The Agile Team in a Nutshell Poster

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This poster was created to cater to the need we see in many organizations today to create a shared understanding of what a well-functioning Agile team is and how you can build that team to get the value you expect from an Agile organization.

English: Download the Agile Team in a Nutshell Poster (PDF) >

Italian: Download the Agile Team in a Nutshell Poster (PDF) >

Swedish: Download the Agile Team in a Nutshell Poster (PDF) >

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What is a team and how do you become high performing?

Is your team even a team?
There are two things needed for a group of people to be able to become a team. Without them, the group can never be a team. The two things are: 

  • A common goal
  • Needing each other

Stable Teams

Keeping teams stable overtime is needed to become and stay well-functioning and high-performing teams where smooth collaboration and innovation take place. Any change in the team setup may cause the team to go back to where they were as newly formed. Teams of 5-7 people who are kept together and get to high-performance are 100% faster.

The ROI of a High Performing Agile Team

When we talk about Agile teams we mean well-functioning and high performing teams that are able to innovate, solve complex problems and delivers at a high pace. To become high performing there are some key patterns that can be used. Teams by itself are a pattern that increases employee engagement.

ROI of the Agile Team

Some Agile Team Patterns

Clear Purpose
Purpose leads to focus, which increases the speed and value delivered by the teams by 100%.

A clear mandate minimizes bureaucracy, which increases the speed & possible innovation of the team by 100%. 

Small & Stable Teams – “Brooks Law” 
Team size really matters. Teams of 5-7 people who are high performing are 100% faster.

T-shape increases the speed of team deliveries by 100%

Employee Engagement
Being in a team gives a sense of belonging and context, which increases employee engagement by 100%.

Everyone belongs to a Team

The well-functioning Agile team is at the core of an agile organization. By creating environments that support both autonomy and alignment the team can deliver value at a high pace – and work together with other teams. This optimizes the business outcome of the entire organization – and it makes people feel awesome!

Everyone belongs to a team

In the most successful organizations, everyone works as Agile teams and shares the same values and mindset, even though they might work in different ways. For strategy work and management processes to become Agile and enable flexibility and high speed, everyone needs to work Agile.

Team seating for well-functioning teams

When working agile we want to optimize for flow in our teams and organizations, meaning that we can deliver value as smoothly as possible and without disruptions in our different activities. How the teams are seated plays a big role in how well-functioning they can get and how efficient their flow can be.

If you have Agile teams in your organization, or if you are planning to evolve into an Agile learning organization, the design principles for Agile teams and ideas for solutions are for you to use to create an environment where Agile teams can thrive.

Free to download, use and share

The posters are published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

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Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
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Here you find all the other Free Agile in a Nutshell-posters in the series that are now translated to 14 languages and downloaded over 70.000 times world wide.

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