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Organizations and teams today are under pressure to organize in a way that shortens time to deliver, accelerates innovation, lowers development cost, and increases operational efficiency. Since “You get what you organized for”, it’s important to take the time to choose which principles you want to guide your efforts. By using a set of proven Agile Organizational Design Principles, you can increase the odds of becoming faster to learn and quicker to deliver.

And the interesting question is: What can we learn from looking at how restaurants are organized and how they function?

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HR can make or break your Agile transformation, because  HR develops the products, services, and policies required for systemic change. And, If HR doesn’t evolve to support your quest for agility, your transformation might be at risk.

In this webinar Kari Kelly guides us through the powerful role that Agile HR teams can play in your Agile transformation and their impact on the future of work.

She also shows us the core elements of the Agile HR in a nutshell poster.
You can download the poster here: Agile HR in a Nutshell Poster

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Organizations and teams today are under pressure to organize in a way that shortens time to deliver, accelerates innovation, lowers development cost, and increases operational efficiency. Since “You get what you organized for”, it’s important to take the time to choose which principles you want to guide your efforts. By using a set of proven Agile Organizational Design Principles, you can increase the odds of becoming faster to learn and quicker to deliver!

In this webinar Kari Kelley guides us through three critical Agile design principles that can help provide a systemic approach for pushing decision-making power into the organization to help increase speed to deliver customer value faster and more accurate.

And the interesting story is: What can we learn from looking at how restaurants are organized and how they function?

PDF of the presentation here:

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Står du inför en digitalisering? Är ni måna om att varje investerad krona inom IT skall ge den effekt ni är ute efter? Drömmer du om att få Agila team som samarbetar över verksamhetsgränser och drar åt samma håll? Då är det här seminariet något för dig!

Webinaret har två olika delar, vi gick först genom arbetssätt och exempel på organisationer som har digitalisera effektdrivet genom att upphandla via Agila kontrakt med Mia Kolmodin och Mattias Skarin. Sedan presentarade Jonas Södeström sina tankar och metoder för att säkerställa att man faktiskt skapar den effekten man är ute efter via sina kunder när man digitaliserar.

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Över 150 personer deltog i detta mycket populära webinar där vi presenterade vår nya poster “Inre motivation i ett nötskal”. Mia Kolmodin, Desirée Rova och Frida Mangen berättade också mer om skillnaden mellan yttre och inre motivation och hur det påverkar oss både i vårt vardagliga liv men också yrkesmässigt. Det var ett superkul event med massor av intressanta diskussioner och frågor.

Nu kan du se inspelningen i efterhand här ifall du missade den.

Passa också på att ladda ner postern om du inte redan gjort det, den är fri att använda och dela 🙂

Ladda ner postern om inre motivation här (gratis) >

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Listen to Dmytro Yarmak as he shares his story about how he became an officer in the Ukrainian Army, leading 150 men, and how he has taking on that role and huge responsibility.

By using Agile principles and ways of working he has managed to move from being reactive as a leader, to proactive. Dmytro has been able to build an amazing culture of autonomy, responsibility and humanity as well as building up skills for people new to war and survival (as almost all were).

It is a really strong story about chaos, bravery, humanity and leadership in extreme VUCA that he shares. A big thank you to our hero Dmytro Yarmak for sharing this with us live from the war ❤️ and even making us smile and laugh (!!) ☺️ What an humbling experience for all of us 🙏

Please consider donating to support the Ukrainian Army in the war against Russia:

https://bank.gov.ua/ua/news/all/natsionalniy-bank-vidkriv-spetsrahunok-dlya-zboru-koshtiv-na-potrebi-armiyi for donations to the army.

https://prytulafoundation.org/en for helping the volonteers organization who support the army with drone and other important materials.

Also, feel free to share this video ❤️🙏

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February 2021 was an amazing month for the evolution of agility. As a celebration of the 20th birthday of the Agile Manifesto, there was a month-long, worldwide, free, virtual festival, started by Scott Seivwright. It was open to anyone to join in as a participant and speaker or to host any kind of virtual event, and it was totally self-managed and co-hosted by ambassadors across the world.

I was honored to be the Swedish ambassador

Together with my team at Dandy People, and particularly Patrik Ekstrand who worked full time on this, we supported people to set up talks and events and promote them to the audience. A really big thank you to all the great speakers and everyone who joined in making new friends, building relations, and shared learnings! We are already looking forward to the 2022 event 🙂

The Agile 20 Reflect Festival Videos

As the festival closed, it had over 700 sessions, with speakers ranging from first-timers to co-authors of the manifest. Here is the official Youtube channel for the Agile 20 Reflect festival > And below I have collected the sessions that we hosted and recorded. You also find them on the Dandy People Youtube channel >

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We feel honored to have been invited to the Hacking HR chapter in Sofia/Bulgaria 🧡 In this webinar Mia Kolmodin and Thomas Eklöf walk you through the new poster on Agile Recruiting to manage in VUCA.

Free download of the Agile Recruiting in a Nutshell poster

As always you can download the poster in high-resolution PDF for free >

We are also looking into running a second webinar before Christmas, but this time perhaps in Swedish 🇸🇪 Please let us know if you are interested.

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Inspelningen är från DIs HR-dag den 30 september 2020 på Grand Hotel i Stockholm och online.

Här delar Mia Kolmodin på 15 minuter med sig hur Agila metoder kan användas av HR för stötta organisationer att transformera sitt eget arbetssätt, samt stötta organisationen i en Agil transformation för att att leverera rätt värde vid rätt tidpunkt. Mia rör också ämnen som Agilt Ledarskap, Agila Team och Agila tankesätt och ger dig 5 nycklar till en lyckad Agil Evolution.

Läs mer om hur Dandy People kan hjälpa er att nå era mål med Agila arbetssätt och mindset: https://agile.dandypeople.com/dihr/

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In this webinar we share our own story of what Agile has meant for u as individuals and our career. We talk about why Agility is needed today, and what a Learning Organization is and how it can support Business Agility. We also share some tips and tools you can use in your work as well as a glimpse of what it means to be an Agile Team and how you can become an Agile Transformational Leader. You will also gain an understanding of the content of the Online Agile Trainings from Dandy People.

A new live session of this webinar will come, but until then you can enjoy the recorded version here.

You will also gain an understanding of the content of the Online Agile Trainings from Dandy People.

Visit our online training center here to access the online trainings that are part of the webinar: https://www.agileonlinetrainings.com/

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In this webinar, Mia will share ideas and examples that enable Agile change and Agile ways of working, making any organization high performing by removing hindering structures and empowering the employees to deliver customer- and employee value.

In the world of today speed and flexibility is even more important than ever before. Unfortunately, this is the opposite of what our organizations have been constructed for.

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Det här är en inspelning av det webinar som vi höll den 2a april med ca 75 deltagare.

April 15 I will do this webinar in English too, please join that here if you are interested >

In this presentation, Mia will share ideas and examples that enable Agile change and Agile ways of working, making any organization high performing by removing hindering structures and empowering the employees to deliver customer- and employee value.

In the world of today speed and flexibility is even more important than ever before. Unfortunately, this is the opposite of what our organizations have been constructed for.

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This is the recording from the second of two webinars from the global launch of the Agile HR in a Nutshell poster made on January 15, 2019. The Agile HR in a Nutshell poster was created in collaboration between me and two of the pioneers in Agile HR, Natal Dank and Riina Hellstrom.

What to Expect in the webinar?

• Why organisations and teams are ‘going Agile’ and the implications for HR and the future of work

• What is Agile HR and how it is transforming the HR profession?

• Meet Mia Kolmodin and explore her Agile in a Nutshell infographic series

• Meet Riina Helström and Natal Dank from the Agile HR Community

• Explore the Agile HR in a Nutshell infographic and the core elements of Agile HR

• Understand the new knowledge, behaviours and skills Agile HR demands from a HR professional

• Open question and answer discussion

Download the poster


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Agile HR Poster - Global LaunchWe’ve teamed up with the talented Riina Hallström and Natal Dank – co-creators of the Agile HR Manifesto –  to create the first Agile HR in a Nutshell free infographic resource. Join us for the global online launch and webinar to learn how this excellent learning resource will help all Agile HR enthusiasts, from active practitioners to budding learners.

We’ll be hosting two webinars on Tuesday 15th January to cover different time zones around the globe.

What to Expect?

• Why organisations and teams are ‘going Agile’ and the implications for HR and the future of work

• What is Agile HR and how it is transforming the HR profession?

• Meet Mia Kolmodin and explore her Agile in a Nutshell infographic series

• Meet Riina Helström and Natal Dank from the Agile HR Community

• Explore the Agile HR in a Nutshell infographic and the core elements of Agile HR

• Understand the new knowledge, behaviours and skills Agile HR demands from a HR professional

• Open question and answer discussion

Sign up here: https://www.agilehrcommunity.com/agile-hr-in-a-nutshell-webinar/


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Our Trainings
Build the Right Product – Product Ownership Training – 2 dagar på plats
Target Group: Produktchefer, Produktägare, Affärsutvecklare, Arkitekter och utvecklare, User- and Customer Experience (UX/CX) (User Researcher, Interaktionsdesigner, Grafisk formgivare, Art Director) Alla som jobbar i produktprocessen, och som faciliterar den.
Teachers: Mia Kolmodin
21-22 maj, Stockholm