Agile Coaching in a Nutshell Poster


The Agile Coach in a Nutshell Poster printed in A1.

The poster is delivered in a paper tube that holds up to 10 posters.

We print all poster on our in house roll printer. There will be a couple of mm of white edge.

SKU: N/A Category:


In the Agile Coaching in a Nutshell Poster the role as an Agile Coach is captured both with competences, coaching stances, how we often work in the organization and more. The purpose with the poster is to create mutual understanding between Agile Coaches and other functions as well as to support us in our own development.

Here you can purchase the poster as a printed A1 paper poster to use in your coaching or training.

Additional information

Weight 0.7 kg
Dimensions 100 × 60 cm

2 weeks. Free.


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