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In the same way as Aesop’s Fables from Ancient Greece talked about serious matters but transferred them into the world of animals, this game lets all participants play in a friendly environment where nobody is in their ordinary job role. Instead the whole team is challenged to draw randomly selected wild animals well enough so the “customer” can guess what animal is is. The challenge can only be overcome through learning about- and improving how the team is organized and how it works. Two to three hours of laughter, serious learning and quite silly-looking animals can be expected.

The game has been used in one of the largest companies in Sweden to give hundreds of employees a “hands-on” feel for the difference between resource optimization and flow optimization. Especially counter-intuitive ideas need to be experienced to really win acceptance and nothing beats having done it yourself. It also clearly illustrates the value of small rapid improvements in a complex situation (like when working with flow) where you can’t analyze your way to the perfect solution. Sometimes groups of more senior participants try to discuss for a long time before playing another 5-min round. This results in fewer rounds being played, less reality feedback being generated, a slower learning cycle and a lower final score. The team that has the global high-score in the game is a group of junior engineers who could decide rapidly what to try next, play more rounds and thus learn quicker what ACTUALLY worked best. A healthy atmosphere of wanting to change many things compared to the original (and really bad) delivery process was certainly to their advantage too. (more…)

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  1. Idag på Valborgsmässoafton är det tradition att bränna upp det gamla och välkomna in det nya!

Det är i den andan jag själv vill se den artikel som Catrin Brodin tillsammans med ett tjugotal av oss som arbetar med förändringsledning har skrivit. Du hittar artikeln här. Vi sätter sökarljuset på vad som fungerar inom förändringsledning och vad som inte gör det – och helst borde ha slängts på valborgsbrasan redan för många år sen! Några konstigheter är det inte: Bristande stöd från ledningen, otydligt syfte och mål samt underskattning av hur stor insats det krävs för att förändra. Dessa fel återkommer lika envist som Valborgsafton självt.

Även i andra länder där det istället heter Walpurgisnacht eller Saint Walburga’s Eve hittar vi dessa problem. Två internationella undersökningar visar att nyckelfaktorerna för framgångsrik förändringsledning inte skiljer sig åt mycket eftersom det är samma utmaningar vi alla behöver hantera. IBM’s egen undersökning här ovan belyser vikten av ledarskap från de som sponsrar en förändring och en vision som delas av de som påverkas av en förändring. PROSCI som släppt sin Executive Summary of Best Practices – 2018 berättar att det nu är tionde undersökningen i rad där aktivt och synligt stöd för förändring från högsta ledningens sida toppar listan av framgångsfaktorer.

Kan en orsakerna bakom att det ändå brister vara att man underskattar komplexiteten i förändring och tror att det från ledningens sida räcker med att visa sitt stöd vid kick-off? Alla ni som använder agil metodik vet att det är ett ständigt utforskande och omprövande vartefter man lär sig nya saker. Kan det vara bra att ha ledningens stöd även längs med denna krokiga väg och inte bara i början? Dela gärna med dig dina tankar här nedan. Kom gärna och diskutera på något av våra gratis frukostseminarium om Agil Förändringsledning.

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The first course occasion of Agile Change Management has been held successfully on 14-15 November 2017 with 10 experienced and curious change leaders participating from companies in transportation, retail and consulting. We are very grateful for the generous exchanges of ideas and experiences by all participants and we are very happy to see that everybody shared many laughs during the numerous practical exercises 🙂

Participants’ comments on LinkedIn can be found here and here. We work extensively with feedback on all our courses and the next occasion will incorporate a dozen or so improvements to make it even better.

Agile Change Management Training

To successfully lead change in a people-friendly way when operating in a complex and rapidly moving environment we need an iterative discovery of what actually works in terms of bringing people and system to work in a new and improved way. We have combined concepts from Lean, Agile, DMAIC and the Standard by ACMP and labeled it Agile Change Management. Experience from teaching these concepts in Japan, the United States, Brazil, UK, Ireland, Sweden and China have been incorporated into the design of this course.

In the picture below we see the Agile Change Process which is made up of an outer circle representing a change that is needed. It contains both a people track and a system track as both dimensions are needed for change to happen quickly and ensure return on investment. The inner circle Plan-Do-Check-Act is the iterative discovery using experiments that gradually takes us past obstacles and towards the goal. The change is concluded when peoples’ new abilities have led to goal fulfillment and the improvement is sustained and celebrated.

The concepts covered in the Agile Change Management training are covered in a free poster.  The Agile Change Management in a Nutshell poster is available for free download here > (more…)

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Many thanks to Arie van Bennekum, co-signator of the Agile Manifesto, for sharing his view on the two constant success factors in agile transformations over the years:

  1. Vertical support (buy-in for the change all the way to the top of the organization)
  2. No dogmatism!

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The updated version 1.1 of the poster “Agile Change Management in a Nutshell” is now available for free download! This poster is the latest addition to the “In a Nutshell” series!

The Agile Change Management in a Nutshell poster is available for free download here >

Free download: Portuguese >
Free download: Spanish >

Buy printed A1 poster >
You are welcome to share this link and print as many posters as you want.

Free Agile Change Management Poster

While many change management methodologies contain proven methods based on substantial experience and research, not enough is done to cater for the highly complex nature of change where you can’t simply “plan-and-execute” and get it right the first time. An iterative approach with rapid feedback and gradual learning is therefore suggested here.

Similarly, lean or agile methods risk being not deep enough if only focusing on basic PDCA. We want to include best practice in defining the problem to be solved together with assessment of the change capability of the people and organization going through the change. To assert that improvement has happened beyond a shadow of a doubt in a high-variation environments, statistical significance between baseline and new performance data should be established.

At Dandy People we have therefore combined the best parts of both approaches into what we label Agile Change Management and condensed it into one poster. At the center is the Agile Change Process which is made up of an outer circle representing a change that is needed. It contains both a people track and a system track as both dimensions are needed for change to happen quickly and ensure return on investment. The inner circle is the iterative discovery of what actually works in terms of bringing people and system to work in a new and improved way. The poster is based on concepts from Lean, Agile, DMAIC and the Standard by ACMP.

Change Management - Mia o Joel

Free to download, use and share


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The updated version 1.1 of the poster “Agile Change Management in a Nutshell” is now available for free download! This poster is the latest addition to the “In a Nutshell” series!

The Agile Change Management in a Nutshell poster is available for free download here >
You are welcome to share this link and print as many posters as you want.

Free Agile Change Management Poster

While many change management methodologies contain proven methods based on substantial experience and research, not enough is done to cater for the highly complex nature of change where you can’t simply “plan-and-execute” and get it right the first time. An iterative approach with rapid feedback and gradual learning is therefore suggested here.

Similarly, lean or agile methods risk being not deep enough if only focusing on basic PDCA. We want to include best practice in defining the problem to be solved together with assessment of the change capability of the people and organization going through the change. To assert that improvement has happened beyond a shadow of a doubt in a high-variation environments, statistical significance between baseline and new performance data should be established.

At Dandy People we have therefore combined the best parts of both approaches into what we label Agile Change Management and condensed it into one poster. At the center is the Agile Change Process which is made up of an outer circle representing a change that is needed. It contains both a people track and a system track as both dimensions are needed for change to happen quickly and ensure return on investment. The inner circle is the iterative discovery of what actually works in terms of bringing people and system to work in a new and improved way. The poster is based on concepts from Lean, Agile, DMAIC and the Standard by ACMP.

Training in Agile Change Management

A two-day training class is offered by Dandy People in using the tools and techniques covered in this poster.
See course details and sign up for the Agile Change Management training in Stockholm here >

Change Management - Mia o Joel

Free to download, use and share


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Den Produkt-Ledda Affärssimuleringen – Nu som öppen kurs
Target Group: Exekutiv ledning, chefer och medarbetare i organisationer som vill bli produkt-ledda och få affärsagilitet.
Teachers: Mia Kolmodin
20-21 Mars, Stockholm