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This is the fifth post in the November Agile Leadership and Management Series.

So, now the time has come to look into a number of setups and activities that you can use to help get your Agile Leadership Team up and running and, continuously use for effectiveness and smoothness in their daily work.

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This is the fourth post in the November Agile Leadership and Management Series.

When forming Agile Leadership Teams we have found some mistakes to be common within many different organizations and through different types of businesses. Here they are compiled in a list to make it easy for you to study before you form your leadership team, and come back to on a regular basis.

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This is the third post in the November Agile Leadership and Management Series.

As an Agile Leadership Team, regardless of the four Leadership team hats you find yourself wearing, there are certain conditions that dramatically increase the chances that a group of leaders will develop into an effective team.

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With the Agile Leadership Team Bingo, you can gamify your work with your leadership- and management improvements for yourself and your leadership team. Challenge each other to see how many “BINGO” you can get in a day, week, or month? 

FREE DOWNLOAD: Download the Agile Leadership Bingo as PDF >

Print it out, or use it digitally and bring it to your next leadership team meeting together with scissors and glue and we can guarantee that it will be one of the most fun and engaging leadership team meetings ever 🙂

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Leadership today is a team sport. The emphasis is no longer on the skills, characteristics, and traits of a single, all-powerful person with the designation of “leader”. Leadership has evolved to be a collective endeavor that leads to the betterment of all involved and looks different depending on the context. 

The Dandy People team have put together an Agile Leadership Team poster. The poster introduces 7 powerful Agile Leadership Principles designed to help leaders create a focus on what will help increase the business outcome of the organization. If the members of an Agile Leadership team agree upon strives to move towards these principles, collaboration and exploration can be enabled and strengthened!

You can download the poster for free here and use it as you wish

As Leaders, We Always Strive to:

1. Keep a transparent strategy and facilitate a pull-based backlog for teams to self-organize around value – NOT pushing things to the teams, or micromanaging

2. Give a clear direction and share WHY we are doing things to enable new learnings to impact the WHAT – NOT deciding on a solution.

3. Managing structures around the teams so that they can make quick and smart decisions – NOT managing the people.

4. Acts as sponsors by asking “What do you need to succeed?” and actively remove impediments – NOT acting as a steering group and only following up results (or making decisions on the team’s behalf).

5. Empower the people and foster a culture of psychological safety to enable initiative, experimentation, and problem-solving together – NOT stepping in to solve every day, low-risk problems so teams can become increasingly mature.

6. Empower teams and individuals to build the capabilities needed to take responsibility for delivering value continuously – NOT taking the responsibility from them, and not only optimizing for short-term goals.

7. Lead with vision, practice what we preach, and actively encourage a spirit of joy and responsibility – NOT keeping old structures and practices in place that reinforce ineffective behaviors.

Did you enjoy this post? Please follow us on LinkedIn for daily updates >

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This is an interview between Mia Kolmodin and Mattias Skarin on the basics of Agile Procurement and Agile Contracting.

Topics discussed

– When should you use Agile procurement?
– What are the different steps in an Agile procurement?
– How do you Agilize the process?
– Are there any successful examples?
– What are the most common pitfalls when getting started?
– How do you get started?

The founders of agilakontrakt.se

Mia and Mattias are the founders of agilakontrakt.se and on this website they have for about 5 years collected good examples and created tutorials and guides in order to support the agilization of the procurement process in Sweden.

They have also set up several conferences in the Nordics on this topic and hosted a network that meets 4 times a year and shares experiences to grow new capabilities within the public and private market in Agile procurement. Anyone is free to join this network, you find it on the website.

Here they have gathered the existing content in English: https://agilakontrakt.se/category/in-english/

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We feel honored to have been invited to the Hacking HR chapter in Sofia/Bulgaria 🧡 In this webinar Mia Kolmodin and Thomas Eklöf walk you through the new poster on Agile Recruiting to manage in VUCA.

Free download of the Agile Recruiting in a Nutshell poster

As always you can download the poster in high-resolution PDF for free >

We are also looking into running a second webinar before Christmas, but this time perhaps in Swedish 🇸🇪 Please let us know if you are interested.

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Inspelningen är från DIs HR-dag den 30 september 2020 på Grand Hotel i Stockholm och online.

Här delar Mia Kolmodin på 15 minuter med sig hur Agila metoder kan användas av HR för stötta organisationer att transformera sitt eget arbetssätt, samt stötta organisationen i en Agil transformation för att att leverera rätt värde vid rätt tidpunkt. Mia rör också ämnen som Agilt Ledarskap, Agila Team och Agila tankesätt och ger dig 5 nycklar till en lyckad Agil Evolution.

Läs mer om hur Dandy People kan hjälpa er att nå era mål med Agila arbetssätt och mindset: https://agile.dandypeople.com/dihr/

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Each week we meet to discuss a book. We meet for 45 minutes to focus on a chapter. No strict agenda. Those times I didn’t manage to read the chapter, I can listen to those that did that and learn a lot anyway. Sometimes someone brings up a challenge, and then we end up discussing that as well to help each other. 

It is nice to have a very casual conversation with other people. We don’t have the same employer, we don’t have the same office, role, or work situation. But we share the same interest in supporting organizations into a mind-shift change. A change where people and teams will have more space to use their skills and creativity to make great things happen. Great things for both companies, society, and the planet that we so urgently need.

To make this change we need to be stronger. Not individually, but together. This strength is within the network, based on connections, relations and the inspiration we get from each other.

The book club is one way to strengthen this network, and I feel a bit richer, wiser, and stronger after each week.

Beginning November we are to start with our fifth book in the Dandy Book Club. This time we will read and discuss “Humanocracy: Creating Organizations as Amazing as the People inside them” by Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini. https://www.humanocracy.com/  We will start by reading the preface.

Would you like to join us?! Please do by joining our slack-workspace and join the channel “#BookClub” There you will get the Zoom-link to join and all information about time and date. coffeecoaching.slack.com

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Ämnet för årets DI HR-konferens är människor och kultur med mycket Agilt fokus.

För att hantera den oväntade situationen har många företag nu snabbt tvingats att digitalisera många av sina arbetssätt, och kanske även att till viss del agilisera sig.

Vi ser ännu tydligare än tidigare hur viktigt det är att inte hålla fast vid långa detaljerade planer, utan att i stället snabbt ställa om och möjliggöra för medarbetare och korsfunktionella team att fatta snabba beslut baserat på nya insikter för att lösa komplexa problem på bästa möjliga sätt.

HR spelar en mycket viktig roll för att möjliggöra en Agil transformation med snabbare leveranser, mer fokus på löpande innovation, teamarbete och strategisk flexibilitet. Med en mer snabbrörlig teambaserad organisation gäller det för HR att bland annat sluta arbeta med långsamma årliga cykler, som HR-hjulet, och i stället leverera förbättringar oftare, att prototypa och bygga in ett lärande i arbetssätten för att förbättra medarbetarupplevelsen och minska ledtider, att hitta nya samarbetsformer och arbeta korsfunktionellt att ställa om från ett individbaserat synsätt till fokus på teamet.

Nycklarna till en lyckad agil transformation, 20 min föreläsning online

Mia går med hjälp av inslag från praktiska case igenom de största strukturella förändringarna som ledning och HR behöver göra för att skapa förutsättningar för en teambaserad och snabbrörlig organisation och möjliggöra en lyckad Agil transformation.

DI HR’s heldagskonferens 2020 direktsänds från Grand Hotel i Stockholm.

På grund av situationen med Corona så livesänds konferensen och Mias föreläsning digitalt. Som besökare kommer du också att ha möjlighet att möta oss på Dandy People digitalt, ställa frågor till Mia och våra andra Agila experter, samt ta del av vårt coaching och utbildningsmaterial kring Agil HR, ledarskap, Business Agility och Agil transformation.

Boka din biljett och se agendan här >

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We are so happy to be able to share the Agile Leadership in a Nutshell with you for free also in Italian! Thank you so much Alessandro Amelotti for your awesome work with the translation 🙂

DOWNLOAD IT FOR FREE: Here you can download it for free in high resolution >

Agile Leadership ITA

Free to download, use and share

The posters is published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Here you find all the other Free Agile in a Nutshell-posters in the series that are now translated to 14 languages and downloaded over 70.000 times world wide

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Earlier this spring we got a fun request: to start an Agile Book Club. Such a privilege to be contacted by a competent and passionate agile frontrunner who wants to use the Dandy People Network!

This spring we started an open Slack work space that we named “Coffee Coaching”, to fill the social gap Corona made. We wanted to create a space where we could meet each other as if we were “by the Coffee machine”, offering a space for a small chat with anyone about anything.

But we wanted to see how this could be used for more. Perhaps for an Agile Book club? And it turned out to be so easy! We simply used this space like in the old times, by putting a piece of paper on the Coffee machine, inviting people to join our new slack channel “Agile Book Club”. And the Agile Book Club was born!

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We are so happy to be able to share the Continuous Learning and Growth in a Nutshell with you for free also in Spanish! Thank you so much Agilitychanges for your awesome work with the translation 🙂

DOWNLOAD IT FOR FREE IN SPANISH: Here you can download it for free in high resolution >

Agile Online Trainings as a turn Key Solution

We have created Agile online trainings that your Company can use for training and transforming the organization and enable Agility. these trainings are based on our posters, Agile in a Nutshell, Agile Leadership and Agile Teams. You can read more about our turn-key learning solution for enterprises here >

Here you find the original post and poster in English with free download >

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Imagine a highway so cramped there is no movement and only a few cars get through every hour. What a waste it is for everyone just sitting in their own cars waiting for everything around them to move so they can get through with their own car.

This is what happens when you have a project organization that depends on the same capacity to move forward and is built on individuals pushing their own thing, not allowing anyone to see the big picture.

A project focused organization treats every new idea and requirement as if it was a big project, and it needs to be big to get a budget and a project manager.  What if there was another way? Projects get piled on people and when more and more pile up, since the world is moving faster than the pace we can deliver large projects, the system gets jammed. 

To change this you need to look at what capacity you have and instead put things that need to be done in prioritized order. It is that simple.

So turn the focus around and look at the people you have, their capacity, knowledge, and experience and build teams that can perform together. And then stack work on the teams.

It is basically making people work on one thing at a time and helping each other out. No rocket science.  The rocket science is to build high-performing teams, for that you need a lot of skills in product development, team development, agile leadership, agile management, HR and work environment to mention a few. 

Where we started with our client that needed to shift focus was here, 22 projects stacked on around 120 people and the visualization of it looked like this.

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The same rookie mistake I made on my transformation journey into marathoning is one that I see a lot of organizations make on their Agile journey: not taking the time to find the right shoes. Let me explain.

Me with some of the tools that set my foundation to become a marathoner.

“Doing” agile is not enough

I thought I had a solid start on my transformation from couch potato to marathoner by focusing first on the routines and habits of runners. I felt like I was a runner because I was DOING the things runners do, like running 5-days a week, eating healthier, and strength training. Many organizations fall into the same trap. They think they’re agile because they’re going through the same motions and copying best practices. But then my mother saw me running out in the neighborhood and pointed out something that changed everything. She gave me the same perspective that I’ve given clients looking to become agile, and it blew my mind. 

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My client is still happy. 

My goal is to coach myself through a transformation from couch potato to marathoner (well, a half-marathon). It’s been life-changing. 

Behavior science is the secret sauce

The barriers and obstacles I experience with “becoming a marathoner” are similar to those experienced by organizations wanting to “become agile”. The secret sauce lies in behavior science. Through this marathoning process, I’ve uncovered my own behavior-based twist of the Deming cycle and Lean Startup and am using them to inspire a Lean Performance Management model for teams and organizations. It’s always fun when personal and professional worlds collide!

The Behavior-Change Cycle

Below is the Behavior-Change Cycle I created for myself inspired by the Deming Cycle and how behavior scientists approach organizational change:

The Behavior Change Cycle I created for my transformation
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– And why on earth am I even doing this???

I just took on the most challenging client–MYSELF.

Inspired by friends who are marathoners, I decided to cultivate what I’m calling a Marathon Mindset. I’m coaching myself towards achieving increased flow in the presence of variability. My aspiration is to emerge from this COVID-19 crisis a better person. Through this process, which involves training for an actual marathon, I’m learning that my own barriers and obstacles to “become a marathoner” are similar to those experienced by organizations wanting to “become agile”. This aha moment was unexpected, but transformative as an Agile Coach. I now believe the Marathon Mindset is the Agile Mindset because it simultaneously fosters both stability and agility through continuous and incremental evolution instead of a big bang transformation. Below I share some insights into what I’m learning for the benefit of Agile change agents everywhere.

This is me trying on my brand new Stockholm Half Marathon t-shirt. Cool, huh?
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Vad är VUCA egentligen och vad betyder Agilt för rekrytering? Det och mycket mer diskuterar vi i det senaste avsnittet av Agila HR-podden med Frida Mangen. Jag med som en av gästerna tillsammans med de andra bakom vår senaste poster Agile Recruiting in a Nutshell.

Vi hade mycket spännande diskussioner tillsammans under själva framtagandet av postern, och så även här i studion – och vi är inte alltid helt överens 🙂 Jag delar med mig av lite av mina tankar kring hur man kan arbeta med rekrytering på ett Agilt sätt och hur man kan rekrytera för en Agil organisation.

Lyssna här på avsnittet “Rekrytering i en VUCA-värld” här >

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The recruiting and onboarding process is something that often has to be adapted when organizations “go Agile”. We were curious about what can be done to adapt the process for the people working with recruiting, what it would mean for the candidate, and how and what to look for when hiring for Agility. So we got together as a cross-functional team to look at this with our different perspectives, Frida Mangen, known from the popular pod Agila HR-podden, Thomas Eklöf, and Nils Hallén, both experts on recruiting and authors of books like “Innovative Recruiting (in Swedish), Björn Sandberg Agile HR and transformation expert at Dandy, and myself, to see if we could create a poster as a first step. The work of creating the poster started in October 2019 and was paused a bit during COVID19. Now we are so happy to be able to share it with you after 8 months!

Free Download of the Poster

ENGLISH: Free Download of the Agile Recruiting in a Nutshell poster here (PDF) >

SPANISH: Free Download of Reclutamiento ágil en pocas palabras >

SIMPLIFIED CHINESE: Free Download of the Agile Recruiting in a Nutshell poster here (PDF) >

BUY: printed A1 poster >

Modern Agile Recruiting Principles

You can think of these principles as a lighthouse. If you are in sight of the light you are on the right path, but if you lose sight of it then you are probably off course.

Dare to experiment! Test new ideas, gather data, learn, and improve! Beware that you still need to treat your candidates equally to sustain a reliable process.

Psychological Safety
Human relations before processes and tools. Consider how you can create an environment where the candidate experiences psychological safety. This will help you to assess how the candidate behaves in a normal setting, otherwise, you risk just assess their behavior under stress.

Potential eat experience for breakfast! Potential is critical for your future success. Rather than looking for readiness, i.e. previous experience, look for the right traits, motivators, capabilities, and behaviors.

Creating Value
Adopt a dynamic mindset for recruiting. Evolve the way you work with recruitment by continuously improving yourself and your processes.

We all love how Modern Agile supports everyone thinking and acting in ways that support Agility, that is why we created a version of the Modern Agile by Joshua Kerievsky specifically for Agile recruiting.

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We asked Paolo Damelio, one of our experienced Agile coaches at Dandy People, to share some of his best tips and tools on how to maintain sustainable and High Performing Teams, now that many of the team members are working from home.

Hi Paolo! What are your thoughts on the situation right now?

This is a challenging time for everyone. For us as individuals, for organizations and for the collaboration inside teams as well as cross-team and cross-organization. And it is a challenge that, I believe, will take us to a place we only could have dreamed of just a few months ago. There is no going back to where we were before.

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The need for adaptability and innovation have probably never been bigger, and we need to use the force from our employees. We need to connect the people in our organization using new formats, perhaps being forced into some of them. Also, the distancing has affected all of us, some are suffering more than others. The need for us as human beings to maintain and build trustworthy relationships is being put to test now that we have replaced the small talk by the coffee machine with Zoom meetings. 

We are perhaps seeing the world through new eyes, and maybe even reevaluate our business as well? Can we continue as we did before and still survive? Or, are there ways to move us forward and actually help us be better? And, can the use of a Buddy System be the help we need to help us do this?

Adapt and Excel – it´s All About the People 

To be able to survive in today’s business climate our focus needs to be on our ability to adapt – and to act fast. But that is not enough. Our organizations have to continue to grow and excel to stay alive, and not standstill.

A prerequisite for us to adapt and move fast is to secure that people are responsible for workflows, decisions, actions, and have the authority to make the rapid changes needed.  The type of organization that meets these demands best is a learning organization where it is possible to create endurance and the speed needed in a complex (VUCA) world.

Learning Organization. For many, the traditional top-down management organization has reached its maximum capacity and is unable to obtain, plan, develop, implement and follow up its operations at the pace needed in a world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity.

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In this webinar we share our own story of what Agile has meant for u as individuals and our career. We talk about why Agility is needed today, and what a Learning Organization is and how it can support Business Agility. We also share some tips and tools you can use in your work as well as a glimpse of what it means to be an Agile Team and how you can become an Agile Transformational Leader. You will also gain an understanding of the content of the Online Agile Trainings from Dandy People.

A new live session of this webinar will come, but until then you can enjoy the recorded version here.

You will also gain an understanding of the content of the Online Agile Trainings from Dandy People.

Visit our online training center here to access the online trainings that are part of the webinar: https://www.agileonlinetrainings.com/

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In this webinar, Mia will share ideas and examples that enable Agile change and Agile ways of working, making any organization high performing by removing hindering structures and empowering the employees to deliver customer- and employee value.

In the world of today speed and flexibility is even more important than ever before. Unfortunately, this is the opposite of what our organizations have been constructed for.

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In this blog post, I would like to share my overall learnings and 7 key takeaways, from an HR perspective, one of the largest and successful Agile transformations that I have taken part in at the Telecom Company Ericsson. I would love to listen in to your reflections too, so please feel free to share your thoughts, challenges, and experiences in the comments below.


The part of Ericsson where I worked, had a need to improve the quality, drastically shorten the lead time for delivery and increase customer value within the same, or even shrinking, budget. After searching both internally and externally for “best of breed” in terms of product development, we decided to go the Lean & Agile way. 

During this period, I was an HR Business Partner for 2 units, each one of them was + 1800 people. This was combined with the role of Lean & Agile HR Driver for the business unit (BU) and People Strategy Driver, which in turn led to the role of HR representative in the BU Lean & Agile change program, basically a project office for the transformation.

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Det här är en inspelning av det webinar som vi höll den 2a april med ca 75 deltagare.

April 15 I will do this webinar in English too, please join that here if you are interested >

In this presentation, Mia will share ideas and examples that enable Agile change and Agile ways of working, making any organization high performing by removing hindering structures and empowering the employees to deliver customer- and employee value.

In the world of today speed and flexibility is even more important than ever before. Unfortunately, this is the opposite of what our organizations have been constructed for.

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Ofta när jag kommer in som agil coach för att stödja i en agil transformation har organisationen så fullt upp med det dagliga arbetet att man knappt mäktar med att tänka förändring. Förhoppningen är att den agila coachen gör förändringen åt organisationen, men om så skulle vara fallet så försvinner ju också förändringen när den agila coachen försvinner. Ett annat sätt att jobba är att göra förändringen i befintliga roller. Under åren som jag jobbade med agila transformationer som anställd, hade jag en chefsroll som plattform för förändringsarbetet. Jag experimenterade med nya former, utmanade mina kollegor, coachade mina team och utbildade både mig själv och organisationerna i det agila förhållningssättet. Samtidigt skedde förändringen. 

Några nyckelfaktorer som gjorde att vi lyckades

-Management teamet som tog sig från att jobba med sina egna agendor till gemensam tavla med backlogg, retrospektiv och självorganisering utan avdelningschef. Magin började hända när alla tog in sitt individuella arbeta på den gemensamma tavlan.

-De individuella utvecklingssamtalen, som efter ett antal iterationer skedde gemensamt i teamen med respekt för både teamets uppgift och individens utveckling. Att koppla individens motivation till teamets syfte gjorde att vi kunde hitta kompetensutvecklande arbetssätt i teamen.

-Den individuellt styrda ledningen (performance management) med individuella mål och uppdrag som i stället övergick till mål för teamen, både utvecklingsteam och ledningsteam, och gemensamt ansvar för uppgiften.

-Organisationens gemensamma dag för lärande i varje sprint där alla la tid på lärande och utveckling, antingen genom att lära sig själv eller lära ut till andra. Vi hade som mål att lägga en halv dag varje vecka på lärande vilket gjorde att vi kunde ta oss framåt fortare tillsammans.

Inget av detta var lätt, det krävdes mod av oss som chefer att testa att leda på ett nytt sätt genom att ständigt justera det befintliga systemet, att centrera oss och arbeta med det mellanmänskliga för att växa individer och relationer mellan individer och lära oss att experimentera och värdera lärandet högre än det kortsiktiga resultatet.

Att engagera mig som interimschef innebär alltså att jag tar på mig samma operativa arbetsuppgifter som ordinarie chef skulle ha haft. När jag satt mig in i det dagliga, ser jag snabbt var det skaver och vilka experiment som skulle kunna provas för att ta ett steg i utvecklingen mot en mer agil organisation. Jag är då med och tar ansvar för de möjligheter till lärande experimentet medför och gemensamt tar vi sedan även nästa steg. Så småningom när transformationen har stabiliserats och förändring har blivit en del av den dagliga rytmen är det också dags för mig att kliva av interimstjänsten. När det tillfället blir kommer att visa sig, kanske faller det sig naturligt att ha en chefstjänst mindre då. 🙂

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Many organizations are in need of leveraging Agile across the organization to improve collaboration, shorten lead times and improve quality. One great way to do that is to use Agile online trainings and facilitate the learning journey in different ways and embedding learning in your every-day work.

Since we will only get the impact of doing trainings when people actually use their learnings, starting to act and think differently all online trainings should focusing on driving curiosity, shared learnings and action.

To support organizations in tactics on how to engage and activate people through online trainings we created this poster that shows some ideas on how you can enable continuous learning and growth.

FREE DOWNLOAD: Download the Continuous Learning poster in High Resolution (PDF)

Strategies of how to enable continuous learning in the organization

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Webinar med Joaquim Linder från MittMedia/Bonnier News och Mia Kolmodin som facilititator.

Själva webinaret startar 09:00

I många organisationer är det svårt och stökigt att jobba med KPIer på ett effektivt sätt. Känner du igen dig i att olika delar av organisationen har olika KPIer (Key Performance Indicators), som ofta mäter det som ”ser bra ut” i stället för vad som egentligen är viktigt, som kanske drar åt olika håll, och ingen agerar på vad de visar?

Om man har ambitionen att skapa en Agil organisation så kan det här vara en viktig systemförändring som behöver ske för att låsa upp organisationen ur dödläget som ofta finns och möjliggöra samarbete och iterativt arbete tvärs över hela organisationen. Välkommen på en djupdykning in i mätbarhetens härliga värld. Lär dig hur rätt KPIer kan hjälpa er att nå visionen genom att möjliggöra effektiva leveranser på strategin.

Joaquim Linder är ansvarig på MittMedia för att tydliggöra strategier och göra dem tydliga och möjliga att agera på för de Agila teamen. Hans passion för att leverera kund- och affärsnytta har lett honom till att lära sig allt om hypotesdriven utveckling, KPIer och experimenterande i stället för att leverera lätta men ineffektiva lösningar. I den här sessionen kommer Joaquim att dela med sig av lärdomar, tankesätt och metoder som du själv kan använda för att aligna organisationen, se sanningen och leverera det som skapar värde tillsammans.

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2009, when Lehman Brothers went into bankruptcy, Scania was one of the affected companies. Instead of firing people, the company together with the employees decided to pay 90% of the salary, have a working week of 4 days and 60% of the time in production was spent on education. That gave Scania a stronger position when the recession was over. The employees were more loyal than ever, better educated and ready to ramp up long before the competitors that needed to spend time and money on recruitment and onboarding. 

 At that time, this was an unexpected solution. Today, when hotels and restaurants are empty due to the Corona outbreak, the state is offering a similar solution to restaurants and hotels. The employer will give a short-time layoff to the employees to hopefully be ready to get back to employment when the situation has changed.  

In agile we assume that the reality will change. Methods, principles, the whole mindset is built for an unpredictable future. So let´s use the possibility we have now when we are exposed to so much uncertainty. We can learn more about how we can take new steps of experiment, evaluate, learn, adapt and find a new hypothesis to experiment around. We do already have good examples, stores are offering home-deliveries and companies are redirecting their manufacturing to produce healthcare. Absolut Vodka will produce ethanol for hand sanitizer and flight crew are educated in healthcare. This will give us new experiences and learnings, and give us a better position towards our competitors after the recession period is over. 

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To handle the speed of change, complexity, and ambiguity in this challenging situation with the COVID-19 outbreak many of us are in now, we believe an Agile mindset can help us find new innovative solutions together.

Our mission at Dandy People is to support individuals, teams, organizations and societies to overcome challenges and become better together every day. This is why we decided to pre-launch our Agile Online Trainings, before we have all trainings on the platform. So, during this time we offer a 30% rebate to anyone of you who are interested in learning how to enable Agility, plan for the unknown and work and deliver in an Agile way.

Please use the code: PRELAUNCH (valid until March 31st) to get the 30% rebate.

Visit the Agile Learning Center here >

The Agile Online Trainings you can access now are:

  • Agile in a Nutshell – Live
  • Agile Team in a Nutshell – Live
  • Agile Leadership in a Nutshell – Coming soon

These trainings contain videos, infographics, games, interviews, business cases, canvases, workshops, articles and lots of material free to download. Everything to support you in your personal learning journey to leverage Agility. Understanding what it is when it is needed and get you started to work as an Agile team – or improve your existing team, to deliver awesome results together.

We are also moving our live events to an online webinar format, and continuing to building our online Dandy Community

Visit the Agile Learning Center here >

Please use the code: PRELAUNCH (valid until March 31st) to get the 30% rebate.

We have been able to create these trainings with support from the Agile global community and we are so happy to be able to give back to you all in times like this. Thank you so much to everyone involved <3

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For the first time in modern history, most of us have to learn how to work remotely and collaborate online to continue with business as usual and not close down the business just because we close down the office. This is a huge experiment and we should look at it as an opportunity to adapt and learn how to handle the unexpected.

Working remotely from home with kids dressed up for work 🙂

We need to explore how can we run our business just as before, or even better. How can we make people feel like we are sitting and working together with our peers and teammates and do what we usually do to get stuff done, focus, enjoy our workday, have fun and deliver together?

Don’t forget, to get started quickly, try something out and improve from that is way much better than making the perfect plan, and never get started. Just make it good enough for now, and safe enough to try.

Here are some tips on how to do just that based on learnings from the Dandy People-team.

Top 5 Digital Tools that get you started Working Remotely

When making big changes in your ways of working and context it is wise to shorten the feedback loops and focus on making smaller improvements more often. Support your teams in whatever they might need and give them access to tools and coaching in the beginning, but let it be up to them to decide HOW to do the work. If you prioritize feedback and improvements you minimize the risk of disturbing the pace and quality of work and you can more easily adjust to what is happening.

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We are living in a world with a higher pace of change and complexity than ever before. Our conventional ways of leading and organizing are struggling hard to stay relevant in this new environment. Therefore, there is a need to think differently and structure ourselves differently to meet the needs of today.

We need to be more flexible with short lead times and able to make quick decisions at the right level, where they have the latest and most relevant information. In this leadership poster, we have captured Transformative Leadership which is a type of leadership that enables Agility in the organization.

FREE Download of the Agile Transformational Leadership poster (PDF) >

Free download in Italian >

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Free download in German >

Buy printed A1 poster >

Join our online training based on this poster

If you are interested in learning more about the content in this poster or to becoming a Transformational leader in an Agile environment you are welcome to join our online training in Agile Leadership which is based on this poster. Teachers are Mia Kolmodin and Björn Sandberg.

Learning Organization

A learning organization is the best way we know to meet these demands and to handle the volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) of the world of today and tomorrow.

A way to handle this is by task management and developing the organization to be a true learning organization. Start with the prerequisite for empowerment and gradually start to work with emergent strategies. 

The foundation for making this possible is a leadership based on the understanding of motivation.

Theory X and Y Leadership

Agile Leadership is characterized by the understanding that people are more motivated by intrinsic motivation compared to extrinsic motivation. This is also closely related to the X and Y leadership theory by Douglas McGregor. 

Theory X – extrinsic motivation – emphasizes the importance of strict monitoring, external rewards, and even punishment.
Theory Y – intrinsic motivation – highlights well-being and encourages people to approach tasks without direct supervision.

In the Leadership Shift model below you will find where X-leadership and Y-leadership lives.

A leadership shift is needed

The Leadership shift happens when we shift gear from conventional leadership, which many times has served us well, to transformational leadership, to secure the organizational result in a fast-changing and highly complex world.

The Leadership Shift Model illustrates and maps common leadership styles and the effect they have on the organizational result. 

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This is a way to use Cynefin in the team to support their planning and everyday work to foster a culture of innovation. 

The Cynefin Sense-Making Story can be used instead of regular user stories and together with the Cynefin Context Cards.

Download & Print the Cynefin Sense-Making Story for FREE (PDF) >

Make sure to have the Product Owner and everyone in the team in the room when the team pulls in new work to the sprint. First, ask them to name what it is, and talk about what the outcome would be – what should change? What are the details, ask them to describe it. 

Then you can ask the team in what domain of complexity the works are, obvious, complicated or complex, and mark it on the card. Then depending on the domain ask them to agree on a story points, size or timebox and mark that. And then what capabilities would be needed to do the story. 

When this is done ask the team to write down what needs to be done to deliver the story, these are your tasks – and the team can get started to collaborate and deliver innovation

Here you find all the content we have on using Cynefin >

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The Cynefin Context Cards have helped many teams get started to work cross-functional doing both discovery and delivery in the teams. This is a version of the deck of cards with fewer cards, still keeping the same functionality to make it easy to print and use them. If you prefer to have the regular decks you can still buy them in our online store >

Free download of the Cynefin Context Card Mini Printout (PDF) >

All the needed information on how to use the cards is included in the printout file.

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Stress blocks the pathways in the brain that need to be open for effective action, decision-making, and learning.

In a knowledge-intensive work life, we have to be careful with increasing the pressure, so that it doesn’t switch to stress. It is counterproductive because it reduces the intellectual capacity that we need as much as possible to cooperate, solve problems and innovate.

This means that the leadership must be a safe haven for development and achievement, not a source of stress.

ENGLISH Free download of the Stress in a Nutshell Poster (PDF) >

SVENSKA Ladda ner postern på Svenska (PDF) >

Buy printed A1 poster >

The cause of stress – Stressors

Examples of causes that can lead to stress in individuals, that in turn form teams, which can lead to stressed organizations.

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Related Trainings
Our Trainings
The Agile Leadership Team in a Nutshell Training & Toolbox – Online
Target Group: Executives, Managers, Employees, Associates in all functions across the organization, everyone who belongs to a team, and you who also support teams, in an Agile organization.
Start at any time!