Jenny Persson

Jenny Persson

Enterprise Agile Coach, Leadership Coach, Change Leader and Trainer within Leadership, HR and Organization

Enterprise agile coach (+10 years) with experience from large complex organizations within the public sector, as well as smaller private companies. Have a lot of experience on building bridges between different functions and departments to create a well functioning product organization and helping leadership teams to drive and support the change. I advise, train and coach managers in their day to day work to face real problems and challenges to discover new solutions and she has great skills to successfully transform organizations to get value. I am dedicated and passionate about combining business and people to be able to deliver business results. 

Colleagues describe me as innovative and always seeking new ways to achieve the desired improvement. I have a passion for supporting organizations, teams and individuals to develop and thrive.

My skills as a coach and leader

Organization: Enable collaboration, visualization, and shared ownership by initiating and catalyzing change to reach business goals as well as supporting creation of shared metrics that systems can act on.

Leadership: Coaching and teaching leaders about transformative leadership operating in a big system built on psychological safety and trust, focusing on the whole, and creation of a culture for motivated and autonomous teams reaching business goals.

Product ownership: Coaching and guiding product owners to meet the needs from stakeholders and teams and to find a format for the product strategy and roadmap. Facilitating continuous improvements of  the workflow in product development to get fast feedback from real customers and stakeholders to be able to make quick decisions to respond to business opportunities. 

Teams: Coaching and teaching teams in their development to take ownership of the outcome and towards becoming autonomous and high performing, and reach their full potential. 

Individuals: Coaching leaders and co-workers to grow to become their full potential both as individuals and team members.

Support functions: Supporting in agile HR, agile Finance, Communication, Procurement and other support functions to work agile as a function and cross functionally with parts of the organization, as well as continuously improve and adapt their structures to become more effective and support a faster organization made up of Agile teams and value streams.


  • Enterprise Agile Coach
  • Agile Trainer
  • Change Leader (Prosci, ADKAR)
  • Agile Transformation coach
  • Organizational developer
  • Coach for leadership teams
  • Facilitator and workshop leader
  • Speaker
  • Individual coach, transformative coach, group coach (ICF)
  • Motivation coach
  • Leadership coach
  • People development trainer
  • Leadership agility coaching, Leadership agility 360
  • Method Developer

Methods & Competencies I bring

  • Leadership agility 360 for building competences to handle a complex world
  • MyNeeds, your underlying psychological needs. A support for managers to lead in complexity.
  • Scrum 
  • Lean (for strategy and support work)
  • Change management
  • LeSS, Large scale scrum
  • SAFe
  • Agile HR
  • Business Agility


Agile People: (2019–2021)

Trainer in agility in HR, lead with agility, business development, foundation and people development. Co-author in Pia-Maria Thorens book, “Agile people principals – your call to action for the future of work”. A self organized project with 30 co-authors from the whole world.

One Team Gov: (2019–2021)

A network for people who want to change the public sector. We meet over boundaries and believe that if we meet at the opposite end of culvert and silos, we can renew the public sector, develop ourselves and contribute to society. People with the same drive, who see possibilities to improve getting energy, knowledge and connections by connecting. Drove network together with two others in Sundsvall.

Q-leadership network in Sundsvall

A network for women in leadership roles, specially invited from members. I’m one of the drivers in the network.

Some of my blogposts

Agil ekonomi- och verksamhetsstyrning – Affärsagilitet med dynamisk budget, prognos och målstyrning

Din nivå av vuxenutveckling avgör hur väl du hanterar komplexitet – vilket påverkar företagets resultat

Samtal om konflikter och konflikthantering på våra arbetsplatser i Agil HR-Podden.

Så äger du din konflikt!

5 vanliga antimönster som försenar dina leveranser – gratis canvas

Vaccin mot utbrändhet

Personlighetstester – varför funkar det inte för rekrytering?

Hur möjliggöra en lärande organisation – Är det verkligen bara HRs ansvar?

Ledarskapsagilitet för att klara komplexiteten och den turbulenta ekonomin

Jobba MED individers motivation – istället för EMOT – när vi gör en Agil förändringsresa

Biggest Fucked Up Game – ett sätt att bygga psykologisk trygghet


Clients, assignments and engagements

Open trainings for digitalization (2023  – current)

Leader learners cafe with different subjects

  • Dynamic management
  • Beyond budgeting
  • Build Learning organizations
  • Transformative leadership
  • Motivation, MyNeeds
  • Conflict as a postive force
  • Team dynamics for leaders
  • Dandy People mentor and coachprogram
  • Handle your portfolio

Dandy People

  • Growth team
  • Management team
  • Offerts
  • Training
  • Coaching
  • Leadership development

Bayer (june 2024 -)

  • Leadership agility 360

Bonnier News (maj 2024)

  • Change management training

Ving (spring 2024)

  • WS serie with management team and group management (koncernledning)

LKAB (April 2024)

  • Develop managers and leaders through experience based learning

Epiroc (jan, april 2024)

  • Develop managers and leaders through experience based learning

MyNeeds (2023-2024) (2023-2024)

  • Samarbete kring att ta fram utbildning och hålla den tillsammans

Arbetsförmedlingen (våren 2023)

  • Customized Leadership training
  • Customized Productmanager training
  • Motivation, MyNeeds

Tillväxtverket (2023)

  • Customized Leadership training, transformative leadership, conflict handling,

ATG, Trav och galopp: (mars 2022 – okt 2022)

I mainly work with training and develop the leadership team, help out with developing business planning processes and product development, documentation of product development, create structures for improvement, and work with PO forum and Scrum master guild to improve.

Bonnier News: (mars 2022)

I together with Mia Kolmodin and Lena Åckander designed and developed a training called “First to Trust” for Bonnier News. The training was designed for their managers and leaders in their new Agile organization to develop the skills for transformative leadership, group development, psychological safety, conflict resolution and a shared understanding of agile and lean wow, principles and mindset. This was a 2,5 day training that we delivered to 60 leaders and managers in separate 3 sessions. Afterwards, and during the training we received wonderful feedback about the format that was inclusive, interactive, engaging and fun. And afterwards we learned that they had really good use for what they learned in their day-to-day activities as well on strategic levels.

Sveriges vatten och avlopp: (dec 2021)

I designed and delivered a training in transformative leadership, group development and agile approach to a group of 30 people.

Health solutions AB: (dec 2021)

I designed and delivered a training in lean and agile approach, complexity and group development for a team of about 10 people.

Cambio: (sept 2021–feb 2022)

I worked under the CTO to do an organizational analysis and stablished what improvements needed in different structures to enable agility. I also work with their HR department to developed a leadership program based on what learnings we had from the organizational analysis to develop a transformative leadership and the concept training from the back of the room as well as leadership coaching. To support individual managers I introduced catalyst leadership and leadership agility 360 to help handle complexity, and Reiss motivation profiling to support managers in understanding people’s motivation. 

Försäkringskassan: (aug 2012-aug 2021)

I drove the transformation within Försäkringskassan (14 000 people). Trained and supported management teams to lead in a different way to work smarter and more strategically and eliminate counteracting structures and control systems. Helped form triads with manager, POs and ScM to be aligned in creating flow and needed change. Worked with General directors staff to create conditions for change, as well as leadership in several layers and different apartments within business and IT. Also worked with the HR, communication department, legal department responsible for the basis of value, as well as the business side to do needed change in processes, control system, training, structures and so on to hold things together.

Trained in leading SAFe/PO/PM, Safe for teams, as well as my own training and ICAgile training. Worked as a SPC and within a LACE (Lean Agile center of excellence) team during SAFe implementation (that we ended due to finding better ways to do it). 

Coaching and training Product owners and product managers in product discovery and continuous delivery. Creating value streams and broader teams to be able to do end to end deliveries. Supporting teams in creating mission statements, working agreements, role expectations, decision making, feedback, values, drive experiments etc. Supported leaders to help them build psychological safety, create feature teams, self selection to teams, drive cross functional retrospectives in the organization to create flow and get rid of less helpful structures and waste. 

Helped with real data to build decisions from. Introducing OKRs. Focused on inspiration, communication, engaging and envisioning change needed, and the steps the organization was ready to take. Starting to do a new operation model aligned with the change. Mapping old roles and structures to new (not 1-1). 

Started to create business teams that develop, maintain quality assurance, run and maintain applications. Responsible for all maintenance and lifecycle management of their applications and consumed services as well as checking the correct versions of consumed services when implementing micro services and container technology.

Started psychological safety measurement and measurements to drive collaboration.

Worked both remotely and in person in many different locations across Sweden.

DIGG: (2019)

Advisor to the general director.

CSN: (2013, 2018–2019)

Coach and training in product delivery and agile basics.

Agile People: (2019–2021)

Trainer in agility in HR, lead with agility, business development, foundation and people development. Co-author in Pia-Maria Thorens book, “Agile people principals – your call to action for the future of work”. A self organized project with 30 co-authors from the whole world.

Trainings and Educations

2022 Expert Certification MyNeeds, MyNeeds

2022 Certified Full leadership agility coaching program, ChangeWise

2022 Certified Leadership agility 360, ChangeWise 

2021 Certified professional, ICAgile

2021 Certified People development, ICAgile

2021 Certified Business agility foundation, ICAgile

2021 Political science A, Mittuniversitetet, (international politics, introduction to political science and political theory, comparative politics, politics and administrations, method)

2020 Certified/Authorized instructor for Leadership in HR, Leading with agility, People development, and certified professional, ICAgile

2020 Certified Adaptive leadership Acumen Academy and adaptive change advisors through NovoEd

2020 To coach groups, Akademi coachstjärnan, ICF

2020 Transformational coaching (psychological coaching), Akademi coachstjärnan, ICF

2020 Certified Leading with agility, ICAgile

2020 Certified Agility in HR, ICAgile

2020 Certified Fundamentals in agile foundation to leading with agility and HR), ICAgile

2020 Agile people coach – new role for management and HR, Agile people

2020 Certified Reiss motivation master, RMP Nordic, Green Bullet

2020 Certified coach, Akademi coachstjärnan, ICF

2019 Graphic facilitation (build on Maja Larssons book; everybody can draw symbols)

2019 Training from the back of the room, Dandy People, TRB Certified Peter Byström

2017 Certified Implementing SAFe 4.0 with SAFe Program consultant (SPC4), 4 days,

(upgraded to SAFe 5.0), Ivar Jacobsson, Stockholm, Brian Tucker, Ian Spence

2016 Certified Large Scale Scrum, LeSS, Crips, Craig Larman, Stockholm

2016 Creating results based teams – anytime, anywhere with anyone, 2 days, Crips, Stockholm, Christopher Avery

2016 Certified Prosci change management, licensed change manager, 3 days, Dataföreningen, Maria Widström

2016 Leading SAFe 4.0, 2 days, Ivar Jacobsson, Stockholm, Keith de Medonca

2016 Jira in-depth, Internal

2016 Automatic installations, internal

2016 Introduction to organizational agility 4 weeks, Informator, Distance Education, Ola Berg

2015 Agile testing, 2 days, internal

2015 Agile requirement management, 2 days, Informator, Ola Berg, Sundsvall, (was involved in developing the course from 1 to 2 dagys and holding the training with Ola Berg)

2015 Agile coachning och teamdevelopment, Informator

2014 Jira for teammembers, internal

2013 Scrummaster, Informator

2013 Product owner, Informator

2013 Agile foundations, Informator

2012 Lean training, internal

2012 Service management, internal

2012 Process development, Dataföreningen, Sthlm

2012 Active coachning för projektmanager och mangagers, intern, extern trainer

2012 ITIL advance course 3 days, intern, extern trainer 

2012 Basic pedagogical education for internal trainers 2 days, internal

2012 Requirements management in projects and management, Konsultbolag1

2011 Pejl, internal, 1 day 

2010 SLM, incident, problem, change and release processes, internal

2009 SQL foundation, intern

2009 Effective meetings/Workshop mangagemnet internal, extern trainer

2009 Trusting cooperation, intern (communication, conflict resolution, leadership style)

2009 Trusting cooperation 2 + 1 days, internal

2007 Usability training 3 days, internal

2007 Clear language

2007 Clear case, foundation and extension, internal

1995-1998 Systems science program

1998 Pedagogy A


Feedback on my leadership trainings

-Jenny is good at steering and leading the conversations and at giving us space to have discussions.

-Jenny has such positive energy, she contributes to calm and the nice climate in the group.

– I can come after a busy week and still land here and now. Jennys calmness allows you to stop and really get into the course.

– Jenny dares to stay in more difficult questions, there is a will that everyone understands and internalizes the knowledge. Jenny makes sure everyone gets to speak and keeps track of everyone in the group. 

– You stop when necessary and push where necessary, good! Uses concrete examples. Good at keeping us going, Ask follow-up questions and make you think a second time.

– Jenny är bra som tränare, fångar upp våra resonemang bra!

-Jenny går in och styr diskussionerna på ett bra sätt när vi svävar ut.

– Jenny är bra som tränare, håller tråden men ger samtidigt utrymme att sväva ut ibland. Har positiv energi och bidrar till lugn.

– Jenny som tränare fungerar finfint. Bollar tillbaka funderingar på ett fint sätt.

– Jenny utmanar mig i mina tankebanor jättebra!

– Jenny som tränare är bra! Utmanar oss, ställer riktade frågor, låter ingen sitta tyst så man måste ha fokus här och nu. Jättebra!

– Jenny som tränare är jättebra! Kunnig inom området, ställer bra frågor och är bra på att moderera.

– Jenny som tränare är jättebra! Vi skulle aldrig ha haft de här diskussionerna utan dig! Det får ihop oss chefer och enar oss i hur vi ska styra och leda framöver.

– Jenny lever som hon lär. Hon skapar psykologisk trygghet i gruppen, för ett bra tempo på diskussioner, ger utrymme till var och en, har inte för snabbt tempo. Du “fostrar” oss in i mindsetet.

– Jag hade velat ha med dig varje dag om man hade kunnat!