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I detta avsnittet så pratar 4 av våra kollegor om Tillitsbaserat Ledarskap, om vad det är, hur det hänger ihop med Agilt Ledarskap, vad det är i praktiken samt om vår meetup vi ska ha den 25/1 2022 som handlar om just Tillitsbaserat Ledarskap.

Anmäl dig till vår Meetup om tillitsbaserat ledarskap och ledning där vi tillsammans undersöker kopplingen till Agilt >

Om du vill läsa vårt blogginlägg om vår enkätundersökning gällande just Tillitsbaserat Ledarskap hittar du det materialet här >

Glöm inte att prenumerera på vår YouTube-kanal där du kan hitta massa intressanta videos.

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In this episode of The Agile Weather Report we talk with Magnus Sedlacek about how they used the Buddy System at Ada Beat to create a flexible learning organisation.

If you want to read the blog post that gives you a bit more insight you find it here

Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube-channel so you don’t miss any of our other videos. If you want to go straight to the other Agile Weather Report videos, you can find them here.

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It has been a pleasure working with a company like Unilever, eager to learn and curious to try new things. Of course it has been frustrating and hard sometimes as well, when there have been hindrances in the organisation, and some people have been busy working in their old inefficient way. But change takes time, and being an Agile Coach means you are to hold your client’s hand and help the client to find its own way forward on the path of going Agile.

When we had our first contact with Unilever, most people didn’t have a clue what Agile was, maybe some had some friends working with IT talking about Agile, but that was about it. Now, we hear that people are eager to get on the track of Agile, there is a pull of learning and practising Agile everywhere in the organisation! We got curious about what the main drivers of the Agile journey, the members of team Mountaineers: David Scholander, Jacob Jensen and Emma Lindroos, would say. We asked them some questions. 

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In this episode of The Agile Weather Report we talk about the future of Agile Teams in this new Remote and Co-located world.

Den här inspelningen är på Svenska. This episod is in Swedish.

If you want to watch the Pilot Episode you can find it here

Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube-channel so you don’t miss any of our other videos.

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With The Agile Weather Report we want to give you the latest, most up to date look into our Agile Teams and share their current findings and learnings from the Agile World.

Den här inspelningen är på Svenska. This episod is in Swedish.

In this first episode, the Pilot episode, we talk about Remote Teams and share several great tips and tricks for making Remote Work run smoothly.

Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel where we will bring you more episodes shortly from The World of Agile.

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“-With my style of clothing and your company name, we would be a match made in heaven.” That is a paraphrase of my first comment on The Dandy People Instagram, sometime in 2019.

The Dandy Intro Package arrived a few days ago. Some fun and interesting books to start the journey right. And stickers of course.

And that’s how my journey began really, because after that I just started reading up on them on their webpage, finding what I thought, a company that encapsulated everything I had thought about and looked for without even knowing it. I barely knew what Agile was back then but when I found out about the Agile Mindset everything fell into place. I instantly felt at home in the Agile world because I already had the Mindset without even knowing there was a name for it. 

So, I signed up for everything Dandy People; their webinars, going over their awesome “-In a Nutshell” posters, and some of their courses. And read A LOT of books!

Then I had my first zoom-call with Mia Kolmodin and the week after that, Corona hit – and everything closed down. So we had put it on hold.

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Our Trainings
Org Topologies™ Practitioner (OTP accreditation)
Target Group: Executives, managers, consultants, all influencers excited and challenged about designing, assessing and sustaining agile ecosystems at the whole- company level to solve their existing problems by scaling agility beyond the team- level and frameworks.
24-25 april, Stockholm