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This is a translation of a prior post in Swedish. Se originalinlägget på svenska här >

This post is about the most common way of working for an agile team, namely the Scrum framework. Scrum is a minimal, lightweight framework that gives good support for both new teams and more experienced teams, as well as for organisations with many teams, under the name Scrum at Scale. In this post I show the basics of Scrum, but if you are interested to know more and get the latest correct updates, I recommend the official Scrum Guide >

Scrum is based on empiricism and lean thinking. It provides good support to deliver solutions to complex problems where we cannot predict whether the solution will produce the effect we want. It has become by far the most popular Agile way of working over the past 20 years.

The team can work within software development, product development, or as managers in any sort of organisation. Even functions like HR can benefit greatly from this way of working, or why not healthcare or construction projects? Anyone who works with complex problems where they cannot predict if the solution will achieve the desired result, and cannot plan more than one week in advance, will benefit from working this way of working.

Download the poster on Agile working for teams in a nutshell in English as high resolution PDF.

Share Values in the Agile Team

The 5 Scrum values give the team the conditions needed to build a high performing team. If these values are not lived by the team, they will not be able to build and maintain an Agile approach either. Process alone will not bring a team all the way to agility.

All in the Agile team focus on the work in the sprint or the goal for the team.

Agile team members have the courage to do the right thing and work to solve tough problems.

The Agile team and its stakeholders agree to be transparent with all work and challenges that come with doing it.

Individuals in the Agile team personally commit to achieve their shared goal as a team.

The members in the Agile team respect each other and have trust that all are capable, independent people.

Agile way of working for teams

The process is simple and has few elements and rules, as well as only 3 roles; Product Owner, Scrum Master and Team Member. Regardless of what the team is working on, these roles are used, but depending on what the team’s mission is, the team members have different competencies (more on that below).

Product Owner
Responsible for optimising value that the team and organisation deliver. Owns the product backlog, product vision, and has the mandate to make business decisions. NOT a project manager.

Scrum Master
A coaching leader for the team and PO. Responsible for facilitating work processes and optimising flow in the team. Helps the team to improve and build a mature and strong team. NOT managing anyone.

Team Members
A self-organising team is responsible for “the what” – i.e. the solution. The team works together with the PO to understand the business and customer value and is responsible for how the solution will work to solve the prioritised problem. NOT with individual goals and priorities.

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Motivation är ett begrepp som många gånger är missförstått då det är lätt att blanda ihop inre och yttre motivation. Med den här postern vill vi förklarar det viktigaste du behöver veta om motivation så att fler kan ha bra dialoger med varandra kring vad inre motivation handlar om. 

Läs mer om alla posterns olika delar här nedan, och ladda ner och använda postern gratis i PDF-format.

Ladda ner Motivation i ett nötskal gratis (PDF) >

Vad är motivation och forskning om motivation

När vi tänker på motivation associeras det oftast med det som kallas för yttre motivation, dvs. det vi brukar sammanfatta med morot och piska. I en organisation brukar det översättas till bonusar, förmåner eller titlar. Inre motivation handlar mer om det lustfyllda, det vi får energi av och det som håller oss motiverade över tid. Engagemang handlar mer om inställning och beteende, det har inget med inre motivation att göra.

Yttre motivation är ofta lön, bonus, förmåner och kanske titlar, och forskning visar att det inte är ett hållbart sätt. Inre motivation leder till bättre prestation vid all typ av beslutsfattning, speciellt i en komplexa frågor. Yttre motivation minskar den psykologiska tryggheten, vilket leder till sämre förmåga att innovera. En annan viktig slutsats är att inre och yttre motivation inte är positivt kopplade till varandra. Tvärtom rapporterar tre studier ett negativt samband; när den yttre motivationen är hög är den inre motivationen låg. Därför är det viktigt att fokuserar på den inre motivationen då det ger mest effekt.

MyNeeds har vidareutvecklat Self Determination Theory (SDT) tre psykologiska behov till att bli sex psykologiska behov. SDT har sedan 80-talet varit den mest etablerade motivationsforskningen i världen och är än idag aktuell. MyNeeds forskning har pågått sedan 2011 och har tillämpats inom näringslivet sedan dess. Förutom att titta på den individuella motivationen har MyNeeds även kartlagt vad det betyder för grupper och organisationer utifrån komplex systemteori.

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For good or bad, the pandemic, has transformed the way teams work around the world. Only a fraction of organizations has all employees back at their offices, while the biggest part is either having employees back in the office a few days a week or having them work remotely 100%. Some have even decided to expand their recruitment abroad. The positive side is that we are now more used to remote working and we have a broader toolbox to make us feel closer despite the distance. But on the flip side, we now have to face a new set of challenges both from the long-term remote working and the mix of onsite and remote work… How can we get the same ownership, engagement, team bonding, and awareness while working from our bedrooms or maybe from the other side of the globe?

The purpose of this poster is to create more awareness of those challenges and enable some reflections in the form of simple tips to try. After all, there is no solution that fits all and the effects are very different from team to team or company to company.

Download the Hybrid Agile Teams Poster for Free Here (PDF) >

French: Download the poster for free here (PDF) >

Spanish: Download the poster for free here (PDF) >

What is a Hybrid Team?

Hybrid Teams are those teams that are either fully remote team, or that work sometimes in the same office and sometimes remotely. It is very important to separate the “types” of those hybrid teams because they have different characteristics and their setup creates different needs and challenges.

Distributed sub-teams are those where we have people working in different offices, say for example a team that is divided between 2 locations, like half the team in Sweden and the other half in Germany. This is challenging for team growth as the team will naturally split into sub-teams and might never feel like one entity. It is important to focus on team-building activities and even sharing working work across sub-teams.

Partially dispersed teams are those where the main team is working from the same location but perhaps one or two people are working from some where else. This is not the best setup as it can make those people feel as if they are outsiders, and the level of inclusion will drastically reduce. In this case, it is important to balance the participation and contribution of everybody to make sure that even those joining remotely can feel part of the team.

Fully dispersed teams are those teams with people joining from different locations. Even if it might seem the most challenging setup, this is actually better than the others types of hybrid teams when it comes to team development and team dynamics, because everybody is sharing the same situation. It is, of course, challenging to create that deep trust and deep bonding as the members do not have usually many chances to meet us.

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Technology is an enabler and accelerator for today’s modern product organizations. Companies and organizations often rally around agile working methods and creating effective teams. At the same time, the technology is paradoxically forgotten or taken for granted. It is often when technology poses an obstacle or when the technical debt has grown above the surface that technology issues come up on the agenda.

So the question is, how can we bring in technology development as an equally obvious part of product development? How do we ensure that features and technical enablers mutually contribute to great products? How do we ensure that the technology together with agile working methods solves bottlenecks and enables value flow?

This is where the poster Agile Architecture in a Nutshell comes in.

Download the poster as a High-Res PDF here

Buy a printed A1 version here

The poster is intended as a cheat sheet of condensed wisdom based on experience from digital product organizations. It can be printed and set up in the corridor and be a support in the dialogue between PM, PO, agile coaches, scrum masters, architects, tech leads and developers.

The poster helps to have a dialogue about complex questions such as: What is agile architecture and what is it good for, how do we accomplish technical transition through continuous improvements, how do we take bigger technical leaps, what can we do instead of reorganizing, how should we think when layering the architecture, what is the architect’s role in the DevOps journey, how do you achieve governance in an agile way, how do you get the teams to build in the right way, how should we visualize the architecture, what competence requirements should are important when we hire an architect, what tools does an architect need etc.

Solutions to questions like these differ, of course, depending on the company, industry, history and current challenges. But the poster can be used as a guide in the discussion with engaging illustrations, models and concepts that contribute to the dialogue. All to contribute to working agile with the architecture, which in turn contributes to even more awesome products reaching the market faster.

What is Agile Architecture?

There are plenty of definitions of architecture. There are also plenty of theoretical discussions when architects discuss. At the same time as the architectural work is something very concrete – a work of removing obstacles and creating new opportunities with the help of technology. An attempt to define agile architecture is therefore: “flexible structure that is created just in time to enable value flow”.

It may be wishful thinking, but what is needed is a “flexible structure” that helps the teams today and tomorrow, where it is easy to adapt the architecture to new product requirements, new forms of collaboration and to add new or remove old technology. It leads the thought to loosely coupled architecture that is layered, component-based or broken down into microservices.

“That is created just in time” where long-term and intentional design is balanced with emergent architecture. If the architecture is planned too far in advance, plans and target architectures are out of date before they are used, and vice versa, if the architecture is not planned in advance, the teams create hacks and workarounds. It’s about putting your ear to the rail and finding a sweet spot between the two. Something that must take place in close collaboration with product owners, flow managers and teams.

Architect to enable Value flow

Architecture is fundamentally about continuously creating and improving the flow of value to the customer through products using technology.

Central to achieving this is a constant tug-of-war between the drive to create business value and counter-forces in the form of technical constraints. Business value – the ability to constantly improve time to market, eliminate bottlenecks and improve product quality through technology. Limitations in the form of technical debt and lock-ins created by Conway’s Law which, in a simplified way, means that the teams build the architecture they need, which is often an obstacle when products, teams and ways of working change.

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We are so happy to be able to share the Agile HR in a Nutshell Poster with you for free also in Polish! Thank you so much, Anna Senften for your awesome work with the translation 🙂

Download the Agile HR in a Nutshell in Polish for free here (PDF) >

Read the original post about the poster and download this poster in English here >

Free to download, use and share

The posters are published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

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There are many ways businesses can organize to grow and deliver value, but not all of them are equally effective. Melissa Perri, the author of The Build Trap, acknowledges four primary organizational patterns that take very different approaches to achieve growth and value delivery, we have added a fifth pattern that is very common too, the budget-led organization.

Budget-Led Organizations

Budget-led organizations focus on long term planning and mitigate the risk of people working on the wrong thing by having everyone hand in their plans on an often yearly basis and having them reviewed and committed to. This is often a time consuming process, not only to plan, but also to follow up on how all parts of the organization are doing compared to the plan. Important metrics are often deviation from plan as well as obsession over if the work is maintenance or innovation (opex or capex). This type of internal focus gives the organization a locked focus. No matter if the target moves away, the structures are set up to make sure you stick to the obsolete plan. It does not allow new insights to impact what gets delivered and the organization cannot have customer focus nor compete on a fast moving market. Most times people in the organization spend most of their time trying to find ways to game the system to be able to have any success at all.

Sales-Led Organizations

Sales-led organizations work closely with clients to define the product roadmap, taking all of their requests, and sometimes customizing things especially for them. The challenge, however, is when it comes to scaling. Organizations with 50 to 100 customers or more cannot build everything uniquely to match the needs of each customer unless they want to become a bespoke agency. Most products delivered by sales-led organizations suffer from debts in all possible ways; product, usability and tech.

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We are so happy to be able to share the Agile Coaching in a Nutshell Poster with you for free also in simplified Chinese! Thank you so much, Paulino Kok and his team at agilizing.com for your awesome work with the translation 🙂

Free download of the Agile Coaching in a Nutshell in Simplified Chinese in high resolution (PDF) >

Read the original post about the poster and download the Agile Coaching in a Nutshell poster in English here >

Free to download, use and share

The posters are published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

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In this poster, I have collected some organizational design patterns from Agile product organizations at scale. The highlighted questions might serve as an entry point to different topics, such as design principles for the organization, strategy for growing teams and individuals, how to enable autonomy and alignment and how to design the leadership teams to support and grow an awesome product organization that delivers products customers love.

UPDATE JUNE 2023: Scrum of Scrum added as a pattern in the English poster.

Download the Product Organizational Design Patterns poster in high-resolution as PDF >

Buy printed A1 poster >

You can also download it in:

German >

Highlighted questions to reflect over in this poster

  • How do we measure success?
  • What are our guiding principles?
  • Are we optimizing for flow?
  • Are we optimizing for value?
  • What is the capability we need to scale?
  • How do we enable flow of information?
  • What is the Minimum Valuable Bureaucracy
  • What roles do we need in our leadership team?
  • How do we grow teams & individuals?
  • What type of teams do we need?
  • How do we enable both autonomy & alignment?
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When working in Agile teams, we want the teams to do usability testing to get quick feedback. This is the most efficient way to make sure we are building the right thing. The Test Canvas can be used to speed up the feedback process and enable more people to learn how to do it and join the process.

This canvas is created based on UX professionals practices and guide anyone through the process in a safe way as well as minimize the time to define and conduct usability testing on a continuous basis – it is perfect for building and scaling the UX capability in many product teams.

Download the test canvas for free as a high-resolution PDF >

Usability testing is qualitative as opposed to a quantitative method

The purpose of usability testing is to observe users and how they solve common user tasks in a prototype or existing service to see if the solution is working well. We want them to talk out loud so we can understand how they think when they use it.  We want to be able to ask them questions so we can better understand their mental models and experience. Since it is a qualitative test where we listen to and look at how users behave and how our service performed it is usually enough to test with 5-8 people. Once you realize nothing new “big” is coming from the tests you know you have reached the limit for what is needed now. But once you have fixed those issues you might test again on new people. You find more information about this in the canvas.

Usability testing can be done on anyone and any user type

Usability testing can be done on anyone and any user type. A user interview on the other hand is something else, that is when we need to learn if the solution solves a specific problem. In that case, we need to validate that on the target group and perhaps someone who is like our users and a specific persona. Often we then need to interview or observe 20 people instead of only 5-8.

Usability testing can be scary at the beginning

Meeting with customers and doing usability testing, in the beginning, can be intimidating. A good way to get started is by creating a safe-to-fail environment by practicing with people you know. Remember, if the team can test on real users once in a while and get valuable feedback, it is so much better than never getting to meet with any users and never getting any validation on what they do. It is also a lot better than only having experts outside of the team, or even worse outside of the organization.

Good methods for usability testing

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The product development process is the end to end process we go through to make sure we build the right thing. As a Product Manager or Product Owner, your job is to lead this process, or parts of it, together with your team. 

The process looks the same no matter if you are working in an environment or product with legacy systems or a totally new product. This could be a waterfall, step-by-step process if you are in a slow-paced environment where not much is changing over the time it takes to think, build and ship it, but most often we need it to be more of a fluid process where we can go through it in different ways, with different methods depending on the need. We often want to get from start to end as quickly as possible to not just get quick feedback from stakeholders but also from real users to make sure we build the right thing and solve real customer problems.

The keys to building the right thing lay both in defining the right problems in connection to your business goals and finding the solution to solve the problem. When we work Agile we need to get quick feedback along the way and adapt the solution as we go, and we do that by embedding feedback loops into the process. As you can see above the process the feedback you get in the different parts of the process should help you either move forward or go back to re-iterate your assumption or solution, this is what we call Lean UX and Lean Startup depending on what we are building. 

In this chapter we will look at the different parts of the process and what methods can be used to be able to deliver in an Agile way, to get customer feedback, and to involve the stakeholders, team, and customer in a good way along the process. 

A couple of things to reflect on:

– Where are you in the process now? 
– Do you do work in all parts of the process?
– Do you, or the teams, often jump directly into planning?
– Is someone else doing part of the process, or is no one doing it?
– Do you and the team evaluate and optimize what you ship?

FREE DOWNLOAD: Download the free poster in high resolution (PDF) >

BUY: printed A1 poster

ACCESS MY TRAINING: with a full toolbox of metods for Agile / Lean UX product development >

The Product Development Process Poster

This poster with the overview of the product development process can be used for discussing your current ways of working, and as support for anyone to move from traditional ways of working with product development and product management. It can also act as a great support in planning how to work in the team together, and to create a high-level plan when starting some new product development.

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This is a workshop that I have used a couple of times to enable shared ideas about product development with development teams. It is originally called ”Prune the Product tree”, and part of the book Innovation Games by Luke Hohmann.

Last Friday we used it with the Dandy People team to look at Dandy and what we might need to, and like to focus on and do next, and what fruits we think it might give us.

I love these kinds of workshops and formats that are visual and where we can use metaphors and get creative in our discovery and prioritization together. The full workshop was over 4 hours (and we didn’t finish).

USE THE MURAL TEMPLATE: Use the template in Mural

FREE DOWNLOAD OF PDF: Download the Prune the Product Tree poster for free in high-resolution PDF format

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We believe that well functioning Agile leadership teams are one of the most important functions of an Agile organization, but also one that often seems to be underdeveloped in most organization. That’s why we got together after summer and started to sketch on good practices and principles for Agile Leadership Teams.

Agile Leadership Team in a Nutshell Poster

We have collected some of our best tools and tips for cross-functional leadership teams that want to support the organization and build structures for Agility in this new poster. We are so happy to now finally be able to share the Agile Leadership Team in a Nutshell Poster with you for free!

DOWNLOAD IT FOR FREE: Here you can download it for free in high resolution >

BUY: printed A1 poster >

Recording from the Release Webinar November 30

On November 30 we hosted a webinar where we launched the poster and shared our insights and learnings from where we created the poster.
You can also find the video on YouTube

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We are so happy to be able to share the Agile Leadership in a Nutshell with you for free also in Italian! Thank you so much Alessandro Amelotti for your awesome work with the translation 🙂

DOWNLOAD IT FOR FREE: Here you can download it for free in high resolution >

Agile Leadership ITA

Free to download, use and share

The posters is published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Here you find all the other Free Agile in a Nutshell-posters in the series that are now translated to 14 languages and downloaded over 70.000 times world wide

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The recruiting and onboarding process is something that often has to be adapted when organizations “go Agile”. We were curious about what can be done to adapt the process for the people working with recruiting, what it would mean for the candidate, and how and what to look for when hiring for Agility. So we got together as a cross-functional team to look at this with our different perspectives, Frida Mangen, known from the popular pod Agila HR-podden, Thomas Eklöf, and Nils Hallén, both experts on recruiting and authors of books like “Innovative Recruiting (in Swedish), Björn Sandberg Agile HR and transformation expert at Dandy, and myself, to see if we could create a poster as a first step. The work of creating the poster started in October 2019 and was paused a bit during COVID19. Now we are so happy to be able to share it with you after 8 months!

Free Download of the Poster

ENGLISH: Free Download of the Agile Recruiting in a Nutshell poster here (PDF) >

SPANISH: Free Download of Reclutamiento ágil en pocas palabras >

SIMPLIFIED CHINESE: Free Download of the Agile Recruiting in a Nutshell poster here (PDF) >

BUY: printed A1 poster >

Modern Agile Recruiting Principles

You can think of these principles as a lighthouse. If you are in sight of the light you are on the right path, but if you lose sight of it then you are probably off course.

Dare to experiment! Test new ideas, gather data, learn, and improve! Beware that you still need to treat your candidates equally to sustain a reliable process.

Psychological Safety
Human relations before processes and tools. Consider how you can create an environment where the candidate experiences psychological safety. This will help you to assess how the candidate behaves in a normal setting, otherwise, you risk just assess their behavior under stress.

Potential eat experience for breakfast! Potential is critical for your future success. Rather than looking for readiness, i.e. previous experience, look for the right traits, motivators, capabilities, and behaviors.

Creating Value
Adopt a dynamic mindset for recruiting. Evolve the way you work with recruitment by continuously improving yourself and your processes.

We all love how Modern Agile supports everyone thinking and acting in ways that support Agility, that is why we created a version of the Modern Agile by Joshua Kerievsky specifically for Agile recruiting.

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Many organizations are in need of leveraging Agile across the organization to improve collaboration, shorten lead times and improve quality. One great way to do that is to use Agile online trainings and facilitate the learning journey in different ways and embedding learning in your every-day work.

Since we will only get the impact of doing trainings when people actually use their learnings, starting to act and think differently all online trainings should focusing on driving curiosity, shared learnings and action.

To support organizations in tactics on how to engage and activate people through online trainings we created this poster that shows some ideas on how you can enable continuous learning and growth.

FREE DOWNLOAD: Download the Continuous Learning poster in High Resolution (PDF)

Strategies of how to enable continuous learning in the organization

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We are living in a world with a higher pace of change and complexity than ever before. Our conventional ways of leading and organizing are struggling hard to stay relevant in this new environment. Therefore, there is a need to think differently and structure ourselves differently to meet the needs of today.

We need to be more flexible with short lead times and able to make quick decisions at the right level, where they have the latest and most relevant information. In this leadership poster, we have captured Transformative Leadership which is a type of leadership that enables Agility in the organization.

FREE Download of the Agile Transformational Leadership poster (PDF) >

Free download in Italian >

Free download in French >

Free download in Spanish >

Free download in German >

Buy printed A1 poster >

Join our online training based on this poster

If you are interested in learning more about the content in this poster or to becoming a Transformational leader in an Agile environment you are welcome to join our online training in Agile Leadership which is based on this poster. Teachers are Mia Kolmodin and Björn Sandberg.

Learning Organization

A learning organization is the best way we know to meet these demands and to handle the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) of the world of today and tomorrow.

A way to handle this is by task management and developing the organization to be a true learning organization. Start with the prerequisite for empowerment and gradually start to work with emergent strategies. 

The foundation for making this possible is a leadership based on the understanding of motivation.

Theory X and Y Leadership

Agile Leadership is characterized by the understanding that people are more motivated by intrinsic motivation compared to extrinsic motivation. This is also closely related to the X and Y leadership theory by Douglas McGregor. 

Theory X – extrinsic motivation – emphasizes the importance of strict monitoring, external rewards, and even punishment.
Theory Y – intrinsic motivation – highlights well-being and encourages people to approach tasks without direct supervision.

In the Leadership Shift model below you will find where X-leadership and Y-leadership lives.

A leadership shift is needed

The Leadership shift happens when we shift gear from conventional leadership, which many times has served us well, to transformational leadership, to secure the organizational result in a fast-changing and highly complex world.

The Leadership Shift Model illustrates and maps common leadership styles and the effect they have on the organizational result. 

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Stress blocks the pathways in the brain that need to be open for effective action, decision-making, and learning.

In a knowledge-intensive work life, we have to be careful with increasing the pressure, so that it doesn’t switch to stress. It is counterproductive because it reduces the intellectual capacity that we need as much as possible to cooperate, solve problems and innovate.

This means that the leadership must be a safe haven for development and achievement, not a source of stress.

ENGLISH Free download of the Stress in a Nutshell Poster (PDF) >

SVENSKA Ladda ner postern på Svenska (PDF) >

Buy printed A1 poster >

The cause of stress – Stressors

Examples of causes that can lead to stress in individuals, that in turn form teams, which can lead to stressed organizations.

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Conflict or friction is natural when we grow and develop who we are. It is often a combination of two or more types of conflicts. Make sure to identify which, and if possible choose collaboration as your solution style. When transforming to an Agile organization with teams and a new type of management processes and governance we often have to handle a lot of conflicts. It is important to understand that conflicts not necessarily is a bad thing, it is a natural part of becoming a high performing team and organization.

FREE Download of poster for Conflict resolution (PDF) >

Buy printed A1 poster >

To be able to improve and change, conflicts need to be resolved by the people in the conflict and perhaps support to facilitate the process is needed. Often just a reminder that this is a natural part of improving, so let’s move on and find out what we can do to improve together.

This poster was created to support smooth handling of conflicts everywhere in the organization.

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This poster was created to cater to the need we see in many organizations today to create a shared understanding of what a well-functioning Agile team is and how you can build that team to get the value you expect from an Agile organization.

English: Download the Agile Team in a Nutshell Poster (PDF) >

Italian: Download the Agile Team in a Nutshell Poster (PDF) >

Swedish: Download the Agile Team in a Nutshell Poster (PDF) >

BUY: printed A1 poster >

What is a team and how do you become high performing?

Is your team even a team?
There are two things needed for a group of people to be able to become a team. Without them, the group can never be a team. The two things are: 

  • A common goal
  • Needing each other

Stable Teams

Keeping teams stable overtime is needed to become and stay well-functioning and high-performing teams where smooth collaboration and innovation take place. Any change in the team setup may cause the team to go back to where they were as newly formed. Teams of 5-7 people who are kept together and get to high-performance are 100% faster.

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Many organizations right now are moving from viewing the organizations as a machine to a people first culture,  enabling valuable collaborations, strategic flexibility and customer focus. The Stairway to Business Agility can be used as a tool for self- and shared reflection. It is based on experiences from many different organizations and their journey towards a well functioning and high performing organizations. You might have totally different experiences, and thats fine too.

Where are you and your organization today?
Are you doing Agile – or being Agile, and what is your ambition? You will probably find that you partly might be on different steps at the same time, in different parts of the organization, and that you might have done some things that in this visualization “belongs” on another step. That is not wrong, we should work in parallells and not in a waterfall implementation manner. Perhaps you can find even more things that you can do to enable business Agility by looking at this as inspiration and take some time to reflect together. Please skip the steps in the bottom now that you know they don’t bring the value we usually are looking for when going Agile.

stairway to business agility

Download the Stairway to Business Agility as high resolution PDF here >

Let’s start at the bottom of the stairs where we are non Agile.

1. Big projects and command & control

Resource optimization and command and control. Everyone focuses on optimizing their own part of the process, running bigger and bigger projects and making sure everyone is as occupied as possible. Complexity grows, you are hiring more people – but it takes longer and longer while you deliver even less with worse quality. We suffer badly from decision latency and can no longer meet the customers’ needs. The management models that have served the organization well the past 100 years is no longer giving us what we need and we are starting to feel the pain of it.

2. The machine – doing Agile


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We believe in visual models that support common views, transparency and collaboration, that helps us as individuals and teams shift towards a growth mindset.

The system shift poster was initially created due to our need within Dandy People to find common ways to think about and work with Agile transformations without getting fixed to specific frameworks – and also in an efficient way communicate how we work towards our customers.

The poster is our combined experience within the team at Dandy People, condensed into one page of goodies.

Questions we wanted to answer in this poster

  • What are the different choices we have on where to start?
  • What structured ways of moving towards Agility do we see?
  • What type of leadership is needed to enable an Agile organization?
  • Why do we start with structures and not just training?
  • How do we enable sustainability in change that never ends?

the system shift in a nutshell
Download the System shift in a Nutshell poster for free here (PDF) >

Buy printed A1 poster >

What are the different choices we have on where to start? – Holistic view to achieve Business Agility

We have seen many organizations start their agile journey within one part of the existing organization, mostly within IT (component teams). For traditional organizations to become more innovative, have shorter time to market and stay relevant as employees and for their customers, that is no longer enough. We suggest that you work “bottom up” – and “top down”, and that you create cross functional feature teams on both operational level AND on leadership level, as far up in the hierarchy as possible. A cross functional leadership team is needed to give focus to the organization and to remove impediments from the operational teams as quickly as possible. Traditional structures are too slow and will not suffice.

holistic view for business agility

What structured ways of moving towards Agility do we see? – The Agile Transformation Ladder

The ladder is helping us see the necessary steps that traditional organization need to move through to become flexible and highly efficient.

The change process happens in 4 dimensions:

    • Individual
    • Team
    • Organization
    • Leadership

Visualized in the ladder you can see that leadership runs like a red thread from the bottom to the top. Leaders need to go first to act as a role model and enable improvements of the system. You will be able to read more about the ladder in an upcoming post.

Agile Transformation Ladder by Dandy People, inspired by Agile Fluency Model, Copyright by James Shore & Diana Larsen. 

What type of leadership is needed to enable an Agile organization? – the Leadership Shift Model

The Leadership Shift Model shows the paradigm shift in leadership today where new leadership behaviours are needed in a VUCA-world to be able to improve business. Instead of traditional ways that focus on managing people we need to shift towards growing people to enable business growth. Traditional conventional leadership focuses on striving for agreements and to make interventions if needed, and if even further down the use of “carrot and stick”, reward and punishment and being over controlling is common. These conventional leadership styles (and systems) are holding people back as well as holding their ability to innovate and solve real customer problems. In the short term it might look as your organization is delivering, but long term your business will suffer.

the leadership shift model (more…)

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Business Performance TeamMost CEO’s today say Business Agility is important to them. It´s becoming more and more clear that organizations that enable their employees to find the best solutions to important problems outperform their competitors. To do this we many times need to take a very different perspective on how to manage our companies than what we have been used to. Old leadership principles and management practices don´t give the support or control they used to – they are instead actively hindering the organization from acting on new knowledge and doing whats best for the company and the customers.

How to create human and flexible organizations for more value

In this poster we cover the combination of the people perspective and the business perspective and how new perspectives and ways of working can enable business agility. Only once these two perspectives are in sync we can truly empower people and build learning organizations that not just handle complexity better – but even uses it as a business advantage.

To create this poster I have worked with two of the front runners within both of the areas (together with Managers) that most of all have to change to enable Business Agility, Bjarte Bogsnes within Finance and Pia-Maria Thorén within HR.

FREE DOWNLOAD: Here you can download the Enabling Business Agility Poster for free (PDF) >

FREE DOWNLOAD: Portuguese >


BUY: printed A1 poster
Enabling Business Agility

Pia-Maria Thorén - Inspiration Director at Agile People and Bjarte Bogsnes - Chairman Beyond Budgeting Roundtable. Björn Sandberg has also contributed with his elegant model for learning organizations.

TRAINING: Don´t miss learning all about how to do this at the awesome training “Enabling Business Agility” with Pia-Maria and Bjarte Bogsnes at Dandy People in Stockholm!

Beyond Budgeting Principles
Beyond Budgeting principles

Separating Business processes to enable Business Agility

Separate conflicting purposes into different processes and then improve each one

People Perspective – Theory X and Y

If we have an X view on people we believe they are lazy and don’t want to do a good job. They need to be managed and controlled to do their work and have very little creativity. This is reflecting how traditional management processes are set up.

If we have an Y view on people we believe that under the right conditions people like to work and that they are creative. People are motivated when they take ownership and set their own goals. This is a modern management view for the knowledge era of today.

Free to download, use and share


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We are so happy to be able to share another of our Agile posters translated to Portuguese! Thank you so much AdaptworksFREE DOWNLOAD IN PORTUGUESE: the Propriedade de Produto Ágil as high resolution PDF >

Here you find the original English poster >

Propriedade de Produto Ágil


Free to download, use and share

The posters is published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Here you find all the other posters in the series that are now translated to 14 languages and downloaded over 70.000 times world wide.



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This is a visualization of what we as Agile Coaches do and what competences we have. The purpose of this poster is to create a common understanding of this new role(s) and function for the rest of the organization – but also a way for us as Agile Coaches to use for growing our competences in a strategic way and building cross functional Agile Coaching teams.

At Dandy People we work as Agile Coaches at our customers and support them in Agile change journeys over time. I started to create this poster to create a common understanding at our clients, as well as within Dandy so that we have a shared view of our core capabilities. I have used it many times with great success, the confusion of what we do is gone in minutes and we can get started to bring value to people! This poster has now been updated many times with great feedback from you all.  The development has been in a collaboration with the experienced Agile leader Frank Olsen who is Chief Agile Coach at Simcorp, leading their LACE team. Thank you Frank for awesome collaboration!

FREE DOWNLOAD ENGLISH: Here you can download the Agile Coaching in a Nutshell poster for free in high resolution (PDF) >

FREE DOWNLOAD PORTUGUESE: Here you can download the poster in Portuguese >

FREE DOWNLOAD RUSSIAN: Here you can download the poster in Russian >

FREE DOWNLOAD TURKISH: Here you can download the poster in Turkish >

FREE DOWNLOAD SPANISH: Here you can download the poster in Spanish >

Free Download in Simplified Chinese: Here you can download the poster in Simplified Chinese >

BUY: printed A1 poster >

agile coach in a nutshell

Are you interested in becoming an Agile Coach?
Here you find our trainings for Agile Leaders and Coaches >

The content of the Agile Coaching in a Nutshell poster

The Agile Coaching Competency Framework
The framework that I find best describe the complexity of the role in a great way is the Agile Coaching Competency Framework by Lyssa Adkins and Michale Spayd at agile Coaching Institute. I have tweaked it a bit  to be able to use it on a broader perspective then within software development. My hope is that it can be used by Agile Coaches across the organization. The way they explain it is that every Agile Coach should master at least one area within the 4 main areas. (more…)

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The Agile ladiesWe’ve teamed up with the talented Riina Hallström and Natal Dank –co-founders of the Agile HR Community –  to create the first Agile HR in a Nutshell free infographic resource.

Join us for the global online launch on Jan 15th and webinar to learn how this excellent learning resource will help all Agile HR enthusiasts, from active practitioners to budding learners.

As for all our other free Agile in a Nutshell posters we share this poster for free with any one interested in using it. Here you find all the other posters in the series that are now translated to 14 languages and downloaded over 75.000 times world wide.

IN ENGLISH: Download the Agile HR in a Nutshell poster for free here in high resolution (PDF)

IN SWEDISH: Read more and download it for free here >

IN SPANISH: Read more and download it for free here>

IN PORTUGUESE: Read more and download it for free here >

IN TURKISH: Read more and download it for free here >

IN SERBIAN: Read more and download it for free here >

IN FRENCH: Read more and download it for free here >

IN POLISH: Read more and download it for free here >

BUY: printed A1 poster >


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A big thank you to the Agilist and Service Designer Ricardo Martins from Curitiba, Brazil, who has been kind enough to translate the Free Agile in a Nutshell poster to Portuguese! We are so happy that we can share this poster with even more people in the world.

Here you can Download the Resumo “Ágil” fro free in high-resolution (PDF )>

Resumo Ágile

Here you find all the other languages of the same, and other free Agile posters >

Free to download, use and share

The poster and other content is published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages (Chinese is coming soon) please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

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Since the customer is what drives the value in the organization, we must also organize accordingly. Narrow minded, sub-optimized-silos-days are finally over – future proof organizations with teams that have customer focus and can use their brain power to deliver value – here we come!

Poster downloads (PDF):

English version of the poster > 

Brazilian Portuguese version of the poster >

French version of the poster >

Spanish version of the poster >

Buy printed A1 poster >

business valueTo organize around the customer journey has proven to be extremely effective in order to deliver as much value as possible, as fast as possible – and to make the customer as well as the employees feel awesome! In most organization the organization structure itself is what´s causing the most pain – maybe no wonder when you reflect on that the silos based hierarchical organization is over 100 years old! You can download the Agile Leadership poster for more on that topic.

We are starting to see great results from organizations that have embraced this that makes for a strong business case for any organization. We love to be able to finally be able to share this concept with you. Enjoy!

The Over all Structure of the Customer Journey Product Organization

We have captured the over all visualization of how the organization can work hoping to give you a goal picture and a common understanding.

Here you can Download the poster in high resolution (PDF) > 

At Dandy People we support teams and organizations to become Agile to be able to focus on the business strategies and to mobilize the brain power in the teams to deliver value continuously. We call these value driven Agile teams for “Lean Teams” since they own the process end 2 end to deliver value, and that they also own the part of the service or product end 2 end. These teams work hypothesis based and have clear missions for 6-12 months with clear KPIs that gives them mandate to decide what to do when and enables them to have a ongoing learning process – all which is needed in a fast paced world if you desire to be the leading product or service within your niche. Crucial for these teams are of course the T-shape of the team members. The T-shape is something that enables the team to work as a team and it creates a really strong teams without dependencies to people within the team – and it also prevents the team to not do mini-waterfall in the team (just doing their part and handing over to the next). You can read more about T-shape here and how to grow it as a leader.

In this post you can download the poster for free and learn more about:

  • Lean Teams Connected to the Customer Journey with Missions
  • User research, Planning and Delivery across the Organization – connects as never before
  • Slicing for Value with User Story Mapping to create Alignment
  • The different type of teams
  • Cross-functional competences is needed in the Lean Team
  • Modern Agile and Continuous improvement of the System
  • Choosing what type of Organization you want to have Together
  • Avanza Leads the way with Lean Teams and Customer Journey Organization
  • Presentation on the Customer Journey Product Organization

Lean Teams Connected to the Customer Journey with Missions


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When Agile becomes something for the whole organization leadership needs to adapt to support Agile values and principles. Take the opportunity to give energy and grow a leadership that supports an organization fit for the future. Let’s build an Agile Mindset that can change how leaders act in their daily activities, how they lead people and business, form organizations and governance.

Free Download of the English Agile leadership in a Nutshell poster in High resolution (PDF)

French Translation of this poster >

Portuguese Translation of this poster >

Spanish Translation of this poster >

Italian Translation of this poster >

Turkish Translation of this poster >

German Translation of this poster >

German Translation of this poster (school) >

Buy printed A1 poster >

EDIT 2021: The poster is now updated to ver 1.2 with some improvements and better connection to transformational leadership and theory X and Y.

This poster is for me a way to visualize key concepts for how to lead with an Agile Mindset. At Dandy People we use it in our Agile coaching and training. We hope you as well can have use for it in your work. Please let us know if you have any feedback or questions on this poster.

To Lead in Complexity

The basis for Agile leadership is that we need to have a leadership that works in complexity – that support flexibility, transparency, collaboration and authonomy to enable the “workers” to make smart tactical and operative decisions to reach well defined impact goals. There are several common leadership concepts that support this kind of leadership;

  • Catalyst Leadership
  • Management 3.0
  • Systems Thinking
  • Servant Leadership

Three leadership Styles

In the poster there are three leadership styles visualized;

  • Catalyst Leadership (Best for Agile)
  • Achiever
  • Expert

The infographic contains numerous of illustrations to visualize some of the behaviours of each leadership style. I believe (without perhaps any support from research) that you can change leadership style to become a Catalyst Leader if  you make this decision, practice and work on it. I also believe that the environment we live and act in shapes how we behave and what we might see as good leadership.

Agile Mindset and what it might mean in Reality

When you understand that Agile actually is a way of thinking, a mindset, and not a process ot tools, it usually unlocks the “next level” in your game. But many leaders might find it quite difficult to put the Agile mindset to practice in reality. What does it really mean for governance? How do we build organizations, create good salary models, plan our projects, grow our staffs knowledge, build teams…? I have covered just a tiny part of that in this poster, the list could go on forever I know.

Need Coaching and Training for Agile Leadership?
Coaching Agile Leadership

If you need help to reshape the leadership in your organization to support your Agile journey, let us know and we’ll happily join forces with you to coach and train your managers and every one else who can become leaders. (more…)

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Many Agile teams are struggling to connect user experience and the design process with Agile ways of working and often Scrum. In this Poster (and post) I´m trying to describe the connection, and how you can collaborate in the team to learn more about user needs and solutions to solve real user problems together. I´ve been using this poster for over a year in my combined PO and UX training (Build the Right Product – Innovation through Collaboration & Design Thinking) and in my Agile coaching.

Download the Agile User Experience in a Nutshell in high resolution (PDF) >

Download in Portuguese >

Download in Spanish >

Download in Turkish >

Buy printed A1 poster >

Agile User Experience in a Nutshell Poster

My hope is that this poster might give some guidance in how User Experience can work in an Agile setup in combination with the posters; Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell and Agile in a Nutshell (with a spice of Lean UX).

What does UX mean?

UX stands for User Experience. Basically, the expected and needed user experience of the service or digital product to meet user and business goals. To connect user needs and business goals is basic when working with user experience, it is basic to meet users and understand who they are – and involve and understand stakeholders. Any team can work with UX as long as they get to do this, and have the methods and processes to do it in a structured and effective way. (more…)

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Great news! The Agile in a Nutshell poster is now also available in Russian thanks to Alexey Krivitsky. Thank you so much Alexey for your help 🙂

This poster has already been downloaded almost 20.000 times only in English since October 2016 when I published it for the first time. Here you find all the other languages that it has been translated to, as well as a free Power Point with the graphics.

Here you can Download the Agile in a Nutshell Russian poster for Free (PDF)Russian agile in a nutshell

All other Agile posters in all languages can be found through the Agile Explained Infographic Collection page >

Here you can visit Alexeys blog (scrum.ua) with the Russian poster as well >

Free to download, use and share

The poster and other content is published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages (Chinese is coming soon) please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

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Thanks to Mirko Kleiner at Flowdays the Agile in a Nutshell poster has now been translated to German as well! Hope you find it useful, and thank you so much Mirko for your friendship and help with this!

Here you can Download the German poster for Free as a high-resolution PDF >
AGile in a Nutshell German poster

German Agile in a Nutshell poster

All other Agile posters in all languages can be found through the Agile Explained Infographic Collection page >

Free to download, use and share

The poster and other content is published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages (Chinese is coming soon) please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

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I receive a lot of questions about where to find the Agile in a Nutshell poster, and I know it’s tricky to find things here on the blog. So in this poster I have collected all of Dandys Agile Infographic Posters to make it easier to find them over time. I will continue to add new ones in this collection page, so bookmark it if you want to come back and update your collection. All updates on languages and new updated versions of each poster will be updated on the specific original page for that poster, linked to from this page. Please let me know if you are interested in translating any of the posters to a new language 🙂

Currently published posters in the Dandy “in a nutshell” series:
– Agile Coaching in a Nutshell
Agile HR in a Nutshell
– The Customer Journey Product Organization
– Agile Leadership in a Nutshell
– Agile User Experience – with a dash of Lean UX
– Product Ownership in a Nutshell
– Agile Change Management in a Nutshell
– Monotasking in a Nutshell
– Get seated for Agile
– Agile in a Nutshell

Since I published the first Agile in a Nutshell poster about in September 2017 it has been downloaded about 40.000 times and translated to several languages by Agile people around the world, and together all the posters have been downloaded over 70.000 times (jan 2019). I´m hugely appreciative of the support and help I have received in doing this, as well as all the positive feedback I have received. I´ts been so much fun 🙂 I have also found new friends in all this, not only in those great people translating the posters but also in the creation of the posters, some where created with friend and some with new friends. The Monotasking in a Nutshell poster was created together with the author of the book “Monotasking”, Staffan Nöteberg. The Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell poster was created togehter with Tomer Shalit who is a member of Crisp as a basis for the training we where planning on setting up. The Agile Change Management in a Nutshell poster was created together with Joel Ståhl. I could not have created any of these poster without their knowledge and collaboration. The Agile HR poster was created together with Riina Hellström and Natal dank from the Agile HR community.

Enable Business Agility in a Nutshell Poster

This poster cover the combination of the people perspective and the business perspective and how new perspectives and ways of working can enable business agility. Only once these two perspectives are in sync we can truly empower people and build learning organizations that not just handle complexity better – but even uses it as a business advantage. Published March, 2019. Please contact us if you are interested in doing a translation, or if you have any feedback. For free high resolution download just follow the link to the page for the poster. This poster is available in English and Portuguese.Enabling Business Agility

Agile Coaching in a Nutshell Poster

This poster visualizes what we as Agile Coaches do and what competences we have. The purpose of this poster is to create a common understanding of this new role(s) and function for the rest of the organization – but also a way for us as Agile Coaches to use for growing our competences in a strategic way and building cross functional Agile Coaching teams. Published February 3, 2019. Please contact us if you are interested in doing a translation, or if you have any feedback. For free high resolution download just follow the link to the page for the poster. This poster is available in English, Turkish, Russian and Portuguese.
agile coach in a nutshell

Agile HR in a Nutshell Poster

This poster visualizes what Agile means for HR, both how HR can benefit from Agile and how HR can support Agile transformations. Published January 15th, 2019. Please contact us if you´re interested in doing a translation, or if you have any feedback. For free high resolution download just follow the link to the page for the poster. This poster is now available in English, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish and Swedish.

Agile in a Nutshell Poster

The Customer Journey Product Organization In a Nutshell Poster

We have captured the over all visualization of how the organization can work hoping to give you a goal picture and a common understanding. It’s available so far only in English, published in November, 2018. Please contact us if you´re interested in doing a translation, or if you have any feedback. For free high resolution download just follow the link to the page for the poster.

Here you find the Customer Journey Product Organization in a Nutshell poster for free download (PDF) >

customer journey product organization

Get Seated for Agile Poster – Agile Seating

The poster is made to visualize anti patterns in seating to help uncover what need to be done to move in to a seating optimized for team work helping teams solve complex problems and feeling safe.
It´s available so far only in English, published June, 2018. Please contact us if you´re interested in doing a translation, or if you have any feedback. For free high resolution download just follow the link to the page for the poster.

Here you find the Get Seated for Agile Poster for Free Download >

get seated for agile

Leadership in a Nutshell Poster

It´s available in English, Portuguese and French, published Jan 14, 2018. Please contact us if you´re interested in doing a translation, or if you have any feedback. For free high resolution download just follow the link to the page for the poster.

Here you find the Agile User Experience in a Nutshell Poster for Free Download >
agile leadership poster

Agile User Experience – with a Dash of Lean UX Poster

It´s available so far in English and Portuguese, published Jan 8, 2018. Please contact us if you´re interested in doing a translation, or if you have any feedback. For free high resolution download just follow the link to the page for the poster.

Here you find the Agile User Experience in a Nutshell Poster for Free Download >
Agile and Lean UX - Free Poster

Product Ownership in a Nutshell Poster

It’s available in English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and French. For free high resolution download just follow the link to the page for the poster.
Here you find all Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell Posters for Free Download > 

agile product ownership

Agile Change Management Poster

It’s available in English and Portuguese. For free high resolution download just follow the link to the page for the poster.
Here you find all Agile Change Management Posters for Free Download >
agile change management

Monotasking in a Nutshell Poster

It’s available in English, Portuguese and Chinese. For free high resolution download just follow the link to the page for the poster.
Here you find all Monotasking in a Nutshell Posters for Free Download >

Agile in a Nutshell Poster

It’s available in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, German, Arabic, Portuguese and Russian. For free high resolution download just follow the link to the page for the poster.
Here you find all Agile in a Nutshell Posters for Free Download >
agile in a nutshell poster

Free to download, use and share

The posters is published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Written by

Woho! The Agile in a Nutshell poster has now also been translated to Arabic!
Thank you Ayaha Alassaf for your help to make the translation and making it possible to spread it even more 🙂

This poster has already been downloaded almost 20.000 times only in English since October 2016 when I published it for the first time. Here you find all the other languages that it has been translated to, as well as a free Power Point with the graphics.

Free download of the poster in Arabic here >

Arabic Agile in a Nutshell

All other Agile posters in all languages can be found through the Agile Explained Infographic Collection page >


Free to download, use and share

The poster and other content is published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages (Chinese is coming soon) please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

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The updated version 1.1 of the poster “Agile Change Management in a Nutshell” is now available for free download! This poster is the latest addition to the “In a Nutshell” series!

The Agile Change Management in a Nutshell poster is available for free download here >

Free download: Portuguese >
Free download: Spanish >

Buy printed A1 poster >
You are welcome to share this link and print as many posters as you want.

Free Agile Change Management Poster

While many change management methodologies contain proven methods based on substantial experience and research, not enough is done to cater for the highly complex nature of change where you can’t simply “plan-and-execute” and get it right the first time. An iterative approach with rapid feedback and gradual learning is therefore suggested here.

Similarly, lean or agile methods risk being not deep enough if only focusing on basic PDCA. We want to include best practice in defining the problem to be solved together with assessment of the change capability of the people and organization going through the change. To assert that improvement has happened beyond a shadow of a doubt in a high-variation environments, statistical significance between baseline and new performance data should be established.

At Dandy People we have therefore combined the best parts of both approaches into what we label Agile Change Management and condensed it into one poster. At the center is the Agile Change Process which is made up of an outer circle representing a change that is needed. It contains both a people track and a system track as both dimensions are needed for change to happen quickly and ensure return on investment. The inner circle is the iterative discovery of what actually works in terms of bringing people and system to work in a new and improved way. The poster is based on concepts from Lean, Agile, DMAIC and the Standard by ACMP.

Change Management - Mia o Joel

Free to download, use and share


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The updated version 1.1 of the poster “Agile Change Management in a Nutshell” is now available for free download! This poster is the latest addition to the “In a Nutshell” series!

The Agile Change Management in a Nutshell poster is available for free download here >
You are welcome to share this link and print as many posters as you want.

Free Agile Change Management Poster

While many change management methodologies contain proven methods based on substantial experience and research, not enough is done to cater for the highly complex nature of change where you can’t simply “plan-and-execute” and get it right the first time. An iterative approach with rapid feedback and gradual learning is therefore suggested here.

Similarly, lean or agile methods risk being not deep enough if only focusing on basic PDCA. We want to include best practice in defining the problem to be solved together with assessment of the change capability of the people and organization going through the change. To assert that improvement has happened beyond a shadow of a doubt in a high-variation environments, statistical significance between baseline and new performance data should be established.

At Dandy People we have therefore combined the best parts of both approaches into what we label Agile Change Management and condensed it into one poster. At the center is the Agile Change Process which is made up of an outer circle representing a change that is needed. It contains both a people track and a system track as both dimensions are needed for change to happen quickly and ensure return on investment. The inner circle is the iterative discovery of what actually works in terms of bringing people and system to work in a new and improved way. The poster is based on concepts from Lean, Agile, DMAIC and the Standard by ACMP.

Training in Agile Change Management

A two-day training class is offered by Dandy People in using the tools and techniques covered in this poster.
See course details and sign up for the Agile Change Management training in Stockholm here >

Change Management - Mia o Joel

Free to download, use and share


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Monotasking session Mia and Staffan
A while a go, in the beginning of April, Staffan Nöteberg (The author of the best seller “Pomodoro Technique Illustrated”) asked me if I wanted to create a poster for his method Monotasking. Of course I said “Yes, of course!” even though I had tons of work todo, and was just starting up a new business as well… I believed that I would definitely have time in about two weeks to start with the poster. A couple of months later, in early June we met again at the unconference Agile Sweden (I had still not started with the poster). Staffan was doing a talk about the Monotasking method and one of the things he said I will remember for the rest of my life, he said that there is “a bug in the brain that makes us believe that we will have more time in the future”. I was such a victim for this brain bug 😉

Finally we hit vacation and I had the possibility to prioritize and put the poster on my short list 😀 Today me and Staffan met to do a Monotasking session finishing the last fixes on the poster. So here it is now for all of you who are interested in how to stop procrastinate and get shit done like never before!

Download the infographic poster, Monotasking in a Nutshell

Download the poster below in your language: (or ket us know if you would like to translate it)

English poster in high resolution for printing (PDF) >

Portuguese poster in high resolution for printing (PDF)>

Chinese poster in high resolution for printing (PDF) >

Turkish poster in high resolution (PDF)>

Buy the poster in big A1 printed format in above languages in our shop:

Buy printed A1 poster >

Who is Monotasking for?

The Agile Team
It is a great add-on to any Agile method on an individual basis.

Support Function
For people who supports several teams that need to find focus.

The Manager
For managers to do the vital few, and minimize stress.

The Project Organization
For anyone in a project organization who needs some focus to deliver


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The online version that you can run in Google Drive via Google Slide.

The speedboat format for retrospectives is something I like a lot and have used with teams or even whole organizations (divided into teams). I find it to be a good way for the team to think individually, and then collaborate and define solutions for their problems through visualization. Visualization helps the team to more easily figure out what problems they should solve them selves, and what problems needs to be solved through collaboration between the teams, and what they need to ask management to help with. Some Agile coaches or Scrum Masters only highlight the negative on retrospectives, I believe it is a great thing to focus on the positive and also help the team take action more easily on real issues. It´s the teams responsibility to handle issues within the team, the Agile Coach/Scrum Masters job is to give them the capabilities to do that (not to do it for them).

Download the speedboat retrospective poster in high resolution (PDF) here >

Download the speedboat retrospective Power Point here (instructions and online retro space)>

Free Mural template for this workshop >speedboat retrospective


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This is a dialogue board, created to facilitate good discussions around business strategy and tactics in a startup. At Dandy People we are using it to start up our consulting business, but it can be used by any type of organisation, or part of an organisation that wants to improve their customer focus, culture, leadership and take action as a team.

Building in Illustrator

At Dandy people we like to build our new business in a way that involves and inspires the people in our organization. To facilitate the discussions we wanted to have on our first mini-conference 2 months after starting up our shop, and after hiring 2 new people, I did this Lean Business Strategy & Tactics Dialogue Board. Off course we had already done som strategy and tactics work already before we started our company, but we felt that we wanted to be transparent and bring our new Dandys onboard with the idea of the company to enable them to feel as involved and motivated as possible. And off course, they are smart and experienced people, so why shouldn’t they be able to help us improve and grow? And I can just say that it worked like a charm 😀

Free download of the board here (as high resolution PDF) >

The Lean Business Dialogue Board

Feel free to use the board if you want, also we would be happy to facilitate the workshops with you and your team if you feel a need for that. Thats kinda what we do at Dandy People 😀

The board consist of 3 areas:

    • Business Strategy
    • Culture and People
    • Tactics


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The Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell poster that I published a few weeks ago has now been downloaded over 1000 times already, and there has been lots of great feedback. It is so great to see how it is being used all over the world. Now it has been translated to Italian as well thanks to the wonderful Angela Maile. Thank you so much Angela!

You can download the Free Italian poster here in high resolution for great print out (PDF) >

Italian Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell

Here is Angelas blog >

Here you find the original Agile PO poster in English as well >

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As many of you might know, the product owner role is perhaps the most difficult role in the Agile setup. It sometimes feels like it takes super powers to manage. Here I have tried to capture some of the important mindsets, processes and tools that I find valuable for coaching and training Product Owners and Agile Teams and leaders.

As a product Owner you need an understanding of what value the business wants to accomplish (not necessary how the business works), strategic and tactical skills in the craft of product development (mostly done by slicing), ability to work together with the team in the discovery process and with the stakeholders to understand their needs and goals and great communication skills to manage expectations.

Download the Free Agile Product Ownership Poster in English as high resolution (PDF) >

Buy printed A1 poster >
Product Ownership Poster


Here you find this the Free Agile Product Ownership Poster translated to other languages:

Now you can download this poster in Italian  >

Now you can download this poster in Spanish >

Now you can download this poster in French >

Now you can download this poster in Russian >

Now you can download this poster in Portuguese >

Now you can download this poster in Traditional Chinese >

Now you can download this poster in Simplified Chinese >

Now you can download this poster in Turkish >

Here us this full post translated to French >

The webinar about the poster

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Cynefin Framework

Time: 20 – 30 min
This simulation needs a group of at least 8-10 people, or better 20 people, and a big space where they can spread out and move around to give impact. The simulation isn’t time based, it doesn’t matter how long it takes the group so no stress is put on them, it is purely tasked based.

Read more about Cynefin by Dave Snowden on Wikipedia >

Here you can download the Cynefin Framework poster (PDF) for high resolution >

1. Stand in order of height – Simple or Obvious

Give the instruction: “place your self so that you stand in the order of hight”.
This is usually easily done. Sometimes you can observe that someone acts as a project manager, telling people where to move.

Ask the question to the group: How difficult on a scale 1-10 was this?

Approximate point of discussion
It was easy, you could easily make quick decisions on where to stand just by looking. You didn’t need to do any research or create a strategy. It was easy to act. If they had a PM you can talk about that and if it was ok to act as an PM in this project. (more…)

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This post is just to collect all free material in connection to the Agile in a Nutshell poster. Links to all the different translations, a free Power Point with the graphics and videos explaining the key concepts in the poster as well as the updated original poster in one page. Now you can also purchase the poster as big A1 printout in our store.

NEW 2021
Take the online Agile in a Nutshell training for free on our digital learning platform

Now you can access and start the Dandy original online Agile in a Nutshell Training for free at any time you want. It is a 4h online training that takes you through the Agile in a Nutshell poster with videos, interviews, games, texts and quizzes. Enjoy!
Free online Agile in a Nutshell Training >

Agile in a Nutshell
My Agile in a Nutshell poster with a spice of lean UX that I posted on my  blog in October 2016 has now been downloaded over 100.000 times (2021) and translated to a lot of languages (access below)! I’m just amazed by all the positive feedback this little piece of Agile infographic has created. It’s just totally crazy – and also so great to see so many people all around the world finding it interesting and wanting to help out to give feedback, translate and use it in their daily work.

Ways of Working Agile – in a Nutshell Video

Why Agile – in a Nutshell Video

Thank you all!

Download high resolution PDF of the poster:

Agile in a Nutshell poster in English >

Here is the French Version >

Here is the Spanish Version 2.2>

Here is the Spanish Version 2.4>

Here is the Turkish Version >

Here is the Arabic Version >

Here is the German Version >

Here is the Russian Version >

Here is the Portuguese Version >

Here is the Simplified Chinese version >

Here is the Traditional Chinese Version >

Here is the Korean version >

Purchase the Agile in a Nutshell poster as A1 printout

Now we also offer the service to buy all our infographic posters as big A1 posters to use in your training and coaching – with free shipping across the globe. You find the Agile in a Nutshell big print out poster in our shop >

Free Power Point slides of all the infographics:


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This is a poster I made for a Agile intro class at Hyper Island Digital Business class 2017 where I and my colleague Per Lundholm was last week. The class was as big as 40 people, and covering from a couple of experts to mostly total novelty, which is usually the most difficult type of situation for a teacher or coach. But it went well, maybe not all thanks to the poster 😉 but it sure made it a lot easier for both me and Per as teachers, as well as the students who could follow more easily as well as take notes.

Free poster on Agile in a Nutshell
Agile in a Nutshell poster - Free download

Free Download of the poster on Agile in a Nutshell here (PDF)

EDIT 1: Due to some companies restricted IT policies the poster is now available directly here in the blogpost and not in Dropbox. Thank you for that feedback!

This poster covers both briefly the background to why we work Agile, some history and problems as well as values and principles. It also covers the difference between waterfall development and Agile in two aspects and the most common Agile practice, basic Scrum. Also I added some Lean practices to the mix to add a more advanced level to it.

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Here you find the “Product Discovery and Delivery process with one team” as a PDF poster if you like to download it >

Ever since I saw Henrik Knibergs movie “PO in a nutshell” about how the PO role work for the first time I have been thinking about how he could have included the discovery process in the picture too. A while ago I created this as an example of how it could look and work for a X-functional team.

All ideas could be good ideas

The process starts with some kind of idea that could come from any stake holder – even from anyone in the team (this is usually a very rare occasion in most companies). The idea is verified in a concept (see example of a concept in my blog post on discovery framework) by the owner of the idea and the Product Owner decides if it worth starting the discovery process to figure out what it is they are supposed to build – or if it is not, based on the information in the concept.

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Related Trainings
Our Trainings
Build the Right Product – Product Ownership Training – 2 Days On Site
Target Group: Agile coaches, Product Managers, Product Owners, Business developers, Architects and developers, User- and Customer Experience (UX/CX) (User Researcher, Interaction design, Graphic Designers, Art Directors) Anyone involved in the process, and those facilitating it.
Teachers: Mia Kolmodin
New date coming soon