Next time you need to reorganize, consider this:

  • Be super clear on why the reorg is needed and what you hope to achieve with it – it makes everyone more motivated
  • Be available for questions – it makes everyone more comfortable
  • Involve team members as much as possible, for example in a self-selection workshop – it makes everyone more committed

In this weeks episode of Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast, me and Vasco Duarte discuss self-selection of teams, how I did it in a distributed team and what the benefits were.

Listen to the episode here:


You will find all the episodes here:

Have you ever heard someone in a team say:

“Nah, it’s not even worth it for me to look into that bug. Maria is back on Monday, she will fix it super fast then.”

In this weeks episode of Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast, me and Vasco Duarte discuss the “hero” anti-pattern, how it works against being a team, how to recognize it and how to get rid of it.

Listen to the episode here:


You will find all the episodes here:

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We are exposed to an incredible number of impressions in one day. We are met by advertising on the way to work, pictures on instagrams and ads on facebook, emails about fantastic offers and news from all over the world. At work, we are often met by policies, attitudes, expectations of others and performance reviews. Not being able to sort in this and finding your own meaning and purpose can create stress, uncertainty and a feeling of being overwhelmed. The importance of being able to lead yourself, and others, to create a sustainable lifestyle has never been as big as now.


Your values ​​and your why

I see the personal leadership as something that needs to grow when you find your own values ​​and purpose. “Start with why” was founded by Simon Sinek, he says that organizations need to start by establishing why they exist before they can start talking about how and what they do. It is fully applicable to the personal leadership as well,  you need to find your own “WHY” before you know what to do and how.

To find your own WHY, you first need to know your values. What is most important to me? You can do this by listening inwards, by turning off all impressions and expectations from the outside world. To ignore the template that society is trying to put us all into and listen to yourself. There is much talk about meditation and that it is the only way to listen inward, but I think that when you do something that you love, whether it is to meditate, yoga, paint, walk your dog, ride or run, it is your opportunity to hear your inner voice . The one who says what you really like and value. The key is to listen and above all to trust what that voice is saying. Trust yourself, that you know best what is right for you.

Based on your values, the why is easier to find. My WHY statement is:
“I empower myself and the people around me so we can become the best people that we can be”.

Exercise WHY statement

To write your WHY statement, follow these guidelines:

  • Simple and clear
  • Only one sentence
  • Language you use yourself
  • Work both at work and in private
  • Write several until you find the right one

Safety and learning

To feel that your purpose is being fulfilled and developed, our sense of security and learning is important. The human instincts are the same today as they were in the stone-age and our brain is divided into three motivational systems. The model created by Paul Gilbert consists of the red threat system, the blue drive system and the green soothing system.


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design principles for agile office spaces
At Spotify they did an analysis of all Spotifys RnD offices, how the people move, sit, collaborate and what they like or not.  The analysis has been used to build and renovate all Spotifys new offices.


Here are some of the key takeaways I have made from visiting Spotify and talking to them about their RnD office space and what it means to them and how they are looking to redesign the BJG RnD office in Stockholm. This is my interpretation of their thinking expressed in 10 Agile design principles for office spaces to allow aligned autonomy. You can read more about that visit in this post >


If you have Agile teams in your organization, or if you are planning to evolve in to an Agile learning organization, these design principles are for you to use to create an environment where Agile teams can thrive.

These are the 10 key design principles for Agile office spaces inspired by Spotify

  • No walls between teams – Instead they use string walls which has become a signature design for the Spotify spaces, allowing the teams to feel just enough separated but still getting the benefit of viewing and listening in to conversations – or they use sofa areas as natural separators. Also the string walls gives the possibility to put up work or fun stuff which makes the space even more personal and visual.
  • Only one coffee machine and kitchen per floor – so that people meet and interact with others outside of their squad (team) and tribe (teams).
  • Every employee should have their own desk – people tend to be very attached to their desks. Especially the developers that have several screens or people with a lot of other equipment or personal features.
  • Desks should be big enough for two people – this is to cater for easy access to pair work, wether it’s pair design or pair programming. High performing Agile teams do this a lot.
  • Sofa area in every squad area – it’s a great place to sit and discuss, and anyone can join in if they have a solution or more information. People also love to lie down and work by them selves during the day. Also they act as separators of space in a nice way.
  • Meeting rooms included in all squad areas – it’s one of the keys to efficient team work at Spotify to never have to book a meeting room to collaborate with people within the team. At Spotify squads have a 2 people meeting room to talk with someone face to face in private, a full squad meeting room – and in the new renovated space they will also have meeting rooms for 4 people.
  • As  much whiteboards as possible – it should be possible to collaborative and brainstorm and leave stuff on the walls on as many places as possible near the squads, but also in collaboration areas. It can never be too many whiteboards in an Agile organization.
  • Big screens accessible in all squad areas and meeting rooms – to make daily meetings efficient all squads have their own screens to use for meetings – and others to use to visualize their data.
  • Video conference equipment in all meeting rooms and squad spaces – it should always be possible to dial in to an office and join an conversation in a good way.
  • Space for fun and relaxation – strive for that everyone should feel at home and that they can find spaces to relax and have fun in, also in their spare time. Invite employees to come to the office with friends on weekends and of course to bring their kids.


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A few weeks ago me and Frida Mangen did a talk on Activity Based Seating for Agile teams for the WE network, Workplace Evolutionaries. Afterwards we invited them for a visit to the old Spotify BJG RnD office to experience and learn more about the mindset of Agile organizations and how the interiors can support high performance teams and aligned autonomy.

The group visiting Spotify consisted of office interior experts off different kinds, designers, architects, scientist and change makers. We met up outside the office at Birgerjarlsgatan. We were warmly welcomed by Zuza Majkowska who was acting as our guide for the tour, and at the end of the tour also Becca who is a team engeneering manager and part of the renovation committee also joins and tells us more about the teams perspective and their work with the ongoing renovation.
This post is mostly a transcription of these conversations during the viewing.


The Spotify building consists of 11 floors, and Spotify are renting all floors but one. The tour started in a common space in one of the few big meeting rooms where the group of 22 ppl squeezed in to learn more about Spotify first before viewing the space.


Striving for aligned autonomy in everything – also in the office space

Zuza: We are always striving for aligned autonomy at Spotify in everything they do, also in the space of our office.


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I´m so happy to share the Agile Coaching in a Nutshell poster also with all the Russians 🙂 Thank you so much to the wonderful Anton Serzhantov who has translated this poster.

This poster is aiming ro visualize the different perspectives, ways of working and competences in the role of an Agile Coach. feel free to download it and use it to develop yourself or others, increase collaboration and collective outcome or to help others understand what we can help with 🙂

FREE DOWNLOAD: Here you can download it for free in high resolution (PDF)

Agile Коучинг В двух словах


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This is a canvas you can use with your team to visualize some of the key concepts, facts about the team – but it is also a part of the process to build a high performance team to do the activities needed to fill out the canvas with the team. Keep it visual by the team and bring it with you on important team meetings.

Download the Team Canvas for free in high resolution (PDF) >
team canvas 1

Team Name
It is always great for the team spirit to come up with a nice and cool or funny name by them selves, don’t let any one else set it for them.

Purpose or Mission
It is crucial for the team to set a clear mission to enable them to focus and give clarity. It should be in connection with user- and business strategy and it is usually a job for the Product Owner if the team has one. What the team delivers and prioritizes depends on their mission. (more…)

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Business Performance TeamMost CEO’s today say Business Agility is important to them. It´s becoming more and more clear that organizations that enable their employees to find the best solutions to important problems outperform their competitors. To do this we many times need to take a very different perspective on how to manage our companies than what we have been used to. Old leadership principles and management practices don´t give the support or control they used to – they are instead actively hindering the organization from acting on new knowledge and doing whats best for the company and the customers.

How to create human and flexible organizations for more value

In this poster we cover the combination of the people perspective and the business perspective and how new perspectives and ways of working can enable business agility. Only once these two perspectives are in sync we can truly empower people and build learning organizations that not just handle complexity better – but even uses it as a business advantage.

To create this poster I have worked with two of the front runners within both of the areas (together with Managers) that most of all have to change to enable Business Agility, Bjarte Bogsnes within Finance and Pia-Maria Thorén within HR.

FREE DOWNLOAD: Here you can download the Enabling Business Agility Poster for free (PDF) >

FREE DOWNLOAD: Portuguese >


BUY: printed A1 poster
Enabling Business Agility

Pia-Maria Thorén - Inspiration Director at Agile People and Bjarte Bogsnes - Chairman Beyond Budgeting Roundtable. Björn Sandberg has also contributed with his elegant model for learning organizations.

TRAINING: Don´t miss learning all about how to do this at the awesome training “Enabling Business Agility” with Pia-Maria and Bjarte Bogsnes at Dandy People in Stockholm!

Beyond Budgeting Principles
Beyond Budgeting principles

Separating Business processes to enable Business Agility

Separate conflicting purposes into different processes and then improve each one

People Perspective – Theory X and Y

If we have an X view on people we believe they are lazy and don’t want to do a good job. They need to be managed and controlled to do their work and have very little creativity. This is reflecting how traditional management processes are set up.

If we have an Y view on people we believe that under the right conditions people like to work and that they are creative. People are motivated when they take ownership and set their own goals. This is a modern management view for the knowledge era of today.

Free to download, use and share


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Once again a big thank you to the crew at Adaptworks and Amanda da Rocha Reis for your effort to translate also this poster to Portuguese 🙂 As always, please feel free to use in your works it and share it as you like.

Here you can download the original poster in English >

DOWNLOAD: Here you can download the Portuguese Agile Coaching in a Nutshell poster for free (PDF) >

agile coaching poster portuguese

Free to download, use and share


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We are so happy to be able to share another of our Agile posters translated to Portuguese! Thank you so much AdaptworksFREE DOWNLOAD IN PORTUGUESE: the Propriedade de Produto Ágil as high resolution PDF >

Here you find the original English poster >

Propriedade de Produto Ágil


Free to download, use and share

The posters is published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Here you find all the other posters in the series that are now translated to 14 languages and downloaded over 70.000 times world wide.



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The speed of change today is extremely high as well as complexity, but our organizations and the way we manage it was invented for very different times – 100 years ago. The performance of traditional organizations are decreasing dramatically due to this discrepancy. For organizations to be able to adapt and find new flexible ways of thinking and working to deliver value a human view is key. To enable this HR and Finance must join forces and work in collaboration to change the system dramatically. Only then will organizations survive.

Don’t miss this new unique and important workshop
In the workshop you will learn how to enable business Agility through HR and Finance. This workshop is both inspirational with a lot of new thinking and cases, but you will also get to do hands on practical exercises on how to change the system together.

Join us in Stockholm at Dandy People on February 20 or April 11! Sign up and read more here >

Interview about how to enable Business Agility through HR and Finance (18 min)

This video is a short walkthrough of some of the core concepts behind the work Pia-Mia, Inspiration Director and Agile People Coach at Agile People and Bjarte Bogsnes, Chairman of the Beyond Budgeting Round Table, are doing and also part of the 1 day Workshop “Enabling Business Agility through Finance and HR” that you can read more about here >

You should join
Any Manager, Finance and HR people, as well as Agile Coaches or Change Leaders.


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We’re so happy to be able to present the Agile HR in a Nutshell poster in Spanish! Thank you so much Pablo Riviera  and Matias Fourment  for the awesome work with the translation!

Estamos descubriendo mejores maneras de desarrollar una cultura del trabajo comprometida, haciendo y ayudando a otros a hacerlo.
A través de este trabajo hemos llegado a valorar:

  • Redes colaborativas por sobre las estructuras jerárquicas
  • Transparencia por sobre los secretos
  • Adaptabilidad por sobre la prescriptividad
  • Inspiración y compromiso por sobre el management y la retención
  • Motivación intrínseca por sobre las recompensas extrínsecas
  • La ambición por sobre la obligación

Here you can download the Spanish poster for free – Agile HR en pocas palabras >

Agile HR en pocas palabras

Free to download, use and share


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This is a visualization of what we as Agile Coaches do and what competences we have. The purpose of this poster is to create a common understanding of this new role(s) and function for the rest of the organization – but also a way for us as Agile Coaches to use for growing our competences in a strategic way and building cross functional Agile Coaching teams.

At Dandy People we work as Agile Coaches at our customers and support them in Agile change journeys over time. I started to create this poster to create a common understanding at our clients, as well as within Dandy so that we have a shared view of our core capabilities. I have used it many times with great success, the confusion of what we do is gone in minutes and we can get started to bring value to people! This poster has now been updated many times with great feedback from you all.  The development has been in a collaboration with the experienced Agile leader Frank Olsen who is Chief Agile Coach at Simcorp, leading their LACE team. Thank you Frank for awesome collaboration!

FREE DOWNLOAD ENGLISH: Here you can download the Agile Coaching in a Nutshell poster for free in high resolution (PDF) >

FREE DOWNLOAD PORTUGUESE: Here you can download the poster in Portuguese >

FREE DOWNLOAD RUSSIAN: Here you can download the poster in Russian >

FREE DOWNLOAD TURKISH: Here you can download the poster in Turkish >

FREE DOWNLOAD SPANISH: Here you can download the poster in Spanish >

Free Download in Simplified Chinese: Here you can download the poster in Simplified Chinese >

BUY: printed A1 poster >

agile coach in a nutshell

Are you interested in becoming an Agile Coach?
Here you find our trainings for Agile Leaders and Coaches >

The content of the Agile Coaching in a Nutshell poster

The Agile Coaching Competency Framework
The framework that I find best describe the complexity of the role in a great way is the Agile Coaching Competency Framework by Lyssa Adkins and Michale Spayd at agile Coaching Institute. I have tweaked it a bit  to be able to use it on a broader perspective then within software development. My hope is that it can be used by Agile Coaches across the organization. The way they explain it is that every Agile Coach should master at least one area within the 4 main areas. (more…)

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Projekt Elmarknadshubben – Erfarenheter av agil upphandling ur både kundens och leverantörens perspektiv. Det här är en presentation från konferensen “Agile Procurement for Business Agility” 2018 som Dandy People var medskapare till för

Om föreläsningen
När Svenska kraftnät skulle upphandla en systemutvecklingsleverantör valde man att göra det på ett nytt och spännande sätt – en Agil upphandling. Under presentationen berättar vi: Vad fick Svenska kraftnät att välja att genomföra en icke traditionell upphandling, hur utvärderades leverantörernas kompetens och förmåga och vad var Svenska kraftnäts och den valda leverantörens utmaningarna och lärdomar av upphandlingen. (more…)

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Vi är så glada att kunna presentera vår senaste poster “Agile HR in a Nutshell” nu även på Svenska! Översättningen är gjord i samarbete med Frida Mangen som driver Agila HR Podden. Tack Frida för ännu ett roligt samarbete 🙂

Den här postern är en del i en serie av 9 st Agila posters som vi på Dandy People har producerat inom olika ämnen. Ni kan läsa mer och ladda ner även de andra gratis här >

Här kan du ladda ner postern gratis i högupplöst format (PDF) >

gratis poster - agil HR i ett nötskal


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This is the recording from the second of two webinars from the global launch of the Agile HR in a Nutshell poster made on January 15, 2019. The Agile HR in a Nutshell poster was created in collaboration between me and two of the pioneers in Agile HR, Natal Dank and Riina Hellstrom.

What to Expect in the webinar?

• Why organisations and teams are ‘going Agile’ and the implications for HR and the future of work

• What is Agile HR and how it is transforming the HR profession?

• Meet Mia Kolmodin and explore her Agile in a Nutshell infographic series

• Meet Riina Helström and Natal Dank from the Agile HR Community

• Explore the Agile HR in a Nutshell infographic and the core elements of Agile HR

• Understand the new knowledge, behaviours and skills Agile HR demands from a HR professional

• Open question and answer discussion

Download the poster


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Once again we’re so happy to be able to present one of our posters translated to a new language. This time it´s the wonderful Adaptworks who has helped to translate the new Agile HR in a Nutshell poster to Portuguese. We are so grateful!

FREE DOWNLOAD: Here you can download the Portuguese poster in high resolution (PDF) >

Agile HR in a Nutshell - Portuguese

Free to download, use and share

The posters is published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Here you find all the other posters in the series that are now translated to 14 languages and downloaded over 70.000 times world wide.

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The Agile ladiesWe’ve teamed up with the talented Riina Hallström and Natal Dank –co-founders of the Agile HR Community –  to create the first Agile HR in a Nutshell free infographic resource.

Join us for the global online launch on Jan 15th and webinar to learn how this excellent learning resource will help all Agile HR enthusiasts, from active practitioners to budding learners.

As for all our other free Agile in a Nutshell posters we share this poster for free with any one interested in using it. Here you find all the other posters in the series that are now translated to 14 languages and downloaded over 75.000 times world wide.

IN ENGLISH: Download the Agile HR in a Nutshell poster for free here in high resolution (PDF)

IN SWEDISH: Read more and download it for free here >

IN SPANISH: Read more and download it for free here>

IN PORTUGUESE: Read more and download it for free here >

IN TURKISH: Read more and download it for free here >

IN SERBIAN: Read more and download it for free here >

IN FRENCH: Read more and download it for free here >

IN POLISH: Read more and download it for free here >

BUY: printed A1 poster >


The challenge

How do I do a retrospective that feels like a live meeting though we are distributed?

I have recently started working with a new team. We are distributed in two locations with a 7-hour time difference. We have not met in person (yet). We use slack for our daily communication, using it both for text communication and audio calls. In the retrospectives we always use video since it’s so much better to get the feeling of being closer to each other.

My team had a history of using the 4L retrospective technique every sprint for a long time. They used slack video call and confluence for documentation during the meeting.

I wanted to do something different, and I wanted the retro to be as much like a live meeting as possible.

The solution

I read about the Speedboat retro and really wanted to try it, but I was not sure how I could make it work with the team being distributed.

I had a vision of us using an online sticky tool and putting our stickies on the picture of the pirate ship.


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Agile HR Poster - Global LaunchWe’ve teamed up with the talented Riina Hallström and Natal Dank – co-creators of the Agile HR Manifesto –  to create the first Agile HR in a Nutshell free infographic resource. Join us for the global online launch and webinar to learn how this excellent learning resource will help all Agile HR enthusiasts, from active practitioners to budding learners.

We’ll be hosting two webinars on Tuesday 15th January to cover different time zones around the globe.

What to Expect?

• Why organisations and teams are ‘going Agile’ and the implications for HR and the future of work

• What is Agile HR and how it is transforming the HR profession?

• Meet Mia Kolmodin and explore her Agile in a Nutshell infographic series

• Meet Riina Helström and Natal Dank from the Agile HR Community

• Explore the Agile HR in a Nutshell infographic and the core elements of Agile HR

• Understand the new knowledge, behaviours and skills Agile HR demands from a HR professional

• Open question and answer discussion

Sign up here:


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On the Agile contracting conference 2018 Maria Izzo presented how iZettle – Using Agile Contracting, went from idea to improving business in 6 months.

Salesforce was implemented globally to handle automated marketing, and Maria was responsible for the implementation.

Dandy People is part of and co-hosts of the conference.

Description of the talk

Maria Izzo, Automation Lead at iZettle, talks about how they refactored their CRM system merging two off-the-shelf solutions using Agile Contracting. These tools enabled them to go from idea, to working solutions in just 6 months. An interesting aspect of the challenge is that this involved updating critical business processes, around the globe.

About Maria
Maria Izzo is the Automation Lead at iZettle. The multifaceted nature of her background tells the story of a person who loves to learn, be curious and see the world. Her dream is to live in a world where humans can spend most of their time traveling, thinking, creating and exploring.

This is what inspires her every day to act upon the closest small-scale environment at hand – work – and strive toward simplifying and innovating small and big things whenever there is the opportunity.

She has found purpose in working hard to make processes easier, enable people to focus on what matters the most at work and decrease wastes of time spent on redundant, frustrating, unnecessary tasks.

View all the videos (in English) from all presentation on >

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I podden får du först höra Viktoria Sundberg från Kommittén för Ålands Digitalisering . Viktoria berättar om hur de har arbetat med digitaliseringen av Åland genom att samla in “gnäll” i en app, från invånarna på det som var sämst på Åland. Sedan höll man en tävling där man fick in förslag på lösningar och därefter skrev man ett Agilt kontrakt med de som hade bäst lösningsförslag. Lösningen de valde släptes precis efter konferensen och handlade om att förbättra Ålänningarnas dubbeltaxering.Ålands Digitalisering - Viktoria Sundberg

De intervjuar också Maya Jernström och Klas Ljungkvist från SBAB som berättar om hur de genom en Agil upphandling har kunnat utföra byte av bankens gamla legacysystem med Agila arbetssätt.

Maria Izzo berättar om hur iZettle genom att använda Agila kontrakt gick från ide till att förbättra sin affär med använda Salesforce globalt på 6 månader.

Vår egen Mia Kolmodin, som är en av arrangörerna av konferensen berättar om arbetet med att sprida goda exempel kring agil upphandling genom och den här konferensen.

Jonas Söderström som har skrivit boken: Jävla skitsystem!, och var en av besökarna på konferensen blir även han intervjuad 🙂

agilpodden på agolakontrakts konferens 2018Agilpodden var med på Agilakontrakts konferens “Agile procurement for Business Agility i Stockholm, oktober 2018.

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Christmas is a time for happiness and joy with family and friends. We feel so lucky to be part of an growing Agile Community in the world that care for each other across the world.

We know that not all people are as lucky as we are. Thats why we would like to take a moment to reflect, and to give to the children. We have started a fundraising campaign via the Swedish Charity organization; SOS Barnbyar. We hope that if you enjoy our posters perhaps you would like to join us in this Christmas Campaign to share with those we care about.

Join the Fundraising here (SOS Barnbyar) >

For the past 2 years Dandy People have created free Agile infographics that have been translated to many different languages, and downloaded over 50.000 times.

Dandy People Christmas Campaign


Join the Fundraising here (SOS Barnbyar) >

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A big thank you to the Agilist and Service Designer Ricardo Martins from Curitiba, Brazil, who has been kind enough to translate the Free Agile in a Nutshell poster to Portuguese! We are so happy that we can share this poster with even more people in the world.

Here you can Download the Resumo “Ágil” fro free in high-resolution (PDF )>

Resumo Ágile

Here you find all the other languages of the same, and other free Agile posters >

Free to download, use and share

The poster and other content is published under Creative Commons License, so please use it and share it as you like. If you are interested in doing a translation to any other languages (Chinese is coming soon) please let me know and I will help you with the file and publish it here in the blog as well.

You are free to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

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I våras blev jag inbjuden att medverka som talare på Agila Örebro. Det var ett väldigt trevligt event med massor av intressanta talare och deltagare från regionen, men också från andra delar av Sverige.

När kunderna kräver bättre digitala tjänster och produkter behöver företagen hitta nya sätt att organisera sig för att snabbare leverera kundnytta. Gör man inte det riskerar man att bli omsprungen av snabbare konkurrenter. För att lyckas med detta krävs medvetenhet hos ledning och ett strategiskt ledningsbeslut. Den här föreläsningen riktar sig till nyfikna ledare som vill möjliggöra kundfokus och innovation.


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In the same way as Aesop’s Fables from Ancient Greece talked about serious matters but transferred them into the world of animals, this game lets all participants play in a friendly environment where nobody is in their ordinary job role. Instead the whole team is challenged to draw randomly selected wild animals well enough so the “customer” can guess what animal is is. The challenge can only be overcome through learning about- and improving how the team is organized and how it works. Two to three hours of laughter, serious learning and quite silly-looking animals can be expected.

The game has been used in one of the largest companies in Sweden to give hundreds of employees a “hands-on” feel for the difference between resource optimization and flow optimization. Especially counter-intuitive ideas need to be experienced to really win acceptance and nothing beats having done it yourself. It also clearly illustrates the value of small rapid improvements in a complex situation (like when working with flow) where you can’t analyze your way to the perfect solution. Sometimes groups of more senior participants try to discuss for a long time before playing another 5-min round. This results in fewer rounds being played, less reality feedback being generated, a slower learning cycle and a lower final score. The team that has the global high-score in the game is a group of junior engineers who could decide rapidly what to try next, play more rounds and thus learn quicker what ACTUALLY worked best. A healthy atmosphere of wanting to change many things compared to the original (and really bad) delivery process was certainly to their advantage too. (more…)

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Since the customer is what drives the value in the organization, we must also organize accordingly. Narrow minded, sub-optimized-silos-days are finally over – future proof organizations with teams that have customer focus and can use their brain power to deliver value – here we come!

Poster downloads (PDF):

English version of the poster > 

Brazilian Portuguese version of the poster >

French version of the poster >

Spanish version of the poster >

Buy printed A1 poster >

business valueTo organize around the customer journey has proven to be extremely effective in order to deliver as much value as possible, as fast as possible – and to make the customer as well as the employees feel awesome! In most organization the organization structure itself is what´s causing the most pain – maybe no wonder when you reflect on that the silos based hierarchical organization is over 100 years old! You can download the Agile Leadership poster for more on that topic.

We are starting to see great results from organizations that have embraced this that makes for a strong business case for any organization. We love to be able to finally be able to share this concept with you. Enjoy!

The Over all Structure of the Customer Journey Product Organization

We have captured the over all visualization of how the organization can work hoping to give you a goal picture and a common understanding.

Here you can Download the poster in high resolution (PDF) > 

At Dandy People we support teams and organizations to become Agile to be able to focus on the business strategies and to mobilize the brain power in the teams to deliver value continuously. We call these value driven Agile teams for “Lean Teams” since they own the process end 2 end to deliver value, and that they also own the part of the service or product end 2 end. These teams work hypothesis based and have clear missions for 6-12 months with clear KPIs that gives them mandate to decide what to do when and enables them to have a ongoing learning process – all which is needed in a fast paced world if you desire to be the leading product or service within your niche. Crucial for these teams are of course the T-shape of the team members. The T-shape is something that enables the team to work as a team and it creates a really strong teams without dependencies to people within the team – and it also prevents the team to not do mini-waterfall in the team (just doing their part and handing over to the next). You can read more about T-shape here and how to grow it as a leader.

In this post you can download the poster for free and learn more about:

  • Lean Teams Connected to the Customer Journey with Missions
  • User research, Planning and Delivery across the Organization – connects as never before
  • Slicing for Value with User Story Mapping to create Alignment
  • The different type of teams
  • Cross-functional competences is needed in the Lean Team
  • Modern Agile and Continuous improvement of the System
  • Choosing what type of Organization you want to have Together
  • Avanza Leads the way with Lean Teams and Customer Journey Organization
  • Presentation on the Customer Journey Product Organization

Lean Teams Connected to the Customer Journey with Missions


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We’re so happy to share our Pattern Cards for Successful Agile Change now also in Spanish! Here you can download the 27 pattern cards for free and use them within your organization or with your clients.

Here you can download the Pattern Cards in Spanish for Free (PDF) >

If you like to get inspiration on how to use the cards you can find out more here and also download the the original English version of the pattern cards >


Spanish Agile Pattern Cards

In our breakfast seminar ”Agile change management” the participants each get a deck of Pattern Cards and are asked to choose the pattern that is most challenging for them right now.

Over 100 people have been asked this question. These are the top 3 challenges:

  1. WIP – limit work in progress
  2. Optimize for flow
  3. Minimal bureaucracy

Wip limit pattern card

What is WIP?

WIP is an acronym for Work In Progress and basically means how many different things are being worked on at the same time.

Many agile methods, like Kanban, strives to limit WIP, to reduce the number of concurrent initiatives.

Why should I limit WIP?

When you have many concurrent initiatives, working on many different things at the same time, you might feel effective, but in truth you are not.


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cynefin context cards

Free Download of the cards for printout (high resolution PDF) > 

You can also purchase these decks of cards in our Online Shop >

These cards changes the concept of estimation and help teams work and think as a team to innovate and discover the solution of the product, instead of just delivering it. If you work in Scrum you can use them on your Refinement, or on the Sprint planning. If your’e in a Kanban team you use them when ever you have need of planning.

Background and WHY

Much too often we see organizations where there are many handovers end to end from understanding there is a customer need to actually delivering something to solve it. This situation causes not only long lead times, but it also kills innovation and it often result in delivery of the wrong solution. The reason is that we too often don’t understand the complexity of the problem, and treat it as a simple or complicated problem. To enable a change in thinking around how to solve different problems and also a change in behavior, we created these cards.

We are all as humans eager to move in to the “solution domain” to early, it´s just human, and we´ve all done it. Perhaps because it´s much more fun to ideate. And often that’s also what we get rewarded for. This makes us often solve either the wrong problem, or find the wrong solution – both leaving us without impact. When solving complex problems it is important to stay in the “problem domain” for a bit to learn about the problem, the context and the people who has the problem.

When we work in Agile teams we need to find ways to take in both complex, not yet solved problems, in to the sprint, as well as deliver on those already discovered solutions that we know will work. Often we call this continuously discovery & delivery, -something many Agile teams struggle with since the ordinary scrum way to do estimates in story points does not help teams stay in the problem domain, but often forces them to move in to the solution domain premature. Asking teams to estimate solutions creates a fixed mindset opposed to a growth mindset which is what we need to be able to build an innovating learning culture, otherwise the problem will show when the team try to build it, making it take longer to deliver, or when the customer uses the solution making them call customer service complaining, or leaving the service.

These cards are a tool to enable that growth mindset and open up dialogues between the people and competences needed to understand the problems and build the solution needed to create business and customer value. (more…)

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Jag besöker Frida Mangen som är HR proffset som började intressera sig för Agilt och startade en podd för att lära sig mer. Frida kontaktade mig och frågade om jag ville komma på besök och vad jag helst ville prata om. Mitt svar kom snabbt, kompetensutveckling i Agila team, vikten av T-shape och Aktivitetsbaserade kontor.

Vi hade en väldigt trevlig pratstund om vad det innebär att jobba i Agila team, vikten av att ha T-formade kompetenser i Agila team och hur kompetensutveckling kan se ut i Agila team. Vi pratade också mycket om hur arbetsmiljön bäst kan anpassas för att få så högeffektiva team som möjligt, eftersom det är själva poängen med att ha Agila team. Att möjliggöra kreativa korsfunktionella team som kan utforska, lära sig om kundbehov och bygga fungerande kölsningar effektivt utifrån affärsstrategier har länge varit mitt stora fokus och intresse. Därför har jag länge oroat mig över trenden att HR och ledning ofta driver frågan om kontorsmiljö utan att involvera medarbetarna tillräckligt, och utan att alls förstå de Agila teamens behov. Aktivitetsbaserade kontor som är resursoptimerade istället för flödesoptimerade är ett tydligt och stadigt ökande anti-pattern. Här är kontorsutrymmena optimerade för att spara pengar på antal platser utifrån ett felaktigt antagandet att medarbetarna inte behöver sitta tillsammans för att leverera värde.

Frida som är ett superproffs har tillsammans med sin producent klippt ihop 45 minuter av vårt samtal som jag hoppas kan få fler HR-proffs att blir intresserade av vad Agilitet innebär, och vad dom kan göra för att vara en stöttande funktion.

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Équipes multidisciplinaires Agile

x-funktional teamLes équipes multidisciplinaires sont des équipes avec toutes les expertises néecessaires pour créer un produit et le mettre en production. Cependant, il ne suffit pas de rassembler un groupe de personnes différentes et de s’attendre à ce qu’elles agissent en équipe. Ce jeu essaie de montrer les conséquences du maintien d’une expertise et d’un rôle unique par les membres d’une équipe.

X-team silos game french

Instructions Préparatifs

Vous avez besoin de 48 morceaux de lego par jeu et par équipe, et ils doivent être dans 4 couleurs différentes, jaune, blanc, rouge et bleu. (more…)

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I just had the pleasure of buying a new apartment that needed some serious love. I liked the place from first glance and I feel in love. So I went for it, how hard can it be to do a complete makeover? =)

Have I executed complete renovations projects before? No. Do I have the time? Not really. Can I afford to involve a complete team of experts and designers and let them handle the whole renovation completely? Not quite. Do I know exactly what I want and need? I wish.

This reminds me of many agile transformation projects. No previous experience. Big gap between expectations and effort level. And many companies have little to no understanding of what they want and need.


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As leaders in the fast paced complex world of today you need to become a facilitators of growth. The ikigai canvas is such a tool that can be used to enable growth of people and in teams. It helps us see what makes us feel happy and what makes us grow as individuals, and if it is being done as a team activity, it helps us relate and understand others. When I created it I had in mind that it could be used in our professional life to coach people in their personal growth at work – and specifically to make them feel happy. Perhaps you can use it in your Agile team to facilitate this process, instead of having your yearly performance review 🙂

Ikigai canvas - free download

Download the free IKIGAI canvas here in high resolution (PDF) >

When work has meaning

I love when I get a new issue of the Harvard Business Review magazine, always inspiring and interesting, there is always lots of articles that grows my mind and gives me new perspectives. In the beginning of the summer, the issue focused on “When work has meaning”. One of the articles there made my brain think of the ikigai diagram that has been interesting me now the past 12 months or something. This connection in my brain made me starting to sketch on a canvas for personal development – perhaps something I could use for my self, as well as for us to use at Dandy People? (more…)

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When you are working with such a heartwarming idea as electric cars, you almost don’t need a pitch to be interested in joining it, that at least it goes for me. Deep inside of you, you feel like you are contributing to the greater global purpose. One that generations to come will simply enjoy like we do now with smartphones.

As you can read in the “Roadmap for a fossil fuel-free Stockholm 2050”:

“The City of Stockholm has declared its ambition
to be fossil fuel-free by the year 2050.”*

It feels both inspiring and exciting, knowing that you are seeing the history in the making, one that will inspire other cities worldwide and will make a global difference.

The Story

Art by Joanne Nh Wong
Art by Joanne Nh Wong

By sharing this story, story about a small scrum team, I’m aiming to inspire those who feel demotivated and lose hope and think their organisations will never join the agile revolution. This team who works in a large organisation, was put together in the same time as both department and the business were going through a reorganisation. The drive, commitment and trust that they put in each others skills helped them to reach their goals and shortly after that build up on their first success. Being cross-functional, with: UX, UI, testing, development, content management and marketing expertise, helped them to define clear path together.  The science behind this success is something I’m happy to share with you today.


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The amazing Guillaume Dutey-Harispe has once again translated our work to French 😀 We´re so humble that we have friends like Guillaume, and so proud to be able to share our Pattern Cards free to download and use also in French as well with you! Enjoy!

Download the French Pattern Cards in High Resolution (PDF) for printout here >

If you like to get inspiration on how to use the cards you can find out more here and also download the the original English version of the pattern cards >

Thank you Guillaume Dutey-Harispe,


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Tack Agila Sverige för ännu en fantastiskt bra och inspirerande konferens. Är så tacksam för att få vara en del av det Agila communityt som alltid är lika välkomnande och inkluderande.

Jag fick äran att bli en av de utvalda talarna. Min presentation handlade om resultatet från den undersökning som vi på Dandy People har gjort kring hur de som arbetar i Agila Team påverkas av Aktivitetsbaserade kontor (ABK) – eller vilket det ofta faktiskt egentligen är, Flexibla kontor.

I den här serien av poster finns också:

– Free Infographic 
The Free Report
Free PP slides of the report

See the other posts in this series:
Get  Seated for Agile – Free Infographic Poster (High Resolution PDF) on the topic, with shared learnings and data.
“The Agile Activity Based Seating Report 2018 (or rather Flexible Seating) – Free Slides” – The full report as PDF and slide share.
The first post that started the Series – “Flexibility in Agile and Activity based offices must be a perfect fit” – or does it?

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There is an increasing trend in Sweden to move in to something commonly called Activity Based Seating, what we discovered is often confused with Flexible Seating. We couldn’t find any data on the actual impact of these kind of seatings for Agile Teams. Thats why we did a survey to uncover the “truth” with 177 people answering and an open space session to learn more about what learnings are out there from people working Agile.

The Free Infographic Poster on Agile Seating

Free Infographic - Get seated for agile

Download the Free Infographic – get Seated for Agile here (High resolution PDF) >

Buy printed A1 poster >

The survey was presented at Agila Sverige 2018 and can be found here > At an Open Space session we got together to share experiences people had around ABS. The result of both is shared in this free infographic and we hope this information can bring value to you and your organization so that you can find better solutions together. Please feel free to use the content in any way you like. We would though be happy if you would refer to Dandy People if you take any content out of context. Thank you every one for joining in and sharing your learnings from the trenches of Flexible Seating and really great Activity Based Seating!

In this series of posts you’ll find:

– Free Infographic (your on the right place)
The Free Report
Free PP slides of the report
Video of me presenting the report (Swedish)

Activity Based Seating vs Flexible Seating

Activity Based Seating vs Flexible Seating

Activity Based Seating

  • Flow optimized, aligned with Lean & Agile thinking.
  • If there are Agile Teams, one activity the office is optimized for is Agile Teamwork.
  • More desks than people to optimize for flow.
  • Can be re-arranged quickly for new team members or team collaboration.
  • The goal is high performance teams.

Flexible Seating

  • Resource optimization, against Lean & Agile thinking.
  • No personal desks, fewer seats than employees, clean desk & wall policy.
  • Optimized for individual work, not team work.
  • Many organizations say they do ABS, but it is in fact FS.
  • The organization is “blind” and teamwork is banned.
  • The goal is to save space, and money, but deliveries from teams will fail and stress will increase.


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T-shape is about growing skills in people that might not be in within their core expert competence area. When coaching leaders, teams and organizations we’ve noticed that building T-shape is often a game changer that makes a big impact – but it might sometimes be more tricky than you think.

This is one of the 27 patterns for Successful Agile Change that you can download for free here >

When transforming to an Agile organization we often move from expert teams to cross functional teams. Growing t-shape is a way to enable the cross functional team to collaborate better and it helps them to work as a team instead of a group, meaning solving problems together instead of working as a mini-waterfall within the team. This helps the team become high performance and enables them to innovate and create better solutions.

Resistance to sharing competence and what to do about it

My experience is that organizations that have a strong expert culture may have more difficulties to become T-shape. Since you then might also need to change the culture from a hero culture to a team-playing culture, it can take some time. People might also struggle to keep their expert role since it makes them feel safe and perhaps it has also previously been the only way to make a career, get higher pay as well as also informal power. Changes might then be needed in how the structures are set up around roles and responsibilities before you start the coaching around T-shape.

In many organizations who want to enable high performance teams and T-shape, titels and roles are changed to simply “team members”, and instead we talk about competences, which is your T-shape. As a leader, you could support by help showing how the skill and performance of the team is more important than the expertise of individuals by perhaps celebrating as one team instead of highlighting individual performance.

Different leadership styles for developing skills in employees

In the Harvard Business Review I found this article that describes the research done on leaders and how they grow competence. According to their research there are 4 different leadership styles for developing skills in employees.

The different coaching styles of a leader: (more…)

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Free Pattern cards for Agile Change - 5 new

Our popular free Pattern Cards for successful Agile Change are now updated with 5 more patterns, totally 27 cards.

So far over 500 downloads + handouts of 400 physical printed cards and reports from people using them shows they bring value and enable structured conversations in leadership teams no matter what type of organization.

Free Download of the Pattern Cards For Successful Agile Change (PDF) >

– Stable Teams
– Reflection
– T-shaped People
– Distributed Decision Making
– Impediments Removal

Feel free to download and use them. Here you’ll also find examples of how to use them >


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Related Trainings
Our Trainings
Agil HR grundkurs – 1 dag På plats
Target Group: För dig som arbetar med HR och personalfrågor, exempelvis HR-chefer, HR business partners, HR-specialister, linjechefer, verksamhetschefer och konsultchefer i både privat och offentlig sektor.  ​
Teachers: Björn Sandberg, Frida Mangen, Jenny Persson
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