Dandy Conversations – Simon Powers, AWA

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In this episode of Dandy Conversations our founder and CEO Mia Kolmodin met up with the founder and CEO of Adventures with Agile (AWA) Simon Powers to talk about the values and purposes that drives their companies. It is a close and warm conversation about changing mindsets, making people flourish and become their best and how we can support our customers to meet their goals and visions.

Check out our upcoming trainings with AWA:

Agile Team Coach, Certification (ICP-ACC) – Online (Several dates)

Agile Team Facilitator (ICP-ATF) – Online (Several dates)

Enterprise Agile Coach Bootcamp with Certifications (ICP-ENT & ICP-CAT) 7-11 November, Stockholm

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Related Trainings
Our Trainings
Agil HR grundkurs – 1 dag På plats
Target Group: För dig som arbetar med HR och personalfrågor, exempelvis HR-chefer, HR business partners, HR-specialister, linjechefer, verksamhetschefer och konsultchefer i både privat och offentlig sektor.  ​
Teachers: Björn Sandberg, Frida Mangen, Jenny Persson
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