Why You should attend ACPN 2016 (the world’s first conference on agile procurement)

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Next week on april 28th, we’re having the worlds first Nordic conference on Agile Procurement in Copenhagen!

The line up with speakers is extremely interesting. We have real cases from from Denmark, Finland and Sweden where Agile Procurement and Agile Contracts has been used with successful results. With a lot of the cases in the public sector. Also, there will be talks about the Agile contracts and time to mingle and talk to speakers after the sessions.

Conference on Agile Procurement
Key Learnings from the upcoming conference on Agile Procurement and Agile Contracting on April 28th, 2016.

We are starting to see a shift here in Sweden where the public sector as well as the private are starting to procure with Agile methods, but the Agile contracts are rarely being used. This makes it difficult to get the benefit from the Agile requirements process and the Agile development. What I believe is needed to change this is to give access to real success cases within the same field, and to get the lawyers to understand and wanting to try the Agile contracts. This is what the conference is all about.

I hope to see some curious Swedish government agencies on the conference getting inspired from the many great success cases from Denmark and Finland. It can be done, and it will change the outcome of so many projects.

Join us in this great event and spread the word of successful procurement and development of big complex projects!

Book your ticket here, we still have seats left!

Read the full Conference description here >

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