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We are so happy to be able to share the Agile Leadership in a Nutshell Poster with you for free also in German! Thank you so much Thomas Seeliger for your awesome work with the translation 🙂

This is a very special translation made by Thomas Seeliger, the principal of a mid-sized school in Germany and his leadership team 🇩🇪 they are trying to transform their school leadership team to agile leadership.

DOWNLOAD IT FOR FREE: Here you can download it for free in high resolution >

Agile leadership German school
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The Agile Leadership in a Nutshell Training & Toolbox – Online
Target Group: Executives, Managers, Employees, Associates. In "old" and large companies as well as smaller companies and "start-ups". Organizations as well as individuals.
Teachers: Björn Sandberg
Start at any time!