Join The Agile Book Club!

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Earlier this spring we got a fun request: to start an Agile Book Club. Such a privilege to be contacted by a competent and passionate agile frontrunner who wants to use the Dandy People Network!

This spring we started an open Slack work space that we named “Coffee Coaching”, to fill the social gap Corona made. We wanted to create a space where we could meet each other as if we were “by the Coffee machine”, offering a space for a small chat with anyone about anything.

But we wanted to see how this could be used for more. Perhaps for an Agile Book club? And it turned out to be so easy! We simply used this space like in the old times, by putting a piece of paper on the Coffee machine, inviting people to join our new slack channel “Agile Book Club”. And the Agile Book Club was born!

The Book Club is Open for All

We read one chapter every week, and started each session in a big group, to check how many we were and that all microphones and speakers worked. Then we split up into smaller groups, to give everyone time and space for reflections and new thoughts.

The first book we read in the book club together in the book club was “Reinventing Organizations” by Frederic Laloux. Some people could join only once, some participated every week, some were really skilled in agile, some had very little experience. It was a really diverse group.

I had read the book before, I had discussed it before. And still, every occasion I learned something new. Because it doesn’t really matter what level of competence or experience in the specific area someone else has. What does matter is my own capabilities to find new perspectives to my old beliefs. And you will never know who and how you will find those perspectives. 

The Agile Book Club Starts Again

We are now starting up the Book Club again after a break during summer. Monday September 7 15:00-15:40 is our first session. Each week we read one chapter, and you choose what book to read.

For this first meet up we have chosen two parallel books:

Doing Agile Right, Transformation Without Chaos by Darrell K. Rigby, Sarah Elk, Steve Berez

Turn The Ship Around! A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders by L. David Marquet.

In the sharing session every week we start and end together, but you choose what break out room to join based on which book you are reading.

Come and join us!

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