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Équipes multidisciplinaires Agile

x-funktional teamLes équipes multidisciplinaires sont des équipes avec toutes les expertises néecessaires pour créer un produit et le mettre en production. Cependant, il ne suffit pas de rassembler un groupe de personnes différentes et de s’attendre à ce qu’elles agissent en équipe. Ce jeu essaie de montrer les conséquences du maintien d’une expertise et d’un rôle unique par les membres d’une équipe.

X-team silos game french

Instructions Préparatifs

Vous avez besoin de 48 morceaux de lego par jeu et par équipe, et ils doivent être dans 4 couleurs différentes, jaune, blanc, rouge et bleu. (more…)

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As leaders in the fast paced complex world of today you need to become a facilitators of growth. The ikigai canvas is such a tool that can be used to enable growth of people and in teams. It helps us see what makes us feel happy and what makes us grow as individuals, and if it is being done as a team activity, it helps us relate and understand others. When I created it I had in mind that it could be used in our professional life to coach people in their personal growth at work – and specifically to make them feel happy. Perhaps you can use it in your Agile team to facilitate this process, instead of having your yearly performance review 🙂

Ikigai canvas - free download

Download the free IKIGAI canvas here in high resolution (PDF) >

When work has meaning

I love when I get a new issue of the Harvard Business Review magazine, always inspiring and interesting, there is always lots of articles that grows my mind and gives me new perspectives. In the beginning of the summer, the issue focused on “When work has meaning”. One of the articles there made my brain think of the ikigai diagram that has been interesting me now the past 12 months or something. This connection in my brain made me starting to sketch on a canvas for personal development – perhaps something I could use for my self, as well as for us to use at Dandy People? (more…)

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The amazing Guillaume Dutey-Harispe has once again translated our work to French 😀 We´re so humble that we have friends like Guillaume, and so proud to be able to share our Pattern Cards free to download and use also in French as well with you! Enjoy!

Download the French Pattern Cards in High Resolution (PDF) for printout here >

If you like to get inspiration on how to use the cards you can find out more here and also download the the original English version of the pattern cards >

Thank you Guillaume Dutey-Harispe, gduteyharispe@aneo.fr


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Tack Agila Sverige för ännu en fantastiskt bra och inspirerande konferens. Är så tacksam för att få vara en del av det Agila communityt som alltid är lika välkomnande och inkluderande.

Jag fick äran att bli en av de utvalda talarna. Min presentation handlade om resultatet från den undersökning som vi på Dandy People har gjort kring hur de som arbetar i Agila Team påverkas av Aktivitetsbaserade kontor (ABK) – eller vilket det ofta faktiskt egentligen är, Flexibla kontor.

I den här serien av poster finns också:

– Free Infographic 
The Free Report
Free PP slides of the report

See the other posts in this series:
Get  Seated for Agile – Free Infographic Poster (High Resolution PDF) on the topic, with shared learnings and data.
“The Agile Activity Based Seating Report 2018 (or rather Flexible Seating) – Free Slides” – The full report as PDF and slide share.
The first post that started the Series – “Flexibility in Agile and Activity based offices must be a perfect fit” – or does it?

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There is an increasing trend in Sweden to move in to something commonly called Activity Based Seating, what we discovered is often confused with Flexible Seating. We couldn’t find any data on the actual impact of these kind of seatings for Agile Teams. Thats why we did a survey to uncover the “truth” with 177 people answering and an open space session to learn more about what learnings are out there from people working Agile.

The Free Infographic Poster on Agile Seating

Free Infographic - Get seated for agile

Download the Free Infographic – get Seated for Agile here (High resolution PDF) >

Buy printed A1 poster >

The survey was presented at Agila Sverige 2018 and can be found here > At an Open Space session we got together to share experiences people had around ABS. The result of both is shared in this free infographic and we hope this information can bring value to you and your organization so that you can find better solutions together. Please feel free to use the content in any way you like. We would though be happy if you would refer to Dandy People if you take any content out of context. Thank you every one for joining in and sharing your learnings from the trenches of Flexible Seating and really great Activity Based Seating!

In this series of posts you’ll find:

– Free Infographic (your on the right place)
The Free Report
Free PP slides of the report
Video of me presenting the report (Swedish)

Activity Based Seating vs Flexible Seating

Activity Based Seating vs Flexible Seating

Activity Based Seating

  • Flow optimized, aligned with Lean & Agile thinking.
  • If there are Agile Teams, one activity the office is optimized for is Agile Teamwork.
  • More desks than people to optimize for flow.
  • Can be re-arranged quickly for new team members or team collaboration.
  • The goal is high performance teams.

Flexible Seating

  • Resource optimization, against Lean & Agile thinking.
  • No personal desks, fewer seats than employees, clean desk & wall policy.
  • Optimized for individual work, not team work.
  • Many organizations say they do ABS, but it is in fact FS.
  • The organization is “blind” and teamwork is banned.
  • The goal is to save space, and money, but deliveries from teams will fail and stress will increase.


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T-shape is about growing skills in people that might not be in within their core expert competence area. When coaching leaders, teams and organizations we’ve noticed that building T-shape is often a game changer that makes a big impact – but it might sometimes be more tricky than you think.

This is one of the 27 patterns for Successful Agile Change that you can download for free here >

When transforming to an Agile organization we often move from expert teams to cross functional teams. Growing t-shape is a way to enable the cross functional team to collaborate better and it helps them to work as a team instead of a group, meaning solving problems together instead of working as a mini-waterfall within the team. This helps the team become high performance and enables them to innovate and create better solutions.

Resistance to sharing competence and what to do about it

My experience is that organizations that have a strong expert culture may have more difficulties to become T-shape. Since you then might also need to change the culture from a hero culture to a team-playing culture, it can take some time. People might also struggle to keep their expert role since it makes them feel safe and perhaps it has also previously been the only way to make a career, get higher pay as well as also informal power. Changes might then be needed in how the structures are set up around roles and responsibilities before you start the coaching around T-shape.

In many organizations who want to enable high performance teams and T-shape, titels and roles are changed to simply “team members”, and instead we talk about competences, which is your T-shape. As a leader, you could support by help showing how the skill and performance of the team is more important than the expertise of individuals by perhaps celebrating as one team instead of highlighting individual performance.

Different leadership styles for developing skills in employees

In the Harvard Business Review I found this article that describes the research done on leaders and how they grow competence. According to their research there are 4 different leadership styles for developing skills in employees.

The different coaching styles of a leader: (more…)

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Free Pattern cards for Agile Change - 5 new

Our popular free Pattern Cards for successful Agile Change are now updated with 5 more patterns, totally 27 cards.

So far over 500 downloads + handouts of 400 physical printed cards and reports from people using them shows they bring value and enable structured conversations in leadership teams no matter what type of organization.

Free Download of the Pattern Cards For Successful Agile Change (PDF) >

– Stable Teams
– Reflection
– T-shaped People
– Distributed Decision Making
– Impediments Removal

Feel free to download and use them. Here you’ll also find examples of how to use them >


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I was very happy to get invited to Agile Days Istanbul as a speaker by my friend Ilyas Varol. The topic for the conference was Agile Leadership, and 500 curious participants joined.

Agile Days Istanbul Presentation

Ilyas har previously translated my Agile in a Nutshell to Turkish, and he told me he has during his trainings and talks here in Turkey probably been giving away hundreds of copies of the poster, making me a little bit famous i the Turkish Agile community… and making me just a little bit nervous 🙂

It was a great day with lots of interesting speakers and topics, as well as many great discussions. The conference had 3 tracks with both International speakers like  Tom Gilb, Joanne Perold and my self, and Turkish speakers. Turkcell with tales from their scaling adventure, with Chian Yildiz, Digital disruption & Leadership, with Gizem Moral Kunter and Assess your Leadership Mindset with Ilker Demirel to mention a few.

Information about the presentation

Organizations today need to find new ways to organize to faster deliver customer and business value. In this presentation I share with you some of the symptoms you might see if your’e not organized for complexity and without a customer focus, why this happens and what you can do about it.

Discover how you can get organized around customer value instead of in silos and around systems and how much more value and happiness you will get from this.

I also share some examples of activities and results from the clients we at Dandy People have been coaching the past years to do this transformation.

Target group: Curious Leaders, Management and Change Makers

This presentation in English was originally held at Agile Days Istanbul, April 2018, but its based on a Swedish presentation first presented at Sundsvall 42 in September 2017.

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activity based officeActivity Based Seating is also known as flexible seating. It means you don’t have a desk of your own or a room and in some case that you need to find a new desk each day. Many times this type of seating also comes with a clean desk and wall policy.

A few weeks ago I wrote a post about this phenomenon and it got quite a lot of reads and comments from a lot of people who felt they where forced in to this and that it caused them a lot of problems. As I tried to find data about how the seating effects people in Agile teams and their ability to do a good job, I realized there was nothing to be found. I decided to do a survey to try to dig a bit deeper.

Here you find my first post on this subject >

Data from this survey will be used for learnings around how Agile organisations should think about their seating to enable autonomous high performance teams. Dandy People will publish the result on our blog for anyone to use. We hope this will lead to better decision making around how to organize for Agility. The survey is anonymous and your answers will only be used to aggregate results to show how Activity Based seating may affect you at work.

Take the Survey here

The survey will take over this window.

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Agile team seatingThere is a an increasing trend in big companies and organizations to go Agile, and of course that is awesome in my opinion. What is really confusing though, is that many of the same companies and organizations also decide to change to activity based seating. This is really confusing in many ways, since it will bring contradictory behaviors than what you are looking for when working Agile, and in the short – and long run, make the company fail to go agile.

Recent posts in this series:

– Free Infographic  “Get seated for Agile”
The Free Report “The Agile Activity Based Seating Report 2018”
Free PP slides of the report
Video of me presenting the report (Swedish)

The only conclusion I can do, is that there is not enough knowledge around how Agile seatings need to be – nor what the consequences of not being Agile when trying will be (costly and frustrating). Or perhaps it’s that the people that do the work (and know about this) and the people making these decisions are too far away from each other and don’t communicate in a good way. Either way, it’s a huge waste – and so unnecessary.

I have several times been contacted by people working in organizations where they have had Agile teams sitting and working together with good results – and out of the blue, usually over a weekend or over a holiday, their office space was changed in to activity based seating with clean desk – and clean wall policy. The team shows up on a Monday finding all their stuff that was put up on the walls in a cardboard box and their 2-3 computer screens gone… These people tell tales about how their colleagues went home after that day, refused to come back in weeks. Their delivery pace went down with below 50% of normal and quality of work and innovation went down the drain totally. Everything the team had fought for to build up was erased over night.

Flexibility in Agile and Activity based offices must be a perfect fit – or does it?

Organizations that decide to go with activity based offices probably have the best of intentions. I’m sure of that, people usually do. But I’m also sure they need better advisory. It might look as if the flexibility in both agile and activity based office works really well together (and this is an argument I’ve heard sales people for these solution use). And it might look like you will save a lot of money, not having as many seatings as before, and it might look like people will get to know each other a lot better when they move around every day, and you might think they will love their new updated beautiful workplace with special designed chairs for people who like to sit alone not seeing or being seen by any one else. But it´s all wrong – so wrong – at least if you want collaboration, innovation and high speed in your organization and culture. Flexibility is not always what you need after all. (more…)

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Many times while coaching people we want to be able to quickly give people new perspectives, food for thought and bring people together around shared understandings and common goals. Thats why we created these pattern cards for successful Agile transformation, to enable engaging discussions. Please feel free to download and use them you too if you feel they can help you to create valuable dialogues too.

You can also purchase these decks of cards in our Online Shop >

EDIT: Updated Pattern Cards (May 8) with 5 additional patterns

– Stable Teams
– Reflection
– T-shaped People
– Distributed Decision Making
– Impediments Removal

Free Download of the Pattern Cards For Successful Agile Change (PDF) >

The different cards are visualizing patterns that we have seen to be the most important to succeed with Agile transformation and scaling Agile organizations.

patterns for successful Agile change

Suggestion of how to use the pattern cards

You can probably use them in many different ways. Here is how we have used them with leadership teams most of the times.

Group people in smaller groups, 3-5 people. Give them a time box of 10-15 min to prioritize the 5 cards they find would bring the most value to focus on in the next period (3 – 6 months perhaps). (more…)

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We´re so happy to be able to share the Agile Leadership in a Nutshell poster already translated to French. Thank you so much for working with us and doing the translation Guillaume Dutey Harispe 🙂

Prendre plaisir!

Here you find the poster Le management Agile en quelques mots for free download in high resolution (PDF) > 

Le management Agile en quelques mots

All other Agile posters in all languages can be found through the Agile Explained Infographic Collection page >


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When Agile becomes something for the whole organization leadership needs to adapt to support Agile values and principles. Take the opportunity to give energy and grow a leadership that supports an organization fit for the future. Let’s build an Agile Mindset that can change how leaders act in their daily activities, how they lead people and business, form organizations and governance.

Free Download of the English Agile leadership in a Nutshell poster in High resolution (PDF)

French Translation of this poster >

Portuguese Translation of this poster >

Spanish Translation of this poster >

Italian Translation of this poster >

Turkish Translation of this poster >

German Translation of this poster >

German Translation of this poster (school) >

Buy printed A1 poster >

EDIT 2021: The poster is now updated to ver 1.2 with some improvements and better connection to transformational leadership and theory X and Y.

This poster is for me a way to visualize key concepts for how to lead with an Agile Mindset. At Dandy People we use it in our Agile coaching and training. We hope you as well can have use for it in your work. Please let us know if you have any feedback or questions on this poster.

To Lead in Complexity

The basis for Agile leadership is that we need to have a leadership that works in complexity – that support flexibility, transparency, collaboration and authonomy to enable the “workers” to make smart tactical and operative decisions to reach well defined impact goals. There are several common leadership concepts that support this kind of leadership;

  • Catalyst Leadership
  • Management 3.0
  • Systems Thinking
  • Servant Leadership

Three leadership Styles

In the poster there are three leadership styles visualized;

  • Catalyst Leadership (Best for Agile)
  • Achiever
  • Expert

The infographic contains numerous of illustrations to visualize some of the behaviours of each leadership style. I believe (without perhaps any support from research) that you can change leadership style to become a Catalyst Leader if  you make this decision, practice and work on it. I also believe that the environment we live and act in shapes how we behave and what we might see as good leadership.

Agile Mindset and what it might mean in Reality

When you understand that Agile actually is a way of thinking, a mindset, and not a process ot tools, it usually unlocks the “next level” in your game. But many leaders might find it quite difficult to put the Agile mindset to practice in reality. What does it really mean for governance? How do we build organizations, create good salary models, plan our projects, grow our staffs knowledge, build teams…? I have covered just a tiny part of that in this poster, the list could go on forever I know.

Need Coaching and Training for Agile Leadership?
Coaching Agile Leadership

If you need help to reshape the leadership in your organization to support your Agile journey, let us know and we’ll happily join forces with you to coach and train your managers and every one else who can become leaders. (more…)

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Many Agile teams are struggling to connect user experience and the design process with Agile ways of working and often Scrum. In this Poster (and post) I´m trying to describe the connection, and how you can collaborate in the team to learn more about user needs and solutions to solve real user problems together. I´ve been using this poster for over a year in my combined PO and UX training (Build the Right Product – Innovation through Collaboration & Design Thinking) and in my Agile coaching.

Download the Agile User Experience in a Nutshell in high resolution (PDF) >

Download in Portuguese >

Download in Spanish >

Download in Turkish >

Buy printed A1 poster >

Agile User Experience in a Nutshell Poster

My hope is that this poster might give some guidance in how User Experience can work in an Agile setup in combination with the posters; Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell and Agile in a Nutshell (with a spice of Lean UX).

What does UX mean?

UX stands for User Experience. Basically, the expected and needed user experience of the service or digital product to meet user and business goals. To connect user needs and business goals is basic when working with user experience, it is basic to meet users and understand who they are – and involve and understand stakeholders. Any team can work with UX as long as they get to do this, and have the methods and processes to do it in a structured and effective way. (more…)

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Great news! The Agile in a Nutshell poster is now also available in Russian thanks to Alexey Krivitsky. Thank you so much Alexey for your help 🙂

This poster has already been downloaded almost 20.000 times only in English since October 2016 when I published it for the first time. Here you find all the other languages that it has been translated to, as well as a free Power Point with the graphics.

Here you can Download the Agile in a Nutshell Russian poster for Free (PDF)Russian agile in a nutshell

All other Agile posters in all languages can be found through the Agile Explained Infographic Collection page >

Here you can visit Alexeys blog (scrum.ua) with the Russian poster as well >

Free to download, use and share

The poster and other content is published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages (Chinese is coming soon) please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

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Agilitet utanför IT

For all Leaders interested in building an Agile mindset and enable organizations fit for complexity and innovation.

Are you a Curious Leader?

During the fall of 2017 we at Dandy People have set up a series of seminars and meetups for Curious Leaders, exploring different areas of interests in what an Agile mindset and an Agile Transformation could mean in other areas than what usually might be perceived as Agile by many mainly involving IT and development teams.

We call this series “Curious Leaders” and we invite all leaders who’s interested in growing that Agile mindset and finding new ways of building strong and flexible teams and organizations fit for humans that can manage complexity and enable every day innovation and quality. This applies in any business or service who are digitized within the organization and sell digital services or products.

What does this really mean for leadership, organization, recruiting, procurement, business strategies, marketing, projects, deliveries and our ways of working and processes?

Don´t miss this great opportunity to learn from the best and become an organization for the future!

Free Seminars and Meetups for Curious Leaders

December 7 – Next Sessionbeyond budgeting free

For Curious Leaders – Beyond Budgeting

With Bjarte Bogsnes, Senior Adviser at Statoil

Bjarte Bogsnes has a long international career, both in Finance and HR, and has been heading up the implementation of Beyond Budgeting at Statoil. Bjarte is Chairman of Beyond Budgeting Round Table (BBRT).

We welcome curious leaders to this exciting seminar in Beyond Budgeting! The well known speaker, author & teacher Bjarte Bogsnes, Senior Advisor at Statoil, shares his insights in dynamic forecasting, no traditional budgets, the KPI trap & Statoil’s “Ambition to Action” model. Beyond Budgeting is also known as “Agile Budgeting”.

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This is a story how we used a two day workshop with a management group to help them find out next steps needed in their Agile Transformation.

We knew the client well and had been working with them for some time. It was now time to discuss their progress and potential next steps.


They had Scrum teams up and running, each team with their own product owner. Each team covering one part of their product. Earlier they had discussed and identified their challenges and problems so they where known and a good input to the workshop.

The Workshop

Overall agenda for these two days:

  • Purpose, why
  • Vision
  • Experiencing Feature teams
  • LeSS introduction
  • Guiding Principles for the product organization
  • Prototyping new Agile teams
  • Decisions and next steps


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I dag kick-startade vi våra frukostföreläsningar hos oss på Dandy People. Det blev fullt hus med gamla och nya vänner. God stämning och frukost, samt mycket spännande diskussioner med högt i tak. Dagens bästa citat stod nog Benny Forsberg för när det var dags för diskussionerna -“Hur många dörrar kan man slå upp på en morgon egentligen :)”. Lika delar igenkänning, provokation, nya inspirerande lösningar och lyckade exempel verkar vara en bra mix 🙂

Jag håller tummarna för att visioner och goda ideér till förändrat arbetsätt och ledarskap fick näring i dag, och att dom kommer att fortsätta att spira på fler håll i framtiden.

Här är beskrivningen av presentationen:

När kunderna kräver bättre digitala tjänster och produkter behöver företagen hitta nya sätt att organisera sig för att snabbare leverera kundnytta. Gör man inte det riskerar man att bli omsprungen av snabbare konkurrenter. För att lyckas med detta krävs medvetenhet hos ledning och ett strategiskt ledningsbeslut.Den här föreläsningen riktar sig till nyfikna ledare som vill möjliggöra kundfokus och innovation.

Mia går igenom trender och nya tankesätt kring hur man organiserar sig och leder arbetet på ett målstyrt sätt för att mobilisera hjärnkraft med korsfunktionella och autonoma team som snabbare kan leverera rätt produkter och tjänster. Mia visar även modeller för hur organisationer kan arbeta strukturerat med innovation och kundfokus för att välja att bli en haj i stället för en snigel samt riktiga exempel på den här typen av transformation från olika typer av branscher.

Är ni intresserade så kan vi också föreläsa internt hos er på er arbetsplats exklusivt med den här presentationen, eller någon annan inom Agil förändringsledning, ledarskap, Lean UX, produktledning, skalat Agilt arbetssätt, Agil upphandling eller annat ämne som passar er. Kontakta oss enklast här >

Tack alla som deltog, och alla Dandys som högg i och hjälpte till!

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To be able to stay focused on what really matters you need to have a clear strategy. When companies are small it is not always easy to have a clear strategy and act on it, but it is usually a lot easier than in big companies. To be able to do innovation and also stay customer focused even in big organisations a clear vision and strategy is essential. And every one in the organisation needs to understand the strategy.

There is a research done by Harvard Business School saying only 5% of the employees know about their business strategy. This is really scary for anyone running a business, and something everyone in a position to make strategic decisions needs to take really seriously. If people in the organisation don’t know about, or understand the vision or the strategy, how can they then make tactical and operational smart decisions making the business go in the right direction? There is only one answer to that question, they cant.

A Collaboration and Visualization tool to make Strategy Transparent

This fall I’ve been doing a talk around the topic “Customer Focused with an Agile Mindset” where I talk about how leaders of organizations need to grow an Agile mindset and make a strategic decision to become customer focused to be able to survive in the fast moving complex world of today, and how that can be done. The Innovation Map is one of the slides of my talk and I’ve been getting a lot of great feedback on it. Something many people feel is missing today is a holistic overview of the different strategies the organization have, and to be able to use it in their daily work making sure they are on the right track.

The Innovation Map is a great tool to be able to visualize what strategic initiatives the organisation have, or perhaps don’t have. Also it can be used to visualize the initiatives TOGETHER, ACROSS the organization. In this way when involving more people we can easier see the full picture of where we are going, and what we can do about it. By involving the people working front line with the customers knowing about their needs as well as those that can create the solutions to help the customers and not only management, you grow both an understanding of what the business strategy is – AND – you get their valuable knowledge of what the customer needs are and what can actually be possible to do or not do today and in the future. Then it will be up to management to prioritize the strategy based on different business scenarios.

Download the FREE Innovation Map Now (.pdf)

innovation map

Debt in any level will eat your business


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Här är min presentation från konferensen Agile Islands på Åland om hur man beställer på rätt nivå för att möjliggöra en Agil leverans.

Agile Islands anordnas av privata Agila företag på Åland, deras gemensamma vision är att Åland ska bli ett Agilt samhälle. På konferensen hade de även bjudit in politiker, offentlig sektor och andra från näringslivet.

Jag beundrar verkligen deras starka visionära ledarskap och förmåga. Ett väldigt trevligt och lyckat event. Tack för att jag fick vara med!

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Agilitet utanför ITI veckan hade vi vårt första öppna kvällsevent på Dandy People med temat “Agil transformation utanför IT”. Ämnet engagerade många och platserna fylldes snabbt upp.

Gemensamt utforskade vi vad det innebär att vara Agil och när man har nytta av att agera Agilt. I små grupper fick deltagarna sedan bläddra i kortleken vi har skapat med mönster (patterns) för lyckat Agil transformation och välja de 5 som man trodde skulle skapa mest effekt i den egna organisationen. Det var inte helt lätt att välja bland de 20-tal korten, många reflekterade över hur olika dom hade valt, att det kunde skilja så mycket mellan olika bolag vad som behövde komma till för att möjliggöra ett Agilt arbetssätt.

Som avslutning diskuterade vi deltagarnas egna frågeställningar i en Lean Coffee och efter det gemensamt mingel. Det blev många givande och spännande diskussioner.

Stort tack alla som deltog och delade med sig av sina erfarenheter och frågeställningar. Vi hoppas vi ses på nästa event igen under hösten 🙂

Den här kvällen var ett litet smakprov på innehåll från Joel Ståhls kurs Agile Change Management.

Pattern Cards and feedback

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Is your organisation starting to feel out of date, making you slow and ineffective? Do you need to evaluate what type of organisation you should have instead to speed up your development? Then you probably want to continue and read the full article. This post also contains Workshop agenda & Free Templates.

Agile Coaches

The three amigos of Agile coaches on the set is so much better than one 😀
Thank you Viktor and Stefan!

Many companies and organisations who are working in a complex fast moving domain find themselves growing out of their existing organization and ways of working. These organisations may suffer from problems like long lead times, inability to innovate or quality issues. Feeling left behind when new companies move faster. People in these organizations often find themselves being stressed out, attending too many meetings, communicating to everyone and no one about everything, and often little or even no time to be creative, collaborate with team members and stakeholders or to do the actual work.

To become great product organisations fit for people and enable innovation, short lead times and high quality we apply Agile and Lean thinking and ways of working in order to solve existing problems step by step – also called Agile Change Management. We believe that change has to happen on an individual level, as well as a system level, and it can only be sustainable and successful if it comes from intrinsic motivation.

To enable organizations to improve and reorganize as easy as possible we needed a collaborative way to evaluate the existing organization, what works well and what not, and at the same time learn how it could work instead in the future. We also wanted to build on intrinsic motivation and enable people to make the decisions needed based on actual knowledge. That’s why we created this product organisation evaluation workshop and method. It worked really well and we would love to share it with the Agile community to see if it might could be of use to more people.

Outlines of the workshop

This workshop is:

  • Experienced based
  • Collaborative
  • Visual
  • Data driven
  • Probe, sense, respond – prototype based


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Thanks to Mirko Kleiner at Flowdays the Agile in a Nutshell poster has now been translated to German as well! Hope you find it useful, and thank you so much Mirko for your friendship and help with this!

Here you can Download the German poster for Free as a high-resolution PDF >
AGile in a Nutshell German poster

German Agile in a Nutshell poster

All other Agile posters in all languages can be found through the Agile Explained Infographic Collection page >

Free to download, use and share

The poster and other content is published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages (Chinese is coming soon) please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

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I receive a lot of questions about where to find the Agile in a Nutshell poster, and I know it’s tricky to find things here on the blog. So in this poster I have collected all of Dandys Agile Infographic Posters to make it easier to find them over time. I will continue to add new ones in this collection page, so bookmark it if you want to come back and update your collection. All updates on languages and new updated versions of each poster will be updated on the specific original page for that poster, linked to from this page. Please let me know if you are interested in translating any of the posters to a new language 🙂

Currently published posters in the Dandy “in a nutshell” series:
– Agile Coaching in a Nutshell
Agile HR in a Nutshell
– The Customer Journey Product Organization
– Agile Leadership in a Nutshell
– Agile User Experience – with a dash of Lean UX
– Product Ownership in a Nutshell
– Agile Change Management in a Nutshell
– Monotasking in a Nutshell
– Get seated for Agile
– Agile in a Nutshell

Since I published the first Agile in a Nutshell poster about in September 2017 it has been downloaded about 40.000 times and translated to several languages by Agile people around the world, and together all the posters have been downloaded over 70.000 times (jan 2019). I´m hugely appreciative of the support and help I have received in doing this, as well as all the positive feedback I have received. I´ts been so much fun 🙂 I have also found new friends in all this, not only in those great people translating the posters but also in the creation of the posters, some where created with friend and some with new friends. The Monotasking in a Nutshell poster was created together with the author of the book “Monotasking”, Staffan Nöteberg. The Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell poster was created togehter with Tomer Shalit who is a member of Crisp as a basis for the training we where planning on setting up. The Agile Change Management in a Nutshell poster was created together with Joel Ståhl. I could not have created any of these poster without their knowledge and collaboration. The Agile HR poster was created together with Riina Hellström and Natal dank from the Agile HR community.

Enable Business Agility in a Nutshell Poster

This poster cover the combination of the people perspective and the business perspective and how new perspectives and ways of working can enable business agility. Only once these two perspectives are in sync we can truly empower people and build learning organizations that not just handle complexity better – but even uses it as a business advantage. Published March, 2019. Please contact us if you are interested in doing a translation, or if you have any feedback. For free high resolution download just follow the link to the page for the poster. This poster is available in English and Portuguese.Enabling Business Agility

Agile Coaching in a Nutshell Poster

This poster visualizes what we as Agile Coaches do and what competences we have. The purpose of this poster is to create a common understanding of this new role(s) and function for the rest of the organization – but also a way for us as Agile Coaches to use for growing our competences in a strategic way and building cross functional Agile Coaching teams. Published February 3, 2019. Please contact us if you are interested in doing a translation, or if you have any feedback. For free high resolution download just follow the link to the page for the poster. This poster is available in English, Turkish, Russian and Portuguese.
agile coach in a nutshell

Agile HR in a Nutshell Poster

This poster visualizes what Agile means for HR, both how HR can benefit from Agile and how HR can support Agile transformations. Published January 15th, 2019. Please contact us if you´re interested in doing a translation, or if you have any feedback. For free high resolution download just follow the link to the page for the poster. This poster is now available in English, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish and Swedish.

Agile in a Nutshell Poster

The Customer Journey Product Organization In a Nutshell Poster

We have captured the over all visualization of how the organization can work hoping to give you a goal picture and a common understanding. It’s available so far only in English, published in November, 2018. Please contact us if you´re interested in doing a translation, or if you have any feedback. For free high resolution download just follow the link to the page for the poster.

Here you find the Customer Journey Product Organization in a Nutshell poster for free download (PDF) >

customer journey product organization

Get Seated for Agile Poster – Agile Seating

The poster is made to visualize anti patterns in seating to help uncover what need to be done to move in to a seating optimized for team work helping teams solve complex problems and feeling safe.
It´s available so far only in English, published June, 2018. Please contact us if you´re interested in doing a translation, or if you have any feedback. For free high resolution download just follow the link to the page for the poster.

Here you find the Get Seated for Agile Poster for Free Download >

get seated for agile

Leadership in a Nutshell Poster

It´s available in English, Portuguese and French, published Jan 14, 2018. Please contact us if you´re interested in doing a translation, or if you have any feedback. For free high resolution download just follow the link to the page for the poster.

Here you find the Agile User Experience in a Nutshell Poster for Free Download >
agile leadership poster

Agile User Experience – with a Dash of Lean UX Poster

It´s available so far in English and Portuguese, published Jan 8, 2018. Please contact us if you´re interested in doing a translation, or if you have any feedback. For free high resolution download just follow the link to the page for the poster.

Here you find the Agile User Experience in a Nutshell Poster for Free Download >
Agile and Lean UX - Free Poster

Product Ownership in a Nutshell Poster

It’s available in English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and French. For free high resolution download just follow the link to the page for the poster.
Here you find all Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell Posters for Free Download > 

agile product ownership

Agile Change Management Poster

It’s available in English and Portuguese. For free high resolution download just follow the link to the page for the poster.
Here you find all Agile Change Management Posters for Free Download >
agile change management

Monotasking in a Nutshell Poster

It’s available in English, Portuguese and Chinese. For free high resolution download just follow the link to the page for the poster.
Here you find all Monotasking in a Nutshell Posters for Free Download >

Agile in a Nutshell Poster

It’s available in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, German, Arabic, Portuguese and Russian. For free high resolution download just follow the link to the page for the poster.
Here you find all Agile in a Nutshell Posters for Free Download >
agile in a nutshell poster

Free to download, use and share

The posters is published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

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This Friday we had our first “Dandy Friday” with our team, continuing to build the best possible place to work together. We talked about our company culture and did an assessment together, finding out who we are and discussing how we feel about that. We have a human, collaboratively culture as well as a creative and innovative culture. We are fast in adapting to new things and external factors like our clients is equally important to us as how our employees are feeling and doing. We also have a start up culture and we want to go fast.

We also watched the Ted Talk (illustrated) with David Marquet, “Turning the ship around” and reflecting about leadership and how to become a Catalyst Leader. Catalyst Leader is a role at Dandy People since we want to mobilize brainpower in our Dandys and we want every one to grow and become leaders them selves, just like we want to help our clients in the same way. Only someone who are an Catalyst Leader can get the role.

Our strategy is to create the best culture possible. No other strategy is needed 🙂

If you haven’t watched the movie you should.

Here you can read about what we did at our conference using the Business Strategy & Tactics Dialogue Board:

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Woho! The Agile in a Nutshell poster has now also been translated to Arabic!
Thank you Ayaha Alassaf for your help to make the translation and making it possible to spread it even more 🙂

This poster has already been downloaded almost 20.000 times only in English since October 2016 when I published it for the first time. Here you find all the other languages that it has been translated to, as well as a free Power Point with the graphics.

Free download of the poster in Arabic here >

Arabic Agile in a Nutshell

All other Agile posters in all languages can be found through the Agile Explained Infographic Collection page >


Free to download, use and share

The poster and other content is published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages (Chinese is coming soon) please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

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The infographic about the Monotasking method has now been translated to Chinese thanks to the translator BigFat. I´m so happy that the poster will also be a recourse in Staffan Nötebergs book “Monotasking” that will be published in Chinese 🙂

Download the high resolution printable Chinese Monotasking poster here (PDF) >

Monotasking in a Nutshell

Free to download, use and share

The poster is published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages (Chinese is coming soon) please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.




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Monotasking session Mia and Staffan
A while a go, in the beginning of April, Staffan Nöteberg (The author of the best seller “Pomodoro Technique Illustrated”) asked me if I wanted to create a poster for his method Monotasking. Of course I said “Yes, of course!” even though I had tons of work todo, and was just starting up a new business as well… I believed that I would definitely have time in about two weeks to start with the poster. A couple of months later, in early June we met again at the unconference Agile Sweden (I had still not started with the poster). Staffan was doing a talk about the Monotasking method and one of the things he said I will remember for the rest of my life, he said that there is “a bug in the brain that makes us believe that we will have more time in the future”. I was such a victim for this brain bug 😉

Finally we hit vacation and I had the possibility to prioritize and put the poster on my short list 😀 Today me and Staffan met to do a Monotasking session finishing the last fixes on the poster. So here it is now for all of you who are interested in how to stop procrastinate and get shit done like never before!

Download the infographic poster, Monotasking in a Nutshell

Download the poster below in your language: (or ket us know if you would like to translate it)

English poster in high resolution for printing (PDF) >

Portuguese poster in high resolution for printing (PDF)>

Chinese poster in high resolution for printing (PDF) >

Turkish poster in high resolution (PDF)>

Buy the poster in big A1 printed format in above languages in our shop:

Buy printed A1 poster >

Who is Monotasking for?

The Agile Team
It is a great add-on to any Agile method on an individual basis.

Support Function
For people who supports several teams that need to find focus.

The Manager
For managers to do the vital few, and minimize stress.

The Project Organization
For anyone in a project organization who needs some focus to deliver


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Det Agila arbetssättet och kraven på snabba leveranser håller på att förändra UX-rollen till att bli produktdesigner, UX-coacher, dom som vågar säga “vi vet inte – ännu”, organisationsdesigners och dom som faktiskt fokusera på det som skapar en bra användarupplevelse. Läsa hela om du vill veta varför…

  1. Användarnytta har blivit ett krav och “affären” har vaknat till liv

Vi vet att användarna vill ha mer än bara snygga och lättanvända gränssnitt som hjälper en att göra det man vill, i dag är det något man kräver och förväntar sig. Det nya är att företagen kräver att produkten också skapar affärs- eller verksamhetsnytta – och förstår att det måste hänga ihop. Att bara bygga antingen lösningar som användarna vill ha räcker inte, det räcker inte heller att vi bygger det affären beställer. Det gör att UXare inte bara behöver förstå sig på användarnas behov och situation, vi behöver också förstå oss på affären och verksamheten och bli balanskonstnärer där emellan för att hjälpa till att innovera på riktigt och skapa nyttiga, användarvänliga OCH affärsmässigt smarta produkter.
-> Därför behöver User Experience Designer blir Produktdesigners. (more…)

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The online version that you can run in Google Drive via Google Slide.

The speedboat format for retrospectives is something I like a lot and have used with teams or even whole organizations (divided into teams). I find it to be a good way for the team to think individually, and then collaborate and define solutions for their problems through visualization. Visualization helps the team to more easily figure out what problems they should solve them selves, and what problems needs to be solved through collaboration between the teams, and what they need to ask management to help with. Some Agile coaches or Scrum Masters only highlight the negative on retrospectives, I believe it is a great thing to focus on the positive and also help the team take action more easily on real issues. It´s the teams responsibility to handle issues within the team, the Agile Coach/Scrum Masters job is to give them the capabilities to do that (not to do it for them).

Download the speedboat retrospective poster in high resolution (PDF) here >

Download the speedboat retrospective Power Point here (instructions and online retro space)>

Free Mural template for this workshop >speedboat retrospective


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This is a dialogue board, created to facilitate good discussions around business strategy and tactics in a startup. At Dandy People we are using it to start up our consulting business, but it can be used by any type of organisation, or part of an organisation that wants to improve their customer focus, culture, leadership and take action as a team.

Building in Illustrator

At Dandy people we like to build our new business in a way that involves and inspires the people in our organization. To facilitate the discussions we wanted to have on our first mini-conference 2 months after starting up our shop, and after hiring 2 new people, I did this Lean Business Strategy & Tactics Dialogue Board. Off course we had already done som strategy and tactics work already before we started our company, but we felt that we wanted to be transparent and bring our new Dandys onboard with the idea of the company to enable them to feel as involved and motivated as possible. And off course, they are smart and experienced people, so why shouldn’t they be able to help us improve and grow? And I can just say that it worked like a charm 😀

Free download of the board here (as high resolution PDF) >

The Lean Business Dialogue Board

Feel free to use the board if you want, also we would be happy to facilitate the workshops with you and your team if you feel a need for that. Thats kinda what we do at Dandy People 😀

The board consist of 3 areas:

    • Business Strategy
    • Culture and People
    • Tactics


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We are so proud to be able to share this poster translated to Spanish as well. Thank you so much Pablo Lischinsky for this great translation of the Product Ownership poster 🙂 Please feel free to use in your works it and share it as you like.

FREE DOWNLOAD: Here you can download it in high resolution (as PDF) for great big printouts >

Agile Product Ownership Poster in a Nutshell in Spanish

Here you find the original Agile PO poster in English as well >

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The Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell poster that I published a few weeks ago has now been downloaded over 1000 times already, and there has been lots of great feedback. It is so great to see how it is being used all over the world. Now it has been translated to Italian as well thanks to the wonderful Angela Maile. Thank you so much Angela!

You can download the Free Italian poster here in high resolution for great print out (PDF) >

Italian Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell

Here is Angelas blog >

Here you find the original Agile PO poster in English as well >

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As many of you might know, the product owner role is perhaps the most difficult role in the Agile setup. It sometimes feels like it takes super powers to manage. Here I have tried to capture some of the important mindsets, processes and tools that I find valuable for coaching and training Product Owners and Agile Teams and leaders.

As a product Owner you need an understanding of what value the business wants to accomplish (not necessary how the business works), strategic and tactical skills in the craft of product development (mostly done by slicing), ability to work together with the team in the discovery process and with the stakeholders to understand their needs and goals and great communication skills to manage expectations.

Download the Free Agile Product Ownership Poster in English as high resolution (PDF) >

Buy printed A1 poster >
Product Ownership Poster


Here you find this the Free Agile Product Ownership Poster translated to other languages:

Now you can download this poster in Italian  >

Now you can download this poster in Spanish >

Now you can download this poster in French >

Now you can download this poster in Russian >

Now you can download this poster in Portuguese >

Now you can download this poster in Traditional Chinese >

Now you can download this poster in Simplified Chinese >

Now you can download this poster in Turkish >

Here us this full post translated to French >

The webinar about the poster

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Cynefin Framework

Time: 20 – 30 min
This simulation needs a group of at least 8-10 people, or better 20 people, and a big space where they can spread out and move around to give impact. The simulation isn’t time based, it doesn’t matter how long it takes the group so no stress is put on them, it is purely tasked based.

Read more about Cynefin by Dave Snowden on Wikipedia >

Here you can download the Cynefin Framework poster (PDF) for high resolution >

1. Stand in order of height – Simple or Obvious

Give the instruction: “place your self so that you stand in the order of hight”.
This is usually easily done. Sometimes you can observe that someone acts as a project manager, telling people where to move.

Ask the question to the group: How difficult on a scale 1-10 was this?

Approximate point of discussion
It was easy, you could easily make quick decisions on where to stand just by looking. You didn’t need to do any research or create a strategy. It was easy to act. If they had a PM you can talk about that and if it was ok to act as an PM in this project. (more…)

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This post is just to collect all free material in connection to the Agile in a Nutshell poster. Links to all the different translations, a free Power Point with the graphics and videos explaining the key concepts in the poster as well as the updated original poster in one page. Now you can also purchase the poster as big A1 printout in our store.

NEW 2021
Take the online Agile in a Nutshell training for free on our digital learning platform

Now you can access and start the Dandy original online Agile in a Nutshell Training for free at any time you want. It is a 4h online training that takes you through the Agile in a Nutshell poster with videos, interviews, games, texts and quizzes. Enjoy!
Free online Agile in a Nutshell Training >

Agile in a Nutshell
My Agile in a Nutshell poster with a spice of lean UX that I posted on my  blog in October 2016 has now been downloaded over 100.000 times (2021) and translated to a lot of languages (access below)! I’m just amazed by all the positive feedback this little piece of Agile infographic has created. It’s just totally crazy – and also so great to see so many people all around the world finding it interesting and wanting to help out to give feedback, translate and use it in their daily work.

Ways of Working Agile – in a Nutshell Video

Why Agile – in a Nutshell Video

Thank you all!

Download high resolution PDF of the poster:

Agile in a Nutshell poster in English >

Here is the French Version >

Here is the Spanish Version 2.2>

Here is the Spanish Version 2.4>

Here is the Turkish Version >

Here is the Arabic Version >

Here is the German Version >

Here is the Russian Version >

Here is the Portuguese Version >

Here is the Simplified Chinese version >

Here is the Traditional Chinese Version >

Here is the Korean version >

Purchase the Agile in a Nutshell poster as A1 printout

Now we also offer the service to buy all our infographic posters as big A1 posters to use in your training and coaching – with free shipping across the globe. You find the Agile in a Nutshell big print out poster in our shop >

Free Power Point slides of all the infographics:


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The Agile in a Nutshell poster have now been translated to Turkish by Ilyas Varhol, and already it has been spread over the Turkish Agile community. Thank you Ilyas it is so great!

FREE DOWNLOAD: Here you can download the Agile in a Nutshell poster in Turkish

Turkish translation of Agile in a Nutshell

Here is Ilyas with the final result 🙂

Ilyas Turkish translation

Here is Ilyas blogpost with the poster >
You can contact Ilyas on varol.ilyas@gmail.com

All other Agile posters in all languages can be found through the Agile Explained Infographic Collection page >

Free to download, use and share

The poster and other content is published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages (Chinese is coming soon) please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

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Transformationen har alltid pågått, det går bara mycket fortare nu i och med digitaliseringen. Antingen drar man nytta av möjligheterna och förbättrar sin organisation, process och produkt, eller så blir man omkörd.

Konkurrensfördelen i mindre bolag, är att man enkelt kan föra dialog mellan viktiga funktioner i företaget och snabbt få ut sina produkter. Stora företag saknar ofta den möjligheten och är därför långsamma att anpassa sina strategier och erbjudanden efter nya behov och efterfrågan på marknaden.

Ett tydligt exempel är samarbetet mellan affärs- och tekniksidan där vi idag ser stor potential hos de flesta företag. De stora möjligheterna ligger ofta i ökad snabbrörlighet av affären och ett mer kundcentrerat arbetssätt. Snabbare beslut som rör erbjudandet ger minskade ledtider och ökad time to market vilket ofta ger starkt positiv påverkan av affären.

Det är här vi kan hjälpa till. Nya agila arbetssätt som sätter människan i centrum och fungerar tvärs över hela organisationen ger engagemang och starka relationer mellan företagets olika funktioner med korta beslutsvägar och stark innovationskraft. Stora företag kan behålla sina stordriftsfördelar, samtidigt som de blir lika snabba och flexibla som en startup i att ta hand om nya ideér och möjligheter som dyker upp.


“Det viktiga är att människorna får så mycket kunskap som möjligt, så fort som möjligt, och därefter kan justera planen” – Mia

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Den Agila upphandlingskonferensen Lyckade upphandlingar
Den 21a februari höll vi vår andra konferens, “Lyckade upphandlingar” för att sprida ljus över hur vi kan upphandla Agil utveckling även inom LOU. Förra våren anordnade vi (agilakontrakt.se) en konferens i Köpenhamn och nu var vi i Stockholm. Vi blev ganska precis 50 taggade personer, både jurister, kunder i offentlig sektor, folk från upphandlingsmyndigheten (yes!), leverantörer och konsulter som hade samlats för att bli inspirerade, dela med sig och ta del av erfarenheter och kunskap kring Agil upphandling.

Först vill jag bara säga att anledningen till att jag engagerar mig i den här frågan inte alls är att jag kan upphandling – eller LOU, men däremot har jag lång erfarenhet av hur man med Lean UX och Agil metodik skapar digitala tjänster och produkter som löser riktiga problem, och det är den möjligheten jag vill skapa – speciellt när det gäller stora komplexa lösningar där det verkar omöjligt för många i dag att göra rätt. Jag ser år ut och år in alldeles för många upphandlingar göras i dag i Sverige där man inte ger projektet eller programmet den möjligheten, möjligheten att hitta och förstå vad de verkliga behoven och problemen är och tillsammans lösa dom. Jag har själv blivit drabbad av den typen av projekt, även lyckats vända ett par av dom till att faktiskt få arbeta Agilt och leverera värde. Men det är frustrerande, väldigt frustrerande, och väldigt, väldigt kostsamt och onödigt. (more…)

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Nyckeln till en lyckad upphandling är ett Agilt upphandlingsförfarande som lägger tonvikten på användarcentrerad utveckling och mätbara effektmål. Så går det tyvärr väldigt sällan till i verkligheten, är du intresserad av att veta mer ska du se filmen, och läsa bloggposten.

Jag har som flera av er säkert vet engagerat mig under ca 2,5 år tillsammans med ett par kollegor för att lyfta frågan kring hur en bra upphandling skulle kunna genomföras inom LOU för att ge möjlighet till bättre leveranser som löser riktiga problem och skapar önskad effekt. Framför allt har det här arbetet inneburit att vi har letat upp ett antal lyckade exempel från offentlig sektor där man har upphandlat Agilt och fått lyckade leveranser i tid och på budget. Det har varit svåra exempel att hitta, både på grund av att dom tyvärr är alldeles (på tok) för få, och att man tydligen inte riktigt känner sig trygg i att berätta HUR man gjorde upphandlingen.

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A few days ago I received my free Agile in a Nutshell poster translated to Spanish. I’m so happy to receive all the feedback and help that I have done with this poster. Hope you all enjoy it too 🙂

Here you can downlad the Spanish poster in high resolution (PDF)>

Resume Agile – Spanish translation
Resume Agile - Spanish translation

Thank you Juan Carlos Perez Amin!

All other Agile posters in all languages can be found through the Agile Explained Infographic Collection page >

Free to download, use and share

The poster and other content is published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages (Chinese is coming soon) please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

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A while ago I received a Tweet from Nicolas Mereaux that he had translated my free (the wonders of creative common 🙂 poster on Agile in a Nutshell, to French, as well as the blog post it self 🙂 Such a nice gesture. Hope you enjoy it too!

Here you can download the French poster in high resolution (PDF)>

Agile en resume poster

Here is the full Agile in a Nutshell blogpost in French.

All other Agile posters in all languages can be found through the Agile Explained Infographic Collection page >


Free to download, use and share

The poster and other content is published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages (Chinese is coming soon) please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

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This is a poster I made for a Agile intro class at Hyper Island Digital Business class 2017 where I and my colleague Per Lundholm was last week. The class was as big as 40 people, and covering from a couple of experts to mostly total novelty, which is usually the most difficult type of situation for a teacher or coach. But it went well, maybe not all thanks to the poster 😉 but it sure made it a lot easier for both me and Per as teachers, as well as the students who could follow more easily as well as take notes.

Free poster on Agile in a Nutshell
Agile in a Nutshell poster - Free download

Free Download of the poster on Agile in a Nutshell here (PDF)

EDIT 1: Due to some companies restricted IT policies the poster is now available directly here in the blogpost and not in Dropbox. Thank you for that feedback!

This poster covers both briefly the background to why we work Agile, some history and problems as well as values and principles. It also covers the difference between waterfall development and Agile in two aspects and the most common Agile practice, basic Scrum. Also I added some Lean practices to the mix to add a more advanced level to it.

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Talare och arrangörer av ACPN 2016

Den här posten är tidigare publicerad på Linked In.

Mitt “WHY” är att jag drivs av att möjliggöra förändring och förbättring hos organisationer, team, individer och produkter. Därför blev jag Crispare för snart 5 år sedan. Nu kan jag sedan 2014 även lägga till att jag drivs av att förändra Sverige. I alla fall hur offentlig upphandling inom LOU görs, och hur man beställer komplexa lösningar.

Dåliga upphandlingar har vi nog alla drabbats av, eller kanske även varit inblandade i. Som leverantörer med beställningar gjorda utan kontext eller tydliga mål, i verksamheten med krav på oss att “fånga alla kraven”, på den interna utvecklingsavdelningen med att försöka få ihop ngt fungerande – eller som privatpersoner i vår vardag. Varför kan vi inte applicera ett Agilt arbetssätt tänkte vi för att förbättra även detta? Och så var det lilla “förändringsprojektet” startat 🙂

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Känner du igen problemet med upphandling i offentlig sektor med dyra komplexa system som inte levererar tydlig användarnytta?

Problemet är allt för vanligt återkommande i de flesta stora komplexa upphandlingar inom både offentlig och privat sektor. Vi tror att svaret finns i det Agila arbetssättet med en Agil kravställan, Agila kontrakt och Agila leveranser, där vi har lång erfarenhet. 

Grovt förenklat ser skillnaden mellan en vattenfallsupphandling och en Agil upphandling ut så här

agile procurement vs traditional

Därför driver vi en förändringsprocess
sedan ca 1,5 år riktat till offentlig sektor, där vi vill nå ut till politiker så väl som myndigheter och leverantörer. Vårt mål är att förbättra möjligheterna för myndigheter att leverera mer nytta för mindre pengar. (more…)

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Cross functional teams are complete in expertise but not necessarily collaborative. Sometimes team members hold on to their expertise too much and the team does not perform to its potential. This Lego game illuminates the difference when members allow themselves to take on tasks outside their expertise, being so called T-shaped. Play the game to kick-start your change and create collaboration.

This post was first published on the Crisp blog when Mia Kolmodin was a Crisp consultant.

Collected downloads from this post – updated June 2017
X-team Facilitators Instructions as PDF >
The X team silos game poster in PDF >

Playing the game.


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Next week on april 28th, we’re having the worlds first Nordic conference on Agile Procurement in Copenhagen!

The line up with speakers is extremely interesting. We have real cases from from Denmark, Finland and Sweden where Agile Procurement and Agile Contracts has been used with successful results. With a lot of the cases in the public sector. Also, there will be talks about the Agile contracts and time to mingle and talk to speakers after the sessions.

Conference on Agile Procurement
Key Learnings from the upcoming conference on Agile Procurement and Agile Contracting on April 28th, 2016.

We are starting to see a shift here in Sweden where the public sector as well as the private are starting to procure with Agile methods, but the Agile contracts are rarely being used. This makes it difficult to get the benefit from the Agile requirements process and the Agile development. What I believe is needed to change this is to give access to real success cases within the same field, and to get the lawyers to understand and wanting to try the Agile contracts. This is what the conference is all about.

I hope to see some curious Swedish government agencies on the conference getting inspired from the many great success cases from Denmark and Finland. It can be done, and it will change the outcome of so many projects.

Join us in this great event and spread the word of successful procurement and development of big complex projects!

Book your ticket here, we still have seats left!

Read the full Conference description here >

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Today I held a Design Studio workshop with about 25 people at NetEnt in Stockholm. There where people joining in because they where curious, from all different departments. Perfect for innovation 🙂

design studio free poster

Download the Design Studio poster as PDF >

It was just an hour, with a short introduction, starting with a warm up exercise to get their brains started up, and then 3 short time boxed iterations in 7 groups of 3-4 people. And then we had a 2 min presentation from each team on their combined idea in the team. Really excellent stuff!

A couple of the participants had done Design Studio before, but most of them had not. One of the participants said afterwards “When we got the mission, I had absolutely no ideas at all. But after just the first iteration I had plenty!”. Thats the way it works, you generate ideas and find solutions and see them from different angles as you work together.

The different groups came up with amazing ideas for future games on smart watches. Really innovative and cool 🙂

The Discovery Team

The Discovery Team

The more diverse your team is, the more perspectives you will see at the same time, and the better your ideas will be.

In the start of a new thing you might want to invite stakeholders, customer service, HR, marketing or others. When you do your sprints, you might pick some one outside the team to get a broader picture.  (more…)

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Att få bygga, skapa, designa och uppfinna har alltid varit något jag älskar att göra. Egentligen spelar det inte så stor roll vad det är, det roliga är att lösa problem, formulera vad jag vill, komma på vad som gör det bra, skissa och se att det växer fram något efter hand som jag inte kunde föreställa mig innan jag påbörjade arbetet.

Till vardags jobbar jag som kanske bekant för en del, med att coacha inom hur man bygger bygga digitala produkter, oftast Lean UX i Agila Team. Kanske är det därför det kliar lite extra i fingrarna i bland att göra väldigt fysiska produkter 🙂

HiFi prototyp efter några månader från The Game Crafter

LoFi prototyp
LoFi prototyp efter några veckor


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