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In this episode our founder Mia Kolmodin talks to Dmytro Yarmak. Listen to him tell the story of transitioning from an Agile Coach to an officer in the UA army and how he applies the same fundamentals and methods in his new role.

Dmytro describes how guiding principles like providing clarity and information, creating psychological safe environments in the teams, raising the right competencies and the ability to delegate, the ukranian army has learned to innovate and find new ways forward in this difficult and demanding situation.

Dmytro will also host a live seminar on October 5th where he will share more about his story.

Sign up here
Free Webinar – How an Agile Coach Applies Leadership as an Officer in UA Army

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I detta avsnitt av Dandy Conversations pratar jag med Staffan Nöteberg som berätta om sina böcker, vad Monostasking är och hur du kan använda det i ditt dagliga arbete för bättre kontroll över det du vill göra och öka ditt fokus på dagens uppgifter.

Hör honom också berätta kort om den gratis frukostföreläsning han kommer hålla hos oss den 22 september i Stockholm. Är du intresserad av att bli mer produktiv och mer stressfri vardag så ska du definitivt komma på föreläsningen.

Anmäl dig här:

Gratis Frukostföreläsning – Monotasking – Från prokrastinering till produktivitet

Se också våra kommande utbildningar i Monotasking:

Monotasking – Från prokrastinering till produktivitet / 1 dag På plats – Stockholm 25 Oktober

Monotasking – From procrastination to productivity / 2 Halfdays Online in English – 15 & 17 November

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In this episode of Dandy Conversations our founder and CEO Mia Kolmodin met up with the Trainer and Facilitator of LEGO Serious Play Per Kristiansen to talk about serious games (or serious play as they call it at Lego) that we love using as a safe way for exploring complex strategy and play out different scenarios.

Per tells the story how it all got started at LEGO when their CEO needed a better way to work with strategy and they created Lego Serious Play. Per was part of the internal research team that discovered that using lego bricks for simulation and learning was just as useful for adults as it is for children. He tells a fascinating story of how they first failed, but later discovered how to make it work and developed it to the metod that it is today, and how it has now expanded from being an internal method within Lego to a global phenomena that it is today.

If you are interested in learning how to facilitate the Lego Serious Play Method Per travels all around the world to facilitate Lego Serious Play trainings and we are really happy to welcome him to Dandy People and Stockholm soon again.

Check out our upcoming training with Lego Serious Play:

Foundation Training in design and facilitating workshops with the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methodology (New dates to come)

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In this episode of Dandy Conversations our founder and CEO Mia Kolmodin met up with the founder and CEO of Adventures with Agile (AWA) Simon Powers to talk about the values and purposes that drives their companies. It is a close and warm conversation about changing mindsets, making people flourish and become their best and how we can support our customers to meet their goals and visions.

Check out our upcoming trainings with AWA:

Agile Team Coach, Certification (ICP-ACC) – Online (Several dates)

Agile Team Facilitator (ICP-ATF) – Online (Several dates)

Enterprise Agile Coach Bootcamp with Certifications (ICP-ENT & ICP-CAT) 7-11 November, Stockholm

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Related Trainings
Our Trainings
The FREE Agile in a Nutshell Training & Toolbox – Online
Target Group: Executives, Managers, Employees, Associates. In "old" and large companies as well as smaller companies and "start-ups". Organizations as well as individuals.
Start at any time!