Agile Architecture In a Nutshell


The Agile Arcitecture in a Nutshell Poster printed in A1.

The poster is delivered in a paper tube that holds up to 10 posters.

We print all poster on our in house roll printer. There will be a couple of mm of white edge.



There are plenty of definitions of architecture. There are also plenty of theoretical discussions when architects discuss. At the same time as the architectural work is something very concrete – a work of removing obstacles and creating new opportunities with the help of technology. An attempt to define agile architecture is therefore: “flexible structure that is created just in time to enable value flow”. The poster is intended as a cheat sheet of condensed wisdom based on experience from digital product organizations. It can be printed and set up in the corridor and be a support in the dialogue between PM, PO, agile coaches, scrum masters, architects, tech leads and developers.

Here you can purchase the poster as a printed A1 paper poster to use in your coaching or training.

Additional information

Weight 0.7 kg
Dimensions 100 × 60 cm
Shopping basket
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Teachers: Björn Sandberg, Mia Kolmodin, Jenny Persson
15-16 april, Stockholm