Internal Culture Biggest Hurdle for Adopting Agile – The State of Agile Report 2019 from Version One

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This years State of Agile Report from Version One is out!

The report is based on over 1.300 answers 17% Version One customers. New for this year is that cost reduction is primary driver for Agile change and that respondents are clear on that Dev Ops is VERY important as well as investment is vital for success in scaling Agile.

Biggest obstacles for adopting Agile 2019

  • Organizational culture at odds with Agile values
  • Organizational resistance to to change
  • Inadequate management support and sponsorship

Investment is vital for success in scaling Agile

When asked what has been the most valuable in helping to scale Agile practices the top three responses were “Internal Agile coaches”, “Executive sponsorship”, and “Company-provided training”. All three of these point to a commitment to invest in success. In last years survey, Executive sponsorship ranked fifth, and company provided training did not rank in the top 5.

Version one state of agile report

Looking for a shift towards engagement and empowerment as a driver

I personally hope that moving forward transformation to Agile will be the long term strategy for organizations that want to empower their people and reach really high employee engagement and customer happiness – instead of cost reduction. Two sides of the same coin of course, one long term and one short term. To make this happen we need to support the managers to find the way to create safe environments, restructure the system to create flow and connect people with the purpose enabling them to succeed. If this is what you are looking for in your organization we are happy to join forces with you and support you on this journey as partners.

Read the full report on the State of Agile from Version One here >

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Teachers: Björn Sandberg, Frida Mangen, Jenny Persson
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