VIDEO: Enabling Business Agility through Finance and HR

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The speed of change today is extremely high as well as complexity, but our organizations and the way we manage it was invented for very different times – 100 years ago. The performance of traditional organizations are decreasing dramatically due to this discrepancy. For organizations to be able to adapt and find new flexible ways of thinking and working to deliver value a human view is key. To enable this HR and Finance must join forces and work in collaboration to change the system dramatically. Only then will organizations survive.

Don’t miss this new unique and important workshop
In the workshop you will learn how to enable business Agility through HR and Finance. This workshop is both inspirational with a lot of new thinking and cases, but you will also get to do hands on practical exercises on how to change the system together.

Join us in Stockholm at Dandy People on February 20 or April 11! Sign up and read more here >

Interview about how to enable Business Agility through HR and Finance (18 min)

This video is a short walkthrough of some of the core concepts behind the work Pia-Mia, Inspiration Director and Agile People Coach at Agile People and Bjarte Bogsnes, Chairman of the Beyond Budgeting Round Table, are doing and also part of the 1 day Workshop “Enabling Business Agility through Finance and HR” that you can read more about here >

You should join
Any Manager, Finance and HR people, as well as Agile Coaches or Change Leaders.


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