The Agile Weather Report #1 – Svenska

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With The Agile Weather Report we want to give you the latest, most up to date look into our Agile Teams and share their current findings and learnings from the Agile World.

Den här inspelningen är på Svenska. This episod is in Swedish.

In this first episode, the Pilot episode, we talk about Remote Teams and share several great tips and tricks for making Remote Work run smoothly.

Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel where we will bring you more episodes shortly from The World of Agile.

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Target Group: Head of Design, UX Team Lead, UX Lead, DesignOps Manager, DesignOps Specialist eller liknande roll, Konsult inom dessa områden, alla med intresse av DesignOps.
Teachers: Jens Wedin, Monica Enecrona
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