in a Nutshell-series as well as other free original Dandy content. Our “In a Nutshell posters” have been downloaded over 500.000 times and translated to 16 languages. We are so grateful for all the help we have received from the global Agile community with all the translations. Feel free to download and use all our materials in your work, just as long as you refer to Dandy People – and please give us a shout, we love to see how you are using it 🙂

🌟 Have you seen our challenge? Here’s your chance to win a private lecture from us! 🌟

We know that many of you appreciate the different materials we create to visualize and add value to your daily work. And we truly love seeing how you bring them to life!

Do you use our posters in workshops, team meetings, or in other creative ways? Share it with us, and you’ll have a chance to win a private lecture on a topic of your choice from any of our posters!

How to participate:
📾 Share a picture or video on LinkedIn showing how you use our posters.
✍ Describe how they help you in your work.
đŸ·ïž Use the #DandyMaterials and #DandyPosters so we can find your post.
🏆 Prize: A private lecture from us – on one of our poster topics! We will select THREE winners who post before March 7.

Good luck – we can’t wait to see your creativity! 🚀

Digital Product Development Paradigms – Product-Led Instead of a Feature Factory

The idea of the organization as a machine is a metaphor that was common 150 years ago, but many people are sadly experiencing it right now too. That is why we are sharing this poster created back in 2016 with our view on what might help many today deliver the right thing fast.

Inre motivation i ett nötskal

Motivation Àr ett begrepp som mÄnga gÄnger Àr missförstÄtt dÄ det Àr lÀtt att blanda ihop inre och yttre motivation. Med den hÀr postern vill vi förklarar det viktigaste du behöver veta om motivation sÄ att fler kan ha bra dialoger med varandra kring vad inre motivation handlar om.

Agila arbetssÀtt för team i ett nötskal / Agile working for teams in a Nutshell

Den hÀr postern handlar om det vanligaste arbetssÀtet för Agila team, nÀmligen ramverket Scrum. Scrum Àr ett minimalt, lÀttviktigt ramverk som ger gott stöd för bÄde nya team och mer erfarna team samt Àven för organisationer med mÄnga team.

The Agile Hybrid Team in a Nutshell

This poster wants to create more awareness of the challenges that Hybrid/Remote teams have and create some reflections in the form of simple tips to try. After all, there is no solution that fits all and the effects are very different from team to team or company to company.

Agile Architecture In a Nutshell

The poster is intended as a cheat sheet of condensed wisdom based on experience from digital product organizations. It can be printed and set up in the corridor and be a support in the dialogue between PM, PO, agile coaches, scrum masters, architects, tech leads and developers.

The Product Development Process – Building the Right Thing

This poster with the overview of the product development process can be used for discussing your current ways of working, and as support for anyone to move from traditional ways of working with product development and product management. It can also act as a great support in planning how to work in the team together, and to create a high-level plan when starting some new product development.

The Product Organizational Design Patterns Poster in a Nutshell

In this poster, we have collected some organizational design patterns from Agile product organizations at scale. The highlighted questions might serve as an entry point to different topics to reflect on to grow an awesome product organization that delivers products customers love.

Agile Leadership Team in a Nutshell

This poster captures the role leadership plays in an Agile Organization, and gives several helpful tools to the Agile Leadership Team such as; Values & Principles and also how to set up to become a learning organization.

Agile Recruiting in a Nutshell

We created this poster to try to capture what can be done to adapt the recruiting process for the people working with recruiting, what it would mean for the candidate, and how and what to look for when hiring for Agility.

Agile Transformational Leadership in a Nutshell

In this leadership poster, we have captured Transformative Leadership, which is based on the most recent research. This is the type of leadership that enables Agility in the organization. By removing hindering structures and growing the capabilities of people we can also grow the business.

Conflict Resolution in a Nutshell

To be able to improve and change, conflicts need to be resolved by the people in the conflict and perhaps support to facilitate the process is needed. Often just a reminder that this is a natural part of improving, so let’s move on and find out what we can do to improve together.

This poster was created to support smooth handling of conflicts everywhere in the organization.

Agile Team in a Nutshell

This poster was created to cater to the need we see in many organizations today to create a shared understanding of what a well-functioning Agile team is and how you can build that team to get the value you expect from an Agile organization.

Stress in a Nutshell

This poster gives you an overview over reactions, causes and how to manage stress.

The System Shift in a Nutshell

This poster is our combined experience in Agile transformation within the team at Dandy People, condensed into one page of goodies. We use it to get a shared view on Agile transformation without getting fixed to specific frameworks. Feel free to download and use it you too.

Enabling Business Agility in a Nutshell

In this poster we cover the combination of the people perspective and the business perspective and how new perspectives and ways of working can enable business agility. Only once these two perspectives are in sync we can truly empower people and build learning organizations that not just handle complexity better – but even uses it as a business advantage.

Agile Coaching in a Nutshell

In the Agile Coaching in a Nutshell Poster the role as an Agile Coach is captured both with competences, coaching stances, how we often work in the organization and more. The purpose with the poster is to create mutual understanding between Agile Coaches and other functions as well as to support us in our own development.

Agile HR in a Nutshell

In the Agile HR in a Nutshell Poster we captured what Agile means for HR and what HR can do to support Agility in the organization.

Agile in a Nutshell

In the Agile in A Nutshell Poster we have captured some of the key concepts of Agile and why to work Agile. The poster is used by many Agile Coaches and trainers across the world.

The Customer Journey Product Organization

The Customer Journey Product Organization in a Nutshell Poster is created to visualize how you can organize around the customer and get a really flexible organization where teams have clear missions and can act with both alignment and autonomy.

Get Seated for Agile

The Get Seated for Agile Poster is a visualization of how the interior can support Agile teams. It is Showing the difference between a interior that allows for flow optimization versus flexible seating.

Agile Leadership in a Nutshell

The Agile Leadership in a Nutshell Poster is visualizing the change in leadership needed to support Agile teams and organizations. It is our most downloaded poster after Agile in a Nutshell.

Agile User Experience – with a Dash of Lean UX

Many Agile teams are struggling to connect user experience and the design process with Agile ways of working and often Scrum. In this Poster we are visualizing the connection, and how you can collaborate in the team to learn more about user needs and solutions to solve real user problems together.

Product Ownership in a Nutshell

In the Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell Poster we have tried to capture the mindset, processes and tools that we find valuable for coaching and training Product Owners, Agile Teams and leaders.

Monotasking in a Nutshell

The Monotasking poster is created to visualize how you as an individual can get focused and work on whats most valuable. It is created together with the creator of the method; Staffan Nöteberg.

Agile Change Management in a Nutshell

This poster visualizes the concept of change in complexity.